
Henry narrates

I was seconds away from telling Ethan that I liked his brother so all I could think of was that I would be a dead man as soon as I told him.

Henry: Well, the boy I like is ... -My attention went to the one who was making noise coming down the stairs, Scott, at this moment believed my salvation-.

Scott: What are you guys talking about? -He asked disinterestedly, going down the stairs and going to the kitchen- you guys keep talking. I'll be going in a moment -he said, entering the kitchen and leaving Ethan and me alone again-.

Henry: In fact, I just remembered that I have things to do, it may be late so they can tell the others that I will not come to eat -I walked away from where Ethan was to leave the mansion, not only an excuse to get rid of the question, I really had some things to buy-.

Ethan: Wait we haven't finished yet tal- - just before I finished speaking, I had already left the place where we were, leaving there towards the garage to take my helmet and my motorcycle-.

I headed to the mall; for some time I decided to buy a small gift to Shaun, the last time we came I noticed that he had seen a blue rabbit toy but Scott was in such a hurry that he could not buy it. It did not take more than 30 minutes to get to the mall, I parked my bike and started walking toward the shop where i saw Shaun to one that teddy, expected to be still there.

Henry: Excuse me, would it be too much trouble to put the stuffed animal in a gift bag? -I asked putting the stuffed animal, already paid for, on the counter, attracting the attention of the person who attended the place-.

X: It's not a problem young man. Did you know that rabbits are good luck? I can assure you that it can bring good luck to that person to whom you will give it - he continued talking about good luck and how special rabbits are while he finished placing the stuffed animal and some small ornaments inside the bag that he tied with a red ribbon - here you go, come back soon.

Henry: Thank you, have a good day -I left the premises with that huge stuffed rabbit, regretting for the moment not asking Ethan for the car to keep while I finish my shopping-.

As I could, I ended up carrying more than 4 bags full of work supplies, some training things and the stuffed animal on the motorcycle; It took me about three hours to buy so around 3:00 in the afternoon I went back to the mansion, about an hour it took me to arrive, I had in mind to arrive, set everything up and go to sleep.

Omnipresent narrator

* In the mansion * (3 and a half hours before)

Scott: What were Ethan talking about ? -He said with his hands full of snacks of all kinds, some past sugar, others past fat-.

Ethan: nothing important- -he has not finished speaking because he saw everything that the boy was carrying and that his brother would probably eat- Scott, remember that I have told Shaun who can not consume this type of things -he says, slowly approaching the aforementioned to take away what he considered his brother should not eat-.

Scott: No, thanks, I need it to enjoy the series -he smiled and left the place, running towards the stairs avoiding being caught-.

He climbed the stairs as fast as he could, went into his room, locked it and leaned against the door, stretching and bending his legs after that mini run. He needed to train more.

Shaun: What happened Scott? -He looked up, but not before pausing the television and then helping him with the things he had in hand, he had a cast and that made it difficult to hold everything- Why were you running?

Scott: It's nothing, just that your brother wanted to take things away from me -he spoke quickly trying not to get stuck, he needed to train-.

Shaun: Why did you want to take them off? -he asked curiously-.

Scott: Because it says you ... can't ... eat it. -he was trying to regulate her breathing-.

Shaun: Huh? -He stays for a few seconds looking at nothing, repeating what his friend told him, making the memory of his brother asking him not to eat sweets return to his head- now that I remember, it's true, I can't eat this kind of thing according to my brother told me -he made a false face of sadness at what he said, he liked to joke with his friend about his brother's attitude-.

Scott: Do not worry, just close the door to secure -pointed to the door behind him, rested so victorious while eating a snack sweet- and one or ot ro way we can eat as many nacks as you want, I brought all I found.

Shaun: Perfect, only if something happens to my teeth, you will be the one who will pay the dentist -he expressed as if he was reproaching him for the damage that did not yet exist-.

Scott: No problem, Soe's foundation supports me -he laughed at his comment and then turned to see his friend who had several sweets in his mouth, they were small but the oldest knew that some could leave, that he would get stuck, he was scared to seeing his friend started coughing mild and seconds later he took a deep breath, both breathed again quietly- Shaun not put many sweets mouth, your brother would kill me if you know that almost drown you with what I prevented me take off -He mildly scolded the boy for his actions. It took a few minutes in silence until the brown-eyed one remembered what Henry asked him to comment on to the others -Oh, by the way, Henry came out about a while ago he said he won't be here until afternoon so there's no need to do that eat -he finished saying watching television now, without noticing how his friend blushed at the mere mention of the name-.

Shaun was nervous with the simple mention of the oldest with blond hair and that is, who doesn't? Yes it is the guy who likes for several years.

* Flashback *

Shaun had spent difficult days with his colleagues and friends, Henry was unconscious after being hit with a car while he was going to train, the driver was drunk and Henry was left with multiple injuries, needing liters of blood which only Shaun could donate to him since they did not find anyone compatible and there was no time. Thus, Shaun donated all the necessary blood and he cared little about being unconscious for a week, with Henry being next to him, who woke up on the third day that Shaun was in that state.

And while his days returned to tranquility after finishing his days of fighting to live , he began to notice that his sight, no matter how much he was with all his friends, it always ended in Henry , every time the blonde looked back or a smile his heart was racing and his cheeks were turning a pastel red, making him imagine what it would be like to be able to take her hand or a kiss ...

At this point he already knew that what he felt was not a feeling of friendship for the boy, it was something stronger. He was in love with a boy, not just anyone, Henry .

* End of Flashback *

Shaun: Oh, it`s ok -he answered smiling, coming out of his thoughts and showing a red tone on his cheeks, drawing the attention of the opposite-.

Scott: Are you okay? You're a little red -He tried to sound normal, he didn't want to show he was worried-

Shaun: Huh? Of course, it's just ... the heat, lately it's hotter and I'm blushing fast -he smiled nervously, he was lying, that wasn't normal for him.-.

Scott: Luckily, your brother would kill me if he finds out something is happening to you in my presence -he commented to the minor, remembering how the blue-haired one was chasing him so much that it became funny-.

Shaun: Do not worry, my brother is a good person, only he shows his affection in somewhat different ways -he answered, opening the door of the room to get out of this- if he helps you, I will go talk to him so that he does not- -He couldn't finish his sentence as a certain tall, blue-eyed boy passed in front of his brother without warning-.

Ethan: Thank you for opening the door Shaun now, yes you allow me -he entered, looking with annoyance at the brown hair although deep down, he found it fun to follow the boy- Come here, Scott -he spoke starting to walk terrifyingly slowly towards the boy-.

Scott: Shaun , help me! -he said starting to run inside that space that was his room, a place where everything was messy, causing him to stumble; the eldest tried to take him by the arm to prevent his fall but it was useless, they both fell, Ethan on him without touching the cast that the minor was wearing, joining their lips delicately for the second time, they separated as fast as their bodies allowed, they felt embarrassed- I'm sorry, I-I didn't want- he spoke once they were both far enough away from each other without looking at each other, he was too nervous and it showed in his actions-.

Ethan: Don't worry, it was an accident, after all, you need to clean your room, it's chaos - he hid all the nervousness he had about the kiss quite well, he was grateful that his brother left once they started running after each other-.