Revealing my feelings Pt. 1

Henry narrates

* Outside the mansion *

I was about to enter the mansion when I heard some noises coming from inside so I rushed to open it door and see what was happening, when I was able to enter I calmed down instantly after being able to hear well how Ethan was yelling at Scott, it was their fights daily, he was used to it. I opted to go to my room to rest after battling with 4 bags and a huge stuffed animal on a motorcycle, then I would give the stuffed toy to Sh to one , for now I would rest.

Shaun: Hi Henry , where were you? -I was so immersed in my thoughts that I didn't notice when Shaun approached me , he looked nervous and had a slight blush. I was not far behind-.

Henry: I was at the mall, why? Something happened? -I saw the body of the minor, he was still wearing the same clothes from a while ago but this time it was stained with what looked like caramel- What were you doing?

Shaun: Oh no, nothing happened, I was watching a series in Scott's room -well, they can call me crazy or whatever they want but it really put me in a bad mood knowing where he was, yes well Scott wouldn't do anything with him , It kept bothering me- one second - he spoke, frowning, I didn't understand anything until he spoke again, a minute later- Do you hear any noise? Scott or my brother?

Henry: Well, now that you mention it, since I came in I haven't heard anything -I replied as I tried to hear some noise-.

Shaun: Has something happened to them? Anyway, I'll go see -He turned on his heel, heading for the stairs but something made me grab him by the wrist-.

Henry: Wait -he turned to see me while he still did not let go-.

Shaun: Henry? -He spoke to me more, I did not answer at once, I only looked at those green eyes that I loved so much and it was then that I decided, it was now or never-.

Henry: I need, want and require to talk to you, could you accompany me to a place to talk?

Shaun: Huh? I ... Okay -I smiled at his affirmation as he took his hand and began to guide him to the motorcycle but I could tell that he did not get any closer to it-.

Henry: Shaun?

Shaun: Well, I've never been on a motorcycle and I'm a little scared, don't you prefer to walk? -I looked at him amused and a little touched, he was one of the best when fighting but he was afraid of things like this-.

Henry: Don't worry, nothing will happen, trust me, come on up - I got off the motorcycle and helped him, I passed him the extra helmet that, I kept in the garage I could notice how his nervousness diminished a little once with the helmet on. When he finished I got on, took my helmet and headed to that little secret place that I had found in the forest, it was simply beautiful and I knew he would love it-.

Once we got to the place I parked the motorcycle, leaving the helmets over stored inside it. I took Shaun to the place and just seeing him at first glance he was amazed. How do I know? His eyes are too expressive and his face shows emotion; I allowed us to enjoy the breeze and the beauty of the place a little more for a few minutes, but seeing how Shaun closed his eyes and the sun's rays hit him, I decided it was time.

Henry: Shaun? -I caught his attention making him turn to see me, he looked beautiful with all the flowers of different colors in the background-.

Shaun: Yes?

Henry: Well, it's a bit of a touchy subject, it's something important to me, could you hear me? -I could notice his slight nod, his face looked confused-.


Henry: What I have to tell you has a beginning, more than 2 years ago I realized something, I realized that I did not look at you in the same way as Scott, Smith or Soe, I realized that you were special to me in every way -I took a breath of air to follow- my gaze was always on you, I realized that I loved everything about you, your perfect imperfections, you became my distraction, that light that illuminated my world since I lost to my mother and I do not say it as if it were a simple emotional support, you are THAT feeling that to my heart has been missing for a long time, how to say it, every time you smile, every time you look at me, it fills me with enormous happiness, I would spend the whole day listening to you speak without getting tired, your voice is so sweet that it numbs my senses - I approached him a little to take his hands, I was grateful that he did not push them away but he was surprised - as I told you a moment ago, you have made my empty and gray life something new, something full of joys, of colors and sensations, you made me smile again, laugh again, in a few words you made my life take a 180 degree turn, you taught me the good in the world, that not everything in life is fights, I know this can being uncomfortable for you, having a boy come forward to you can be hard to believe and I really don't want to scare you or make you feel uncomfortable once I finish talking but I would like you to know that you were in me, are and will be the first and only person who made and does my heart beating -I let go of his hands slowly, he was still surprised it seems to be but I had decided, once I said everything and if it goes wrong, I would withdraw from there, from the sight of him and others so as not to bother- I fell in love with you, Shaun, your smile, your eyes, your way so sweet to treat others, your voice so soft that it feels like a caress, everything and although I know that I could get a negative answer from you , I know that finally sharing my feelings is enough for me -I finished and breath again, I felt relieved but at the same time I began to be anxious for the seconds that seemed eternal, I did not want to rush it, I wanted him to get out of his Shock with the passage of time although it disturbed me-.

Narra Shaun

He couldn't believe what he was hearing and seeing. Henry, the boy with whom I have been in love for several years, at the moment was telling me his feelings while I am in a total state of Shock. Each and every one of his words I felt as if thousands of butterflies fluttered in my stomach, call me immature for expressing what I felt like this but there really was no feeling more satisfying than this.

It took me longer than I thought in a state of Shock; It had been almost 2 minutes since Henry had finished speaking, he was looking at me between anxious and worried about how he would react and the silence of the place did not help. He needed to start talking or he would misunderstand me.

Shaun: Henry - I was able to formulate while all the words I wanted to say were stuck in my throat, just when I was trying to say something, the desire to cry with happiness invaded me; I could have been a warrior, a fighter, whatever you want to say, but I could never have a hard heart, everything made me happy, angry or made me cry, just like in these moments. I turned my body completely towards Henry, I had to tell him everything, it no longer mattered that he saw me cry- you win me in every way -I laughed at myself comment, I think I confused him since he has raised an eyebrow- your statement is the most beautiful I have listened and I will listen in my life, so beautiful that you left me speechless -the first tear began to appear- although it sounds drier in some way, I feel the same way towards you, Henry, you make my days something magical, I never thought that You were what I always expected, all my life I have had the love of my brother and I knew that I was not alone but I never believed that for a while I began to develop feelings for you, making my life something more beautiful, I feel serene every time you are next to me even if you accelerate my heart greatly, even if it sounds contradictory -I smiled, approaching him while putting our hands together- you make me feel complete when I feel bad, I could talk about the thousand and one things that you provoke in me,from making me feel heaven with your smiles or with an understanding look to making my day perfect with just as simple as helping me achieve something, even if I won or lost a "street fight" so to call it because I felt good after all your care, I never thought I felt that good with anyone, you became my first love, my first and only love -I looked at our hands for a moment, they were intertwined, they fit perfectly- in my eyes you are perfect, brave, strong, kind, smart, sweet, funny, all in one -I looked into his eyes now, I needed to say the latter seeing his eyes- in all these years I discovered what it was to love, what it was to love someone, what it was to love you -I took a few seconds to appreciate his face, it is so beautiful- I love you, Henry -I whispered loud enough for him to hear it more I did not expect a reaction from him- if you allow me to show you all my love with my act- -I felt his arms r odearme, leaving me surprised without speak, I only limited myself to reciprocate the hug-.

Henry: Shaun, you are the most perfect man in the world, did you know that? I was so nervous that I thought I would forget everything just to see you, I really wished I could do this, hug you, tell you how much I love you, how much you mean to me -I lift my face to match yours- Can I kiss your lips? -he asked, moving his eyes from mine to my lips. I could only nod, I felt like dying right now-.

Five words, five simple words altered my heart even more, I felt that at any moment I was going to go into cardiac arrest, all those beautiful words. Absolutely all of this was beautiful.