What's happening to you?

Narra Shaun

It had been a few days since my brother decided to stay at our house for a while to spend free time with us, although he usually preferred to spend his time alone, he did not want to take too much importance on him. It didn't really bother me to spend time with him, I adore him but lately, he seems my shadow, that is, I can't do anything without him being present, he won't let me go out unless it's with him, he treats me like a child again and that he hated. The worst of all this is that I have not been able to spend much time with Henry since Ethan takes me from one place to another and although there are small moments when we were alone, he did not look at me or speak sweetly to me as he usually did. He treats me as if I did not exist for him; Am I exaggerating? Maybe but I'm not stupid, I know something is wrong with him and I wanted to find out what it is; his attitude these days does hurt me because since we've been dating, even before, he never treated me like that. A few days ago he told me beautiful words of love and now, I'm hardly lucky that he speaks to me.

Today my brother and Scott went out after lunch to do some shopping, I figured it would take a while so I decided to talk to Henry to find out what was going on. I went down the stairs to the living room to look for him, I really didn't know if he was home because I hadn't seen him early; however, there he was, lying in an armchair with a book in his hands. I got close enough to him, he didn't notice my presence so I sat on the edge of the chair so that he would feel at least that I sat down; as he looked away from the book he looked at me, he sat up and moved slightly away from me. I tried not to take importance on him because I needed to talk to him even though it hurt.

Shaun: Henry, can we talk? -I asked feeling curious about his possible reaction; I only received a small nod as he kept his eyes on the book. "Not a look or a little more attention? Was that book really that interesting?" That was what I thought. I sighed- What happens to you these days? Is there something that bothers you? Maybe if you tell me I can help you, What happens?

Henry: Everything is fine, you have nothing to worry about -he replied with his voice a little deeper than normal, he sounded neutral when he spoke to me, he had only heard it that way when we met- Why?

Shaun: Well, lately I have noticed you more distant with me even without my brother around, you do not speak to me unless I speak to you and you answer in a very sharp and serious way -I felt that at any moment my voice would start to break, I took a deep breath - I thought there was something that was bothering you and that is why you were behaving this way; I do not want to be rude but I do not feel comfortable with the situation, usually you are not like that, at least with me and I would like, if you allow me, to know what happens.

Henry: I reiterate, Shaun, everything is fine, I have just been somewhat exhausted from the work I have had with the foundation and I have not slept properly, it is nothing, okay? I don't want to give you my tiredness out on you, so that's why I haven't talked much, I know that when I'm tired I speak rudely and I wanted to avoid talking so as not to hurt you, I hope you understand me, I don't want to be rude, I'll go first, I'll be in my room for whatever they need -he said without much enthusiasm, he sounded really exhausted and a little annoyed, he no longer doubted that something was wrong because I have known him for years, I know when something is wrong, walked, when he passed in front of me he stopped and kissed me on the forehead before going upstairs, leaving me in the living room alone, puzzled, in addition to something frustrated by his attitude before, I just kept watching him get lost in the last steps of the second floor. After a few seconds, I released all the air that I did not know he was holding as well as some tears that were stagnant in my eyes-.

Henry narrates

I hated with my soul all of Ethan's stupid conditions; I felt like the worst trash at not being able to treat him as I would have liked because although I knew that Ethan was not in the house, he had already prepared cameras to prevent him from making "a move" on Shaun. It hurt my soul to leave him in the living room alone without being able to tell him the truth but with his brother's gaze on me, what can I do? The only thing I can do now is to keep my distance, interact little with him and avoid showing too many displays of affection, not doing so killing me inside. I didn't want trouble with Ethan but I didn't want to hurt Shaun with my actions; we are all adults, I know but I'm scared that Ethan could convince Shaun to go away from me and never see him again, in a silly way I want to keep Shaun with me even if I can't interact as I wish with him. I am a coward for not facing the brother of the person I love the most, I know; the most that my mind allows me to think about is to act that way to have him close at least despite the fact that my heart tells me, it screams at me to go for him without caring about anything but my reason is stronger.

I spent so much time in my room thinking about what I could do to make Ethan see the reason that I hadn't noticed what time it was; I got up and took a shower to remove the accumulated stress that I felt, it did not take as long as I would have liked because I received a call. The number said "Unknown" but I still answered.

Henry: Hello?

X: Hello? Henry? I'm Erica, do you remember me?

Henry: Of course I do. How can I forget my best childhood friend? Besides having seen us a few months ago, Did something happen?

Erica: Huh? No, not at all, I was just wondering if you wanted to go out today, I mean, to distract yourself a bit if you have time.

Henry: Get out? Well, I accept it, I need a little reassurance after all. At what time?

Erica: Perfect, so see you at the mall in an hour. What do you think?

Hyoga: Sure, bye.

After hanging up I looked for something light, when I got down I did not see Shaun so I thought he had gone to his room or left, I sighed before making my way to the mall. It did not take much importance to go "presentable", he only wore black pants, a blue plaid shirt, and shoes the same color as the pants.

It took me less than expected since there was not much traffic, I left my motorcycle in the parking lot and then went to the entrance of the shopping center where Erica was supposed to be. It didn't take me long to find it because it was something... different? That is, she stood out from the others, she wore a wine-colored dress a little short, slightly low-cut at the back; it attracted a lot of people's attention, that's why I hate that type of clothing, don't get me wrong but I don't like the display of the body and less when they were frowned upon, macho or old-fashioned thinking? Maybe but I didn't like to see how they look at girls near me. When I got to her side, she hugged me in a friendly hug, I returned the hug even though she was sticking more than she should, it was a bit uncomfortable because no one took so much closeness with me besides Shaun.

Erica: Henry, I'm very happy that we finally see each other, how have you been this time? -she came close to me, taking me by the arm and starting to walk-.

Henry: Ah, well everything has been fine, some work but nothing serious, and you? Something new to tell? -I said without much desire to sound very interested but it was to have a more pleasant conversation-.