A hectic day

Omnipresent Narrator

Everyone got out of the car when they got to the hospital to attend to Scott and they were immediately attended by a nurse who took Scott to a place to check his arm but Ethan accompanied him for anything, he was worried.

Ethan narrates

* Inside the office *

Ethan: How is Scott? Is it something serious? - I said with a notable concern looking at the nurse-.

?: Quiet, he will be fine, it is nothing serious, he will recover in a couple of days - he said, finishing putting a cast on Scott's arm to immobilize him and make the recovery process faster - he cannot carry anything heavy, nor do risk activities. Understood?

Scott: Yes, okay, I will not do anything dangerous - he said standing up to leave the office - thank you very much, uh, excuse me, what's your name?

Anna: Anna -he answered with a smile, which made me a bit uncomfortable, so I had better get out first to let the others know-.

*In the waiting room*

Smith: Ethan How is Scott? Did nothing happen to he? -He asked showing his concern in looking at me like the others-.

Ethan: He's fine, don't worry, the nurse said that he'll be fine, he just needs to rest and shouldn't carry anything heavy -I said calmly as Scott left the office-.

Shaun: Thank goodness, by the way, where is he? -At the moment of saying this, Scott leaves the office and arrives accompanied by the nurse talking with a smile, Shaun approached the nurse- Can we take our friend home?

Anna: Of course, you can go now, he will be fine but whatever comes to see me if something what up, I am always here.

Scott: Oh, Anna they are my friends, he is Smith, Shaun, Henry, Ethan and Soe -She said pointing to each of us, she just waved her hand before Soe spoke-.

Soe: It's a pleasure but unfortunately I have to go see some things about the foundation of my family, I'm sorry, excuse me -she said, retiring-.

Scott: I think it's time to go, it's a pleasure to have met you, later we'll talk with more time because you are surely very busy- he said with a smile- see you later Anna.

* Outside the hospital *

Smith: Guys, I'm going to go to Mount Tai* for a couple of days, so I'll be staying at a hotel near the airport, because my father is very ill and Sara can't take care of him alone tranquillity.

* Taishan is a mountain in Tai'an, Shandong, China. It is one of the five sacred mountains of Taoism in China.

Scott: It's because of that or something else, isn't it Smith? -he commented, holding back his urge to say something, while Smith blushed a little when he heard what he said-.

Smith: Of course not Scott! Besides, you not are interested, winged donkey* -he said, changing the subject-.

*Scott is a fan of the pegasus, as is Smith of dragons, Ethan of the phoenixes and Henry of the swans. They use that as an insult to each other.

Scott: How did you call me mutant lizard? After that the two began to argue-.

Shaun: Guys please stop fighting.

Scott: Stay out of it -he was too focused on their discussion that he didn't notice the way he spoke to Shaun-.

Henry: Scott don't talk to him like that.

Scott: And who's going to stop me, duck? -everyone's screams were beginning to annoy me, I decided to shut them up-.

Ethan: Everyone to the car, now! -they were silent because of how loud I yelled and I started to go to the car-.

Scott: Who's going to force, rotisserie chicken on me? -after saying this, I grabbed him like a sack of potatoes, taking care not to trip his arm and take him to the car; everyone was surprised by the action I did- Hey, put me down!

Ethan: No, until I will put you in the car -I put him in the car, when sat him, down our faces were somewhat close, I could momentarily appreciate his eyes before separating from him-.

Omnipresent narrator

The others went to the mansion in Ethan's car, Henry was now the copilot looking at his phone, Ethan was driving, Scott and Shaun were in the back talking about some anime.

Scott: Shaun you have to see Nanatsu No Taizai* is an action anime, comedy, a little romance and a little bloody -Shaun accepted with the head but with a bit of annoyance since he does not like to see blood, much less battles- perfect, if you want when we get home we can see some chapters, of course if you want.

*Also known as The Seven Deadly Sins

Shaun: Sure I'll see it but what is it about? -he asked, looking confused at Scot-.

Scott: Well, it's about a princess who escapes from the castle to find some "traitors" to save the world. It could be said like this, she meets one of them without knowing it, who helps her find the others by traveling to various places full of danger. but you better watch it so you don't get spoilers.

After arriving at the mansion Scott and Shaun went down excited to see the series while Henry and Ethan stayed chatting calmly.

* In Scott's room *

The emerald-eyed boy wanted to know your friend's opinion about relationships between boys a few days ago, he wanted to know what his best friend thought about it, more than anything for the fear of being rejected. After a few minutes of talking about trivial topics, he managed to bring it up.

Shaun: Scott, what do you think about love between people of the same gender? -he said, eager for the answer from his friend-.

Scott: It really doesn't bother me, love is love after all, but what does the question come to? -he answered once he finished putting the series to see it once they finished talking-.

Shaun: It's not for nothing, just...curiosity, forget the topic, let's see the series better, to see if it is as good as you say, although I don't like the action and blood category very much but the important is to see how is -he said the last, showing a smile to the contrary-.

He spent more than an hour just for him to stay very focused on the series, he had already see been several chapters, as Scott had already seen, he started to go down to the kitchen for some things but first he asked Shaun.

Scott: Shaun, I'm going down to the kitchen for something to eat, do you want something to eat?

Shaun: Yes, I want an apple and a glass of water please -he answered without stopping watching the TV-.

Scott: I'll be back in a moment -he said, leaving the room to go to the kitchen where Henry and Ethan were still standing-.

* In the dining room *

Ethan: Hey, can I ask you something? -he said a little uncomfortable for what he would ask but he needs answers about what he feel-.

Henry: What is it? -he turned to see him to pay attention-.

Ethan: You...would you ever fall in love with a boy? -Henry, who was drinking some water, almost choked on hearing it-.

Henry: It depends on how the boy is, he does attract my attention physically or emotionally. But, what is this question about? Is something similar happening to you?

Ethan: It's hard for me to admit it but yeah, I think I'm falling in love with a guy but tell me, how would you know you were in love with one? -asked the blue-haired man with a voice calm but at the same time curious-.

Henry: I'm not really sure but little by little I would discover it and in all that time I would realize how important he is to me, I would not stop thinking about him, even if he ould not procreate that would be the least, he would love him with all heart and for nothing in the world would he be unfaithful, much less leave him -his mind began to remember a certain green-eyed boy, completely forgetting that the one in front of him was his brother- but now Tell me, what do you feel for that person?

Ethan: I still don't know very well what I feel, when I see him my heart races and I can't stop seeing him even out of the corner of my eye, my mind fills with images of him every time he talks, but leaving this for a moment aside, what is the boy's name? I could tell that you were thinking for a moment.

Henry: I'm not really sure what to tell you but whoever asked first, answer, Who do you like? -He said trying to avoid Ethan's question-.

Ethan: Agh, well, the person I like is ... -he paused for a few seconds and then answered- Scott -after saying this Henry was paralyzed for a few seconds- I know we are totally different but I have no idea how he came to be, what do you think I should do? -When the blonde did not react, he raised his voice, leaving a blow to the head of the contrary- Henry.

On the other hand, he still did not understand, the blonde how it is that the blue haired one, someone so serious and mature, he fell in love with someone so…childish and daring.

Henry: I'm sorry, the confession surprised me, I think you should tell him what you feel, he may not feel the same or maybe he does but you have to know if it is love or not because you can hurt his feelings and yours, you have to mentally prepare for any response.

Ethan: Thanks for the idea, it's your turn now, we'll be the same if you tell me who the person you like is.

Henry: Well the guy I like is ...

To Be Continue...