First confession

Scott narrates

We had already spent a considerable amount of time on the track trying to keep me from falling. Finally, thanks to all of Ethan's help, I was able to stay upright without slipping although, as a precaution, I continued to hold his hand; he was happy to be one day relatively, alone with him. I will not deny that at one point I felt that he was going to get mad at me for not knowing how to skate and that he believed it was a waste of time, thank the gods, he "comforted" me in the most tender way possible although being Ethan I did not think it was so cute, that was something he never did and I loved that he did that.

After spending some beautiful moments skating, well I trying, we left the place to look for something to eat, we didn't even notice when it was almost completely dark; once we were off the track we returned the shoes, we went to eat at a restaurant that seemed to be for families, the atmosphere was really cozy, we had dinner and followed by that we went to the mansion, although it was not Ethan's destination he accompanied me, for what I assumed, to make sure that he arrived safely.

Scott: Thank you for accepting the exit and for accompanying me but you were late to go home, don't you prefer to stay here? -I asked without much thought-.

Ethan: Ah, I can go back without a problem, don't worry -he said giving me a small smile that made me blush slightly-.

Scott: Ow, well, I understand, in any case, I thank you for today, I had a lot of fun and I learned to skate a little -I said laughing shyly when remembering everything that happened in the day- I hope it will repeat itself -I said almost inaudibly but Ethan apparently managed to hear it-.

Ethan: Sure, I can go out with you whenever you want, it is not inconvenient for me, I will always be available for you -he smiled when he said the latter making my heart altered- Well, come in, it's getting late, rest well, see you later -he said the latter before disappearing into the darkness of the night-.

Once he left, I was finally able to go up to my room, lie down, look at the ceiling and think about all the nice things that happened today; being with Ethan, enjoying his company, being able to hold his hand for a long time without feeling discomfort from him, it was certainly a perfect day. I thought of everything once more like a madman in love before falling into Morpheus's arms.

Omnipresent narrator

Everyone was in the living room watching a movie, including Ethan, all normal until halfway through Scott's cravings started and he had no choice but to go to the kitchen for some sweets. He got up, followed by Henry who went for drinks for everyone, leaving the brothers together, neither of them said anything but Shaun wanted to know more about the "vaguely loving life of his brother", as he usually says, since lately, he sees his brother was more smiling than normal and that did not worry him, on the contrary, he was glad to see him like that.

Shaun: So -he lengthened the sound of the "s" so that his brother would pay attention to him- how was everything, Ethan? -I have noticed that you are more smiling than normal and I would like to know if you allow me, what or who is it that brings like this -he said with a slightly amused tone-.

Ethan: Everything has been good, I had three very, how to say, special situations this time; I'll tell you that you don't have to worry, over time I'll tell you more and for now you'll know that someone is something special which makes me feel like this -said the blue-haired man without looking of his younger brother in the eye although He would surely have a look of astonishment, the taller one was somewhat embarrassed when he said the latter-.

Shaun: Wow, could you know who the lucky one is that has captivated my beloved brother? -he commented, giving the older a curious and amused look-.

Ethan: Him -he corrected, making the questioner gape for a few seconds. The older sighed- look Shaun, I don't want you to take it the wrong way, okay? You know how closed I am when I speak, and more about my personal life but I don't want you to take this as I didn't want to tell you before, okay? I'm sorry to just have to tell you but this person, this boy, is wonderful, he is very outgoing, optimistic and cute -he mentioned, getting an understanding smile from the minor making all his nervousness disappear quickly- well, you know, I have the world's greatest confidence in you, but I don't feel ready to say it, sorry Shaun -said, the youngest only showed a smile on his face, everything was silent for a few minutes until Henry and Scott arrived with snacks and drinks-.

Henry handed out drinks to everyone and sat next to Shaun, as well as Scott with Ethan since they were separated in armchairs for two in the living room. They continued watching the movie until at some point in it, Scott fell asleep on the elder's shoulder; he spoke in a low voice, he moved just like that a sleeping little boy, which made the taller one look at him tenderly; although this, was not overlooked by his younger brother who smirked.

The rest of the afternoon went well, everything was laughter, anecdotes of their old missions, some other nonsense or joke that Scott has made them; nothing out of the ordinary, it was really fun for them. For dinner Shaun offered to cook something for them, no one refused; Scott was still on the couch but awake, so both Henry and Ethan were alone in the dining room talking about trivial things but "luckily" for the blond, the older one remembered the time they talked about the person they liked.

Ethan: Right Henry, you never told me who you liked -he said making the named jump a little and look at him as if he were a ghost- Hey, what's wrong?

Henry: Oh? No, nothing, well, I just don't know whether to say it -he scratched his neck somewhat uncomfortably-.

Ethan: Hey, you don't have to worry, or that you were going to say that my brother is the person you like -he mentioned a little funny but it did not take long to realize that the opposite lowered his head a little, the older frowned at realizing this- Henry, you won't tell me it's him, will you? -no answer- hell, of all the people in the damn world, why my brother?

Henry: Ethan, I ... -he stammered as he searched for the right words to prevent the blue-haired one from murdering him at that very moment; The only thing that could occur to him was to tell him everything he felt, in addition to letting out a long sigh- I ... love him, okay? As I told you before, I can't stop thinking about him, I would give my life to him to make him happy, his smile is divine, everything about him is perfect. I know you want to kill me but, in truth, if you allow me to show you that I can be someone who deserves Shaun's love, I would be more than grateful -he finished saying before closing his eyes for a few seconds, waiting for a hit or something resemblance on the part of the highest; however, all he got was a grunt from him-.

Ethan: I will think about it but that does not mean that I will not be aware of you because, if I get to see or find out that you touched my brother the slightest hair, I kill you, do you understand? -he finished his sentence with a wild countenance that made the opposite feel more than nervous, causing him to nod quickly- well -was the last thing he said before Shaun arrived with the plates of food, with a huge but adorable smile that did not surprise any of those present but that filled them, especially the blond, with warmth-.

At dinner, Scott and Shaun were talking about some anime they wanted to watch after dinner; However, the same did not happen with Henry and Ethan, they dined in total silence, something that neither of the two minors took into account because they talked to each other very joyfully. When the two youngest had finished having dinner, Shaun got ready to carry all the dishes into the kitchen, though Henry stopped by to help him, an act that the oldest of all did not like very much but having his little one with him made it slightly less important.

To be continued...