Little Lie And Jealousy

Narrates Henry

Once we got away from that beautiful place after a small dinner, we got home, where I could see Ethan's car outside the garage, I assumed that he came to see Shaun unexpectedly. I sighed, hoping it didn't make a drama when seeing Shaun come with me.

Ethan: Oh God, Shaun, where were you? I was worried about y- -he was silent, seeing me behind Shaun- Were you with him? -he said, looking at me with some contempt-.

Shaun: Yes, well not really, I just ran into him at the mall when I went to buy something -He was so nervous that his hands were shaking slightly, because if his brother finds out that I have been with Shaun, no matter that if only he would have accompanied, it kills me-.

Ethan: Well -he looked at me, trying to see that he didn't lie because he knew how to make a person nervous, except for me- you took so long that I won't have time to be with you -he sighed, closing her eyes briefly- I'll go see a friend, we see soon -he said, giving me a look of few friends-.

Henry and Shaun: Friend? -both we inquire in unison-.

Ethan: Yeah, why does it sound weird? -He raised an eyebrow even though his brow was furrowed-.

Shaun: Don't take it as a bad, brother, but it's not common for you to go out and even less with a friend -I smile nervously-.

Ethan: It's just Esmeralda, nothing important -he took his keys next to his phone starting to walk towards the front door- I'm leaving, the others left so, unfortunately, you two will be left alone -he said with a frown- goodbye brother, you fall asleep early, don't fall asleep late, remember what- Shaun's voice cut him off, surprising Ethan and me-.

Shaun: Yes brother, I know, I'm not a little boy anymore so you can't send me to do things that I know what I should do -he said goodbye to his brother until he left our sight, he started going upstairs but i stopped he, taking by the wrist-.

Henry: We're going to watch TV in the living room and I don't know maybe we found one of those animes that you like- I said, he thought about it for a few seconds and then smiled and nodded at me, we went to the living room and sat on the biggest chair-.

Shaun had started to see if he found something interesting to see, after being in the room for a while doing nothing, I wanted to have a drink, I got up from the chair and started walking a few steps and then turned my face towards Shaun.

Henry: Shaun, do you want something to eat? -My voice sounded strong, however, I didn't get an answer- Shaun? -I approached him and gave him a kiss on the cheek making him start, turning to see me finally- I asked you if you wanted something from the kitchen but since you weren't answering me so I approached, you were hypnotized looking the TV-I laughed low at the slight blush on her cheeks that made him look sweeter-.

Shaun: I'm sorry, I entertained myself -he smiled as he placed the remote control by his side- there is no need for you to go, I will go t- Auch- he tried to get up but apparently the pains from exercise were beginning to have more effect-.

Henry: Are you okay? - I sat next to him, I knew that those pains were strong but I didn't think that much-.

Shaun: It hurts -he smiled and gave a little laugh pointing to his sides and legs. I sighed and smiled slightly-.

Henry: It's normal at first, you lost the habit, I'll find a pill for it but you must have something in your stomach too, do you want something to eat? -I helped him settle into the couch before slowly walking into the kitchen waiting for his answer-.

Shaun: Sure, I'd like a sandwich and a soda please, plus the pill.

Henry: First the food, then the pill, I'll be back in a moment I'll -I walked normally to the kitchen to look for a pill from the medicine cabinet we had because of Scott who always hurt himself, I took the pill along with what Shaun gave me he asked, in addition to a glass of water and a drink for me, after placing everything on a small tray I returned to the living room, sitting next to him-.

Shaun: Henry -his voice sounded calm, too calm that it causes shivers- you know I hate when they drink alcohol -frowning, taking the drink from my hand leaving it on the table, away from me-.

Henry: Shaun -I extended his name, hugging him around the waist while I gave him light kisses on the face- please, he only has 0.3 of alcohol, it's nothing. Please allow me to take it - he could be younger than me, less strong than me but in one way or another I liked to fulfill his requests, to a little "pampering" him-.

Shaun: Ugh, how to say no when you're like this -he caressed my face, placing a kiss on my lips, which I returned- just one.

