Meeting Of Friends And Little Date

Narrates Smith

I had had to go downtown for some things, it took me no more than an hour and a half at most, so having everything I headed home again; as I was entering I found Jade who was about to leave, after she left the house, saying goodbye to me, I went to the kitchen, starting to take everything out to accommodate it in its place to have everything ready before tomorrow after setting everything up, I saw Scott entering the kitchen, it was either to ask for something to eat or to ask me for help with something.

Scott: Hi Smith, how are you? -he asked with a smile but not just any smile, that smile was that of "I want something"-.

Smith: Hi, I'm fine and you? -I replied, but without stopping to do my things-.

Scott: Anyway, well, I was wondering if... - "I knew" - Would you like to accompany me for a walk through the mall? -he looked at me with big eyes and a shy smile, knowing that it was my weak point with him, being the truth that I could not resist-.

Smith: Hmm -I sighed- okay, let me put a note that we're going out -I wrote the note and then grabbed my wallet, cell phone, and car keys and headed to the mall-.

Omnipresent narrator

*At the mall*

Scott: Look! -he shouted going to a stuffed animal store where he observed a huge Pegasus stuffed animal, turning to see the tallest one with sparkles in his eyes- Smith, buy it for me, please, please -in the form of a prayer, making cute faces and pouting faces to make the older agree-.

Smith: How can I deny that face -he sighed, resigned to falling into Scott's childish charms whenever he wants something- okay, take it -he spoke with a smile when he saw how Scott jumped from side to side, just like a little boy with new toy-.

After Scott and Smith were shopping for a few more things for a while, the younger one got hungry, so they both headed to a small restaurant for lunch. Upon reaching the place, they took the table closest to the exit, as soon as they sat down a waiter approached them, leaving the menus and waiting for the order.

Scott: I'll order a double burger with potatoes and a soda, please -he ordered, leaving the menu aside- How about you, Smith?

Smith: I just want a classic hamburger, please -he replied, also leaving the menu, being taken by the waiter once he finished writing, leaving after that-.

After eating and paying for everything, both boys went to a park near the shopping center, where they began to talk about trivial things until the younger began to feel sleepy, being so they preferred to go home but apparently time passed too fast because they arrived at dinner time, when they arrived neither Scott nor Smith noticed the presence of a blue-haired boy somewhat annoyed at seeing "his little one", a nickname he had given him for a while, so smiling with the one with black hair.

Scott: Thanks for everything you bought, real- -He was interrupted by a fake cough from the black hair one and he asked him to turn to where Ethan was- oh, h-hi Ethan -he didn't even know why he was stuttering, if well, he wasn't doing anything wrong-.

Ethan: Hello Scott, Smith - he greeted the last one with a little more seriousness since this was the culprit that he felt jealousy - from what I see they had a good time, right? -his voice sounded irritated, drawing the younge attention-.

Scott: Yes, everything was fine -he answered the question, without knowing why the older one had so much irritation- but we did nothing but see some things -he excused without knowing the reason but wanted the older one to stop looking so upset-.

Ethan: Oh, and that stuffed animal? -the boy with brown hair could feel how the older was looking at him in an authoritative way, he wanted to answer more the words did not come out-.

Smith: Well I gave it to him, do you have a problem with that, Ethan? -he asked without expression-.

Ethan: No ... no -he cleared his throat, a little calmer- I'll be in my room -After saying that he went to the stairs and immediately afterwards the door was heard slamming heavily-.

Smith: What's wrong with Ethan? -he asked himself, leaving the subject completely aside because he was not interested in bringing it up again, he only limited himself to going to his room after leaving everything in the living room-.

Scott: Ethan behaved very weird, he seemed, somehow, jealous - as he processed the word he just said, he felt his heart race - it can't be, can it? No, the most likely thing is that he had a bad day and that is why he did that interrogation but he seemed very upset and that's weird ... -he stayed for a few minutes getting ideas and possible reasons to calm his heart- better I stop thinking that, yes I'll do that. -he goes upstairs and goes to her room-.

Everyone woke up a little earlier than normal by the arrival of the gentlemen invited to the meeting; the first to get up was Shaun because he wanted to prepare breakfast for everyone, after having been cooking for a while, he could hear the footsteps of someone on the stairs, noticing that it was Henry and although he had wanted to wake him up, he could help him prepare the table.

Henry: Good morning love -he spoke when he found himself behind Shaun, he took him by the waist, the emerald-eyed one turned around quickly, planting a kiss on his boyfriend's lips and turning to continue handling the pan -.

Shaun: Good morning honey, I need you to help me set the table, Can you? -he asked without taking her eyes off the front, since you could burn what he was frying-.

Henry: Sure, How do I say no to my cute boyfriend? -I pressed one of the boy's cheeks-.

Shaun: Enough Henry- he laughed as he let himself be kissed on the cheeks-help me with the table, the others will come down soon -he smiled, making the blond fall in love once more.

Henry: Okay, honey -After talking, he started taking out the plates, he was putting them on the table and once he fixed everything, he went to the living room, sitting down to watch some television before everyone woke up. Shaun went to wake everyone up, the easiest to wake up was Scott because Shaun just said "Let's have breakfast", he got up quickly-.

After having breakfast between laughs from Scott and scolding from Ethan, everyone dispersed around the house, Smith and Shaun stayed in the kitchen because they were the ones with the most experience cooking and wanted to make presentable dishes for everyone who would come to the meeting. Therefore, they were cooking much of the morning until at noon everything was ready just in time when the front door was hit.

Scott: Nice to see you again, your trip was- -he paused for a moment when he saw who he least expected - Adam! -He shouted and threw himself to hug the named one who gladly hugged him back- I missed you all a lot -some of the newcomers present hugged him, they were hugs so strong that they almost took his breath away-.

Adam: I missed you anyway, Scott, we all miss you -he replied stroking the hair of the brown-eyed boy, although in the distance he felt a cold look but decided not to give it any importance- come on, we have a lot to talk about.

Scott: I would say a lot to talk about -he smiled- oh, right, Smith and Shaun cooked for you, we hope you like it -everyone present went to the dining room to be able to have lunch with their minors because that was the main idea when going to Miss Kamisokko's mansion-.

After lunch was over, some gentlemen stayed in the room looking at documents with Miss Soe and others stayed talking to the little ones, asking them questions about how they were doing after a break from work and intensive training. The only ones missing were Henry and Shaun, who were in the upper area of the mansion, in the Shaun's room.

Shaun: I love spending time with you, Henry -he rested his head on the man's shoulder-.

Henry: I also love spending time with you, little one -he approaches the boy's face and gives him a little kiss on the cheek- would you like to go to the movies with me tonight? -I asked-.

Shaun: Sure love, with you anywhere -he laughed, being kissed seconds later by the blond- Is there a movie you want to see in particular? -he asked as the blond turned to see him-.

Henry: You know I don't like watching anime very much but the movie "The girl who leapt through time" was released -when he answered, he turned to see the green-eyed one, noticing how there was a reaction on his face of amazement-what? -asked the blond-.

Shuan: No, nothing, it's just that you don't like anime.

Henry: But I want to know more about your tastes -the Shaun's heart felt happy and moved, he did not know that the blond could be so romantic-.

Shaun: Really, Henry? -the eldest smiled at him and nodded- Oh my love, you know I love that kind of thing, come here -he grabbed his partner by the cheeks, bringing his lips together in a tender and short kiss- it's a bit cold outside, I'm in summer clothes, I better change. -he got up from her place and walked to the closet determined by an outfit that he had prepared in advance to go out. He put on a navy blue shirt, white pants that included wine red suspenders and finally pulled out a thick jacket black- perfect -he spoke when he saw himself in the closet mirror-.

Henry: You look beautiful, Shaun -he got out of bed, mesmerized by the beauty of his boyfriend of him in that outfit, he always ended up falling in love with him in one way or another; he approached Shaun taking him by the waist in a hug- every day you make me fall in love in the most inexplicable way, I love you.

Shaun: I love you too darling -he gave him a fleeting kiss, they didn't want to waste time getting to the mall because the movie started in an hour and a half, according to Henry-.

Henry: How about going to the mall before the movie starts? -he asked, sitting back on the bed but this time with Shaun on one side who nodded to what was said- well, come on -they went down, noticing how the living room was full of people, they knew they should act normal, no one knew yet about their relationship-.

They took what they needed: wallets, cell phones, and Henry's motorcycle keys. They arrived almost at movie time so Henry went to get the tickets while Shaun went to buy popcorn and a soda for both of them; upon entering they realized that the place was almost empty, they thought that perhaps they arrived on a good day because they could hold hands without worrying about being criticized. Shaun cried during the end of the film, an action noticed by the oldest, who tightened the grip of the minor's hand and gave gentle strokes with his thumb on the back of the hand, calming the minor's slight sobs that although it was one of the best struggling, he knew how is sensitive to this kind of thing. His impromptu date was a blast, Shaun felt that nothing could ruin these kinds of moments so it was.

To Be Continue...