'Shoot. I didn't think she would catch me...How do I bring her outside without getting caught? Two maids are cleaning the front door area. The back door is connected with kitchen..that means that the crying maid just now is guarding that door.'
Ryan lifts the body and walks upstairs. He enters a room and saw a balcony. Looking at the balcony, he thinks about how to escape using it. His eyes wide as he remembers something.
"I wish for-"
Ryan covers his mouth and looks down from the balcony. He heard footsteps walking towards the room. Without glancing at the door, he takes a blanket and some clothes before he starts to tie them together.
He then thinks about how to bring the old woman but the door opens instantly. He slides down from the balcony and runs out of the house.
After reaching his house, he sighs in defeat, and without saying any words to his parents, he enters his room. Closing the door, he leans on it and slowly sits in front of it. He takes a deep breath and when he gained his normal breathing again, he looks to his bed and found a figure laying down on it.
The figure sits up right away and is faced with Ryan's rage. "I'M- I'm sorry...I just want to check on you...I have done my challenge and got my mone- Prize. What about you?" Ryan sighs and throws his body on the bed next to Alex.
"I couldn't kill her…"
"What's your time limit?"
"Uh...still have time."
"Do the math you idiot."
Those two were about to use the calculator from their phone until Alex gets a call from an unknown number. He answers the call after a minute, he left the room. He ran past the two adults who are watching television. They look at the boy and their son. Ryan sweatdrops and apologies to his parents before taking his jacket and runs after Alex. They reach a hospital and he heard Alex screaming at the counter.
“Helena Fordil! My mom! Where is she?!”
The nurses look at the boy quietly and ignore him. A doctor approaches him and taps his shoulder. He saw tears falling from the boy’s face. “I’m sorry…” Alex pushes the doctor’s hand from holding his shoulder and pulls his collar.
“She… died 5 minutes ago...I am sorry, kid."
"Alex? And..Ryan?"
The two boy looks at the girl who calls for them. She's holding a wheelchair with Leo sitting down on it while looking at them. Ryan helps Alex walk towards them and they went to Leo's room.
"What happens?"
"Died. His mother is now dead"
They look at Leo who answers his cousin's question. Alex starts to tear up but he held it back anyways. Thalia covers her mouth as she hugged Alex. Leo looks at Ryan in the eyes and Ryan felt his head pounding.
‘I’m sure you can hear me. His mother announced dead while in the surgeon’s room. But, I heard the doctor at the lobby muttering he got a promotion. I say it’s another player.’
Ryan stares at Leo and Alex. He sighs and looks back at Leo. ‘Why are you here? I thought if you’re hurt...you will respawn.’ Leo clenches his fist and leans on his pillow. ‘This is my punishment for killing Wade early...yes. Wade is my target.’ Ryan glares at Leo and moves his sights to Thalia and Alex.
“Thalia, what happened to this punk?”
“This punk plays the hero and saves a girl from a drunk driver.”
“Wow. Calls me like that in front of me.”
Alex chuckles a bit before looking at Leo with a serious face. “Are you okay though?” Leo nods but Thalia hits his head and tears up. “He can’t walk...His legs are paralyzed.” Alex and Thalia look down with a sad face while Ryan smirks and shows a thumbs up at Leo. Leo saw it and throw his pillow to Ryan’s face.
“What? Wanna kick my ass? Oh crap! You can’t walk! I’m sorry Leon!”
Thalia raises her eyebrow and picks up the pillow. “That’s rude don’t you think? And his name is Leo.” Leo and Ryan sweatdrop before they decide to change the topic. They talk about school before Thalia decides to send Alex home. Ryan makes himself comfortable and yawns a bit.
“There’s another thing that confuses me.”
“Your class after you get this new identity.”
“Oh...Hm...Well, I’m not smart actually, it’s the real Leon Loraine. He’s a normal human being with a gifted brain. He died two years ago. The first player gave me his identity and messed up everyone’s memory into thinking he’s not dead yet. Since I died as Leon, everyone forgets my existence and Leon is dead in their memories again.”
Ryan wides his eyes and points at Leo. “Is Leo-” Leo leans again and looks at the ceiling. “Leo is a different case. He’s just in a coma. The first player has moved the real body of Leo to who knows where and replace me with him. He’s what we call a ‘bad boy’ type of student. Dye hair a lot, skips classes, sneaks out from the house every night, and oh, he ends up in a coma because he was drugged by his best friend.”
“No wonder your hair is dark blue.”
“But I have to agree, black hair is boring.”
“We all are born with black hair. Be glad you’re not blad.”
They realize the topic is boring and weird and Ryan decides to leave the hospital. He then saw a shop turning on the news. “The