I had my drink, he what he was going to eat and just when he finished he took the pill from him. After that Shaun settled his head on my shoulder and without realizing it we fell asleep, me hugging Shaun's waist, him with his head on my chest and a blanket that kept the warmth of both of us.

Omnipresent Narrator

The next day, a little better, Henry and Shaun went to their respective rooms to take a bath individually and later spend the day in Shaun's room. Being a few hours later that the silence and peace of the place was interrupted by the loud voice of Scott.

Scott: At last in my house -he said as he threw himself on the couch-.

Smith: Scott, could you stop being so lazy for once in your life? Tomorrow they will come from the foundation of Miss Kamisokko and I will need your help to organize everything for the meeting -he said, to go to the kitchen, taking out the bottles of champagne Louis Roederer Cristal Rosé 2002, putting them on one of the kitchen shelves next to the flute glasses, special for this type of drinks-.

Scott: As they will come tomorrow I will go to my room to sleep a little and later I will help you to do something in the kitchen, if I do not burn anything -he smiled, went to his room where he stayed watching some series on his television, could not fall asleep-.

Smith: God... -he sighed, remaining in an almost absolute silence, but her tranquility was interrupted by the noise of the door; opened the door- oh, hello Jade, go ahead -he said, stepping aside to that the young woman passed-.

Jade: Hi Smith, thanks, excuse me -she looked around her, noticing how it was all so lonely- excuse me, is Scott there? -when she said this, his cheeks turned a pastel pink in addition to the blush that he had on them-.

Smith: Yes, he is in his room, I think he is asleep but come up if you want, I do not think he will bother - he took little importance, giving the girl the confidence to pass because she had previously already entered the mansion-.

Jade: Thanks, then I'll go up, permission again -she went upstairs going to the brown eyed boy's room- Scott are you there? I'm Jade -she touched the door lightly, trying not to disturb to the boy-.

Scott: Jade? Come in, come in -he spoke, sitting down on the bed and putting her phone aside- What brings you here?

Jade: Well...- she was hesitant to speak so she extended the medium size box towards Scott- I brought you an apple pie for you to eat with the othe- -she was interrupted when she felt the pie being snatched away from her hands-.

Scott: I'm not crazy, I'll eat it by myself -he smiled and gave a little laugh after realizing his childish way of acting for food- I'm sorry, I love your cakes -he took the cake out of the place where it was, cutting a piece with a small knife that he herself had; savoring the taste of her until he finished with a full stomach while he continued talking to the girl with sky blue hair-.

*On the ground floor*

Smith: What the...? I forgot to buy napkins -he left the utensils he used while cooking on the sink and then went to the front door to leave, when he opened the door he saw Ethan who was about to insert the key in the door- oh, Ethan, I have to go out See you -it was only a few words before Smith left the major's field of vision.-.

Ethan: Bad day -he sighed since her work had been more arduous than other days but she knew it would be rewarding. Knowing this, she smiled; when he passed by Scott's room, he inadvertently heard Jade's voice- she again -somehow or another she had developed a certain resentment towards the girl because she knew that she would get too close to Scott and he does not realize-.

Ethan narrates

My day had been heavy and to make my day "more enjoyable", Jade was with Scott in her room.

"Alright Ethan, calm down, don't let your jealousy surface, she's just a friend of his, he's never seen her with different eyes, right? Ugh."

After arguing internally for more than half an hour, I was able to calm down, deciding not to stay in my room, assuming by the time, Jade had already left, I left my room and headed towards the stairs but, as I passed by the Scott's room I couldn't help but get closer to hear if she was still there, apparently there was no noise and that bothered me a bit since he is never quiet.

Ethan: Scott? Are you there? - I knocked on the door several times but he never answered me, as he did not answer me, I opened the door- Scott? -I searched every corner of his room but there was no one- Where has he been? -I decided to let the matter pass and then go to the kitchen to eat something since I had not had breakfast in the morning. Going downstairs, I found a note in the dining room, which read:

"Scott and I went out to buy the last foods that were missing for lunch, we will return at dinner if Scott does not entertain himself shopping."


I ended up giving more importance to the fact that I was upset to see Scott with Smith, not is that Smith is going to try to do something to Scott but he is overly indulgent with him. In the end, my hunger disappeared.