Hey, Crush! Be Mine 6

Lailou Fleurica Altamirandi's

Monday came, fugde! I dunno what to do. I don't know if I'm going to let my existence be seen by Synclair or not. What I did was a crazy move. I confessed what I feel for him through a video.

I shouldn't let my emotions that way. I should have befriend him first. I shouldn't have confess that fast. I have an aviator on my face while walking at the hallway. I need it to cover my face so if we had an encounter, he wouldn't notice me. And speaking of which.

He's walking towards my direction.


I walk as fast as I could but the ending was I got my face bump again into the wall.

The heck, Lou!?! Are you weak? Hahahahaha.

“Are you okay? Why are even wearing an aviator in a not so hot place?” His manly voice. Fugde! I'm going to die anytime soon. He's so near to me yet he's too far. CHAR!

"Miss?" he spoke again.