Date Pt.1

Scott narrates

* Scott's room * (That night)

Today was a really long day, I was very tired, even my head hurt a little because I didn't eat well enough having all the guests at home, I did not want to look too "abusive" with food.

I spent most of the day thinking about Ethan even though was childish or "teenage girl mentality" didn't seem like that even though I kept thinking about the accidents that have happened with Ethan; it felt really good to have him around even though it made me nervous I loved being able to enjoy the light moments together.

I had in mind to spend some time in the mall that is on the other side of town. Why? Easy, I had an ice rink that I wanted to go to because I wanted to learn to skate. Besides being a good opportunity to be able to talk and spend a little time with Ethan, he knows how to skate splendidly and I know that because we once visited a frozen lagoon with Soe and the others..

I decided that it might be a good idea to dial his cell phone without reasoning what time it was and that he could be asleep. I took my cell phone, typed his name and automatically his number appeared on the keyboard, I touched the call button and waited for the tones, one, two, three, four times it rang until I heard a moan in response to the call, I suppose I was asleep .

Scott: Ethan? I'm Scott -I felt foolish to say it in a shaky voice because a few seconds ago I was confident-.

Ethan: Scott? Hello -his tone of voice from his was softer than normal, managing to make me feel delighted with his voice -Did something happen for you to call me at this time? -I was momentarily silent, I was still marveling at his voice that I forgot to answer- Did something happen to my brother or to you? -He sounded more normal but with a change that made his concern sound-.

Scott: Everything is fine, everything is fine -I reassured him first before making my invitation- I called you to ask if you wanted, I don't know, to go with me to the shopping center where the skating rink is located -the last thing I said was Quickly and nervously, I blush for my own nervous attitude- ah, sure, if you don't want to accompany me, I'll understand, there's no problem- -he didn't allow me to finish the sentence as I heard him clear his throat-.

Ethan: I was distracted for a moment, excuse me, I would love it -his voice was really soft, I barely managed to hear him but that last word made my heart turn over- I mean, I think it's fine -he cleared his voice again, managing to have his tone of voice usual- I have some things to attend to early, is it okay at 2:00 in the afternoon?

Scott: It's perfect -I hit myself mentally because I responded quickly to what he said- I mean, it's fine at that time, see you tomorrow.

I sighed as I threw myself onto the bed, excited by the feeling that I could have a possible moment with Ethan. I was about to settle into bed but remembered that he still hadn't changed my clothes or bathed me to sleep.

It was no more than 10 minutes to have bathed and changed into pajamas while lay back on the bed. I spent a few moments thinking about the possible things I could do with Ethan until I remembered something that completely took my sleep.

Scott: This can be taken as a date -I whispered and then processed those words again- Oh My... A date with Ethan ?!

I got up in a hurry from the bed and walked to the closet starting to look for some presentable clothes for an outing because it was totally clear that it was not a simple outing, it was with the boy that I like and I needed to find clothes that were consistent with the occasion, something warm but comfortable at the same time.

I found a set which I loved, it was a white polo shirt and over it a red fabric sweater, cerulean blue pants and white Converse.

Moments after choosing my clothes I decided to look for some tips to be able to skate properly although I knew that no matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to see other people's practices to do it myself. I preferred to put everything aside and although it was late, look for something to eat in the kitchen, not something so heavy so I only ate a little cereal and then returned to my room and rest because it was already past midnight.

* The next day *

I woke up because of the noise and light of a message, I did not want to look at it but the insistence was great, I looked at the phone to see the message but what left me astonished and awake was that it was already 12:30 in the afternoon so I decided to hurry To do not be late; I took a short shower and dressed in the clothes I chose for the night. It was 1:00 p.m. When I left the house with my cell phone and wallet to then run to the city and take a transport, since from the house to the city it was 20 minutes and to the ice rink that was on the other side of the city it was 30 minutes, counting traffic 10 more minutes, that is to say that I would arrive almost at the time of the appointment, an idea that encouraged me and made me nervous more and more.

Ethan narrates

* At the mall *

I got to the place a little early, about 15 minutes early because I didn't want to have the problem of keeping Scott waiting and although I loved the idea of being with him, I felt nervous being on a "date" with him, I was really anxious to see him and I knew exactly why, because for a long time I was looking at him in a different way than looking at Henry, I wanted to take care of him and protect him but it was not like I wanted to treat him like my brother, I knew there was something that he caused me and I felt comfortable with it.

I loved being able to appreciate his smile and his childish way of acting, I loved being able to enjoy those moments in which he focused all his attention on me even if it was to joke. I accepted that I liked him differently from a younger brother, I wanted to be able to hold his hand even for a moment and I really wished I could do it on the track.

X: Ethan? -I heard close to me turning to see who it was and finding Scott dressed in a totally unusual outfit, my heart racing momentarily- Are you okay? You were looking at a fixed point on the ground.

Ethan: Scott -I whispered before how beautiful he looked and then regained my sanity and spoke correctly- I'm sorry, I was thinking about some things, how long ago did you arrive?

Scott: Not long ago, don't worry -he spoke to me with a smile, his voice sounded animated making me feel good- Would you mind going to eat something before entering the track? -I could see from his way of acting that he was a little nervous and shy, it was really nice to see how his cheeks turned a pastel red tone- I got up a little late and did not have breakfast -his voice diminished little but I could hear it because it was close-.

Ethan: Of course, it's not a problem, we can eat Sashimi*, I know you like Japanese food and there is a place near here, do you think? - "Knowing your tastes was a great idea before coming." I thought-.

*Japanese seafood dish or raw fish, finely sliced. Accompanied with a sauce and a simple dressing

Scott: Really? I think it's wonderful! -I heard his small and happy shouted, which he fell with his hands before lowering his head again at the light gaze of the people near us- ah, I'm sorry, it's just ... I really like Japanese food -he turned around to look everywhere except for my face it seemed that he was looking for a special point- We go? -I nodded and we started walking to the place where we would have lunch, we were just starting the afternoon and we wanted it to be fun and special-.

To be continue…