Walking to Leon's house, Sylvia shows her brave face while Mark looks down feeling a bit scared. "Do you think it's a good idea to attack him like that?" Ryan looks at Sylvia who stops walking and faced the male with a glare. "Do you know NPC are weak? They're easy to kill." She continues walking and reaches the house. They knock on the door and were greeted by Leon who's wearing glasses for the first time and is holding a book.
"May I help you?"
"Leon! May we talk for a while?"
Scanning their face, he saw the scared face Mark shows and let them in. "What is it-" A gun was held in front of his face. "Hey NPC. Can you help us to search for your creator?" Leon looks at Ryan who held the same gun. "Mark. Gun." Mark's hands tremble as he points his gun at Leon. Moving his hand, Leon removes his glasses and a moment of silence fills the room.
"What makes you think you can kill me this easy?"
"NPC is weak."
"Have you read how my creator created me? I'm a smart guy and a serial killer. Like you."
"I have killed more people than you."
Mark drops his gun and looks at Sylvia. Sylvia saw his movement and glares at the guy to makes him hold the gun properly. Steps by steps, Leon makes his way to Ryan takes the gun instantly from him before pointing it towards Ryan's head. "You can explain why do you want to kill me in 10 seconds." Mark wide his eyes and start to teared up.
Three eyes stared at Mark. One is shocked, one in anger, and one in an uninterested look. Letting Ryan go, Leon puts it in Ryan's hand and makes it point to Mark. "Your target is the first player. Do you know your target's body has to be killed and your job considers done?" They stared at him in silence.
"What are you implying?"
"Mark is the first player. His soul is not here but his body is still here."
They widen their eyes and Ryan points his gun at Leon again. "No! I refuse to believe!" Mark stares at his hand as he slowly moves. "Come on Ryan. If you don't kill him, you will die." Ryan pushed him to the wall and tried to choke him. "Don't do it!" They look at the person who's screaming and Sylvia drops her gun.
"Mark! What are you doing?!"
Tears rolled down from Mark's face as he held the gun on his head. "Ryan. Sorry that I killed Mark..." A gunshot sound could be heard in the house as Ryan let go of Leon and catch the falling body. He hugs the body and tries to search for the heartbeat. No sounds from Mark. Sylvia wipes her eyes and looks at Leon.
She saw a paper falls on Leon's hands and wide her eyes. "YOU-!" In a blink of eyes, Sylvia was punched to the wall and she passed out. On the other hand, Ryan keeps crying while screaming Mark's name.
"Wade Walter is dead. Get over it."
Tears didn't stop from falling but Ryan makes his move and he points his gun at Leon. "You killed your own best friend!" Mark's body starts to disappear and Ryan uses both hands to hold the gun. "I did it because he's the weakest human I have ever seen." Ryan was about to ask but Leon appears in front of him and covers his mouth. "He often murders his victim with the method drive victim to suicide. Do you remember reading that? Mark is not the first player. It's just a lie I make up."
They stood there for a few minutes until Ryan scream in rage and shoots Leon's head many times. He realizes his action and he stops himself. The blood that splatters on his face was wiped away by his sleeves. A paper falls next to him as he reads it.
'Congratulation for killing the Secret Monster. Chance to make 3 wish.'
A peal of laughter slowly fills the room and soon, it turns into sounds of crying. "I want the first player now." A paper falls next to him as he read it. 'It would be boring if the wish come true right? What if I called the police to show that I'm waiting?- F.P' He wipes his eyes and nose before he reread it.
"Get me out from here."
He was teleported into his room right away. He looks at the mirror and starts to wash up before he runs to Leon's house. He saw the cop's car and runs inside. The only body he saw is the body that belongs to Sylvia. Without any hesitation, he runs towards the body and saw her head is bleeding and her chest is not moving. Falling on his knee, he starts crying again.
"Kid, do you know this girl?" Ryan only nods his head while listening to the police talking.
"Let the kid relax first. Detective, the owner of the house is dead 2 years ago. Why is there a dead girl here?"
"Hmm...Perhaps someone lure her here and killed her. This house belongs to that dead kid who creates sketchy games right?"
Ryan moves his head and stares at the files in the police's hand. 'Leon's body is not here and this house doesn't belong to Leon?' He stands and walks towards the police officer. Before he could utter any words, someone calls the detective and he answers it.
Some police left but some still stay to check the place. Ryan uses his strength and runs to his school. He saw the body of Mark was set up as if he just jumps from the rooftop. He saw a person next to him watching with a smile. "Looking good, murder." The person looks at Ryan with dull eyes. "Think twice before you decide to shoot me in the head."
He walks away and before Ryan could catch the person, the person disappears without any trace. He saw Thalia and Amy and decide to walk towards them. "Oh no. Isn't that kid the president of Class C who moved into our class?" Thalia asks Amy who's covering her eyes.
"Hey, you guys are Leon's friends right?"
They look at Ryan with a confused face. Amy tears up but Thalia hugs her friend and comforts her before answers Ryan's question.
"I'm sorry...Do you mean Leon Loraine who die 2 years ago? He was the smart kid that died because of suicide too."
"Huh? He- What?"