What is this?

Omnipresent narrator

* In the dining room *

Shaun: Henry, thank you. -as he said this, he looked away with a beautiful smile that, for more than one person, could be considered pure love-.

Henry: It's nothing Shaun, I didn't want to leave all the work to you, at the end of the day, you cooked, -he said with a smile of love just like the minor-.

Shaun: Henry, I was not referring to this -he mentioned and the one with blue eyes looked at him somewhat confused, waiting for a clearer answer to what he was referring to- Henry, I know this is not usual for me but I heard your talk with my brother -he ended with a slight blush on his cheeks while the aforementioned could only put something nervous- I'm glad to know that you would do anything for me, I know that you love me as much as I love you and I do not know if this love will become strong enough to be together for life, I will pray for it.

Henry: I love you with all my soul, honey. We will fight for this love, nothing and nobody will separate me from you, you are everything to me I do not know what I would do without you, I will give you everything you deserve and more than you can imagine because, my Solecito, you are my universe and I thank the gods, for being alive and being able to enjoy your presence day by day -he took the younger, who was in front of the sink, by the waist and drew him to his body gently kissing his neck making this just laugh a little- I love you with all my soul, Shaun.

Shaun: I love you more Henry -he turned to give him a small one smile but in him, all the feelings they felt for each other were transmitted, although it was short, it was the most beautiful thing that they could have of the other at that moment. However, they were not safe from "imminent death", they had the older brother of the green haired boy in the room and even though he was busy with a certain boy avoiding killing him, they preferred to cut the kiss slowly- honey, we must go to the living room, my brother might suspect that you want to do something else with me in the kitchen -he gave a laughing laugh before completely detaching himself from the blond- come on.

They both left the kitchen only to find a scene that to acquaintances and strangers alike was simply beautiful; the one with blue hair was lying on one of the armchairs and the one with brown eyes as if nothing mattered to him, sleeping on it.

Shaun did nothing but smile when he saw his brother and his best friend asleep comfortably as if between them they found a place that would give them comfort and security; of course, this was his perspective since he thought that was how he looked with his beloved boyfriend when they slept. Neither Shaun nor Henry said anything, they only covered those who were on the couch, but not before taking a photo of both of them and going to Shaun's room to sleep and enjoy each other's company before falling asleep.


Ethan narrates

I felt some light rays of sun on my face, I opened my eyes somewhat irritated by it to find myself with the most beautiful sight that my eyes ever saw; Scott asleep on my lap with his face slightly illuminated by the rays of the sun, his arms around my torso as he babbled and he clung closer to me. For my part, I had Scott hugged by his waist, unconsciously I held him a little tighter but by God, his face was truly a work of art and my hand fit perfectly on his waist; However, I didn't want to go on to do anything else, I got up slowly so as not to wake him up and so I got ready to go to the room I used before moving in. I thought about looking for some clothes, but first I wanted to see if my brother had already gotten up.

"Pleasant" was my surprise to find my brother being hugged by Henry and my brother very comfortable apparently since he was hugging him too; I felt like a fool not realizing this before, my brother and that one together? Since when? Now he understood those nervous looks when they were together: I can't allow it, I'll have to take matters into my own hands later, I don't want to make a big problem so early, I don't want to involve my brother and even less Scott if he gets involved in this.

I closed the door of the room slowly and went to my old room, I took a shower to relax even a little, it seems that it worked; I left the room calmer, I got ready to make breakfast while I came up with something to separate that stup*d and my brother. I spent so much time coming up with things over and over that no idea when Scott got up and he was already eating in his place with his mouth full, boy he loved to eat.

Omnipresent narrator

Ethan and Scott had been eating for a short time when Henry and Shaun arrive almost at the same time, arrival not very pleasant for the oldest of them; once everyone finished eating, as was usual lately, Scott and Shaun went to the first's room to see the last chapters of an anime that started recently, leaving a blue-haired boy with a dark aura and a blond boy without understanding nothing about his attitude.

Ethan: I'll be clear, I don't want to take so long talking to you. I don't want you to go near my brother -he said without the slightest expression with a voice that was too deep- Is that clear?

Henry: Why do you say it? Didn't you say you were going to think about allowing me something with Shaun? -he asked quickly, as he was surprised by such words-.

Ethan: Allow you something? It seems that you already went ahead, I mean, enter my brother's room, lie down with him and hug him quietly while they sleep, is that something I have no right to say whether you can or not? Or maybe it was my mistake to think that your way of "asking to allow" was related to everything? -he mentioned the last thing with a very slight hint of sarcasm, he lacked nothing to exploit- come on, answer me.

Henry: I don't know what you mean, Ethan -he commented, even though he clearly knew what the older was referring to-.

Ethan: You don't know? So it was a dream that I entered my brother's room and saw how you had him comfortably in your damn arms?

Henry: Well, I'll accept that I was in his room but I didn't touch Shaun in any inappropriate way, we just slept how you could see -he finally spoke after thinking if it was correct to say it without consulting with Shaun before-.

Ethan: I know that Shaun wouldn't do something like that, I know him, and for the same reason, I don't want you to get close to him -when he said this, he looked seriously at the opposite, as if he wanted to kill him with a look, he frowned- What? You will not do it?

Henry: I don't see any sense in what you say, why don't you let her be happy with me? Do you want to see your brother disappointed so much? -He was about to say an things but was interrupted-.

Ethan: Happy? I know what is best for my brother, therefore, I know that what he needs the least is a partner. So, for your sake, I don't want you to say any of this to Shaun, understand? I'll ask you, in the kindest way possible, to get away from him.

Henry: What if I don't want to? What if I want to stay by his side? What if I prefer to disobey that and make him happy in my own way?

Ethan: You know what? I got fed up, I tried to speak it calmly - he exploded at that moment - I do not want you to approach my brother, otherwise I will see to it that you never see him again in all your disgusting life, I'll take him away if you even talk to him or look at him in any inappropriate way. Did I speak clearly enough?

Henry was in complete shock despite having responded to the rest, he could not even think of an answer to the latter, he only slowly nodded, knowing that Ethan was not easy to convince, he accepted his terms out of fear of those words. Take Shaun away from him? Was he capable of taking him away from his brother even if he became unhappy? Yes. He hated the idea but what could he do? It was clear that they were all the legal age but Shaun has always lived under the care of his brother, who is like his father, so he could order almost anything from Shaun, if he wanted him not to reveal himself, he did not toward; if he did want him to go to a certain place, he was going to that place; the thing that terrified Henry was that he would never see Shaun again just because of his ignorant and overprotective older brother. He did not want to risk the happiness of his little one just for his brother, he would fight for him, of course, he would, but not today, not now.

Ethan: Good -he finished the conversation and went to where the minors were, leaving a certain blond boy more than angry, frustrated-.