Date Pt.2

Omnipresent narrator

Once they arrived at the place suggested by Ethan, they took a table near the window of the premises, slightly away from the others, a few seconds later a person approached them to take the order, which would be tuna sashimi for Scott and squid sashimi for Ethan. While their orders arrived they were talking about everything and nothing, some topics were about old fights that ended well, jokes that the minor made, or simply about work or favorite foods. After about 20 minutes of being in the establishment, they prepared to pay and leave, however, when paying they had a small difference since neither of them wanted the other to pay, ending the problem, Ethan by paying before Scott managed to get the money, feeling victorious that he had won the last word, leaving the minor somewhat disgusted by the idea of paying for it when he was the one who invited him.

Scott: Ethan, there was really no need to pay for me, I feel embarrassed about it

Ethan: No problem, it really wasn't much -he smiled making the younger feel nervous and delighted for that- besides, I hardly go out with anyone, You know? He preferred to spend the day at home or with Shaun. It doesn't hurt to pay for you once, right?

Scott: Right - he smiled in the same way, looking away from the major - if we go out again I'll pay, okay? -he exclaimed, making the opposite laugh- W-well, thank you very much for having paid for the meal.

Ethan narrates

I could admit that I felt great about paying for Scott's food, taking this as "our first date" I couldn't allow him to pay and even though I know there was no problem with him paying for his own food, I wanted to. I heard his voice somewhat ashamed to thank me, that kind of thing, that kind of small actions enchanted me more than I thought.

Ethan: I reiterate Scott, it's nothing really but don't think it will be easy to compete to make you pay next time.

Scott: I don't think so but well -he smiled, meeting his eyes and showing his teeth. Those kinds of expressions are what I loved to see every day- What are we waiting for? Let's go to the track! -he tugged on my arm, starting to jump like a kid going to a new place or a place that he likes. He looked really adorable.

Ethan: Come on -I just said, then I followed Scott to the skating rink-.

It didn't take us long to get there, after a few minutes we went to the place where they were going to deliver the skates to enter the rink, there were only a few questions and then they gave us the skates, didn't take us long to sit down and put on our skates. From the experience of constantly skating when I was a little younger, I quickly settled in and put on my skates; Although I couldn't say the same for Scott, he ended up tangling the laces and when he stood up he almost fell if I didn't grab him by the shoulders and sat him back down I took this as an opportunity to get closer to him helping him tie the skates while I knelt to help him.

When I finished I could see that his face was painted a cute pastel red, when I looked around I realized that some people were watching us, I suppose because of being kneeling in front of Scott and doing things with a certain delicacy for him. Once we entered the rink, I moved easily, the ice was somewhat smooth because not long ago the rink was opened and there were not many people, I turned to see Scott who was struggling to stay upright, I approached him carefully to talk.

Ethan: Can I help you? -I asked, he only limited himself to nodding- well, try to move your left foot forward first, then the other- He did what I said ... halfway because when he moved his foot he slipped more than he should and ended up going towards back, I took him in the air, making my hands stay on his lower back - be more careful, you did it very fast and therefore one can slip.

Scott: Y-yeah, thanks for keeping me from falling but -his voice lowered slowly as he could notice his cheeks turn to have a slight blush. I raised my eyebrow without understanding why he would get like that even though it seemed cute to me- W-Could you let me go, please? -As I spoke, I realized that I was still holding him by the back-.

Ethan: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it -I helped him to stand up while I put my hands on his to keep him stable- I think it would be better if I took your hands to prevent you from falling, What do you think?

Scott: Oh, uh, s-sure, no problem, thank you -he smiled softly, I could see in his voice and on his face a hint of sadness making me pay full attention to his actions- I'm sorry ... I invited you to skate but I don't even know how to do it -his voice lowered again in addition to seeing how he lowered his head- if you want to go home I understand, would be boring for you to be with me since I cannot skate well -he finished the sentence lifting her head and showing me a slight smile while her eyes showed sadness-.

Ethan: Scott, hey -I spoke to him in a low voice trying to make only him hear me, I raised his chin so that he was looking at me although doing so he looked away- don't feel bad about that, there's nothing wrong with not knowing how to skate, I can teach you while we have fun, can't I? Also, I will not leave just because you do not know how to skate, teaching you will be a way of remembering what we did on our first ... - "date" - going out together -I squeezed his hands gently, making him finally look me in the eye- everything okay, yeah? -even with our eyes making contact, he nodded, smiling softly- okay, let's start over, try to maintain your posture. First, he manages to move his right foot forward -he did what I asked him, managing to move without slipping because he had his hands in mine - very well, now the other one - agreed and did it without a problem - now repeat the movements at your own pace and no worry about falling, I'll hold you.

After a few tries, we were able to get him to move around a little better, although that didn't take away from the fact that he slipped or hit me. I did not care about the looks of others on us because we had our hands joined, the only thing that mattered was the beautiful smile that adorned Scott's face and that gave me great satisfaction when I managed to make him forget the bad moment that had happened a few ago moments. Everything was going great, we had lunch, we spent a large part of the "date" on the track with our hands clasped all the time, I couldn't ask for a better moment than this because I appreciated his face and company all afternoon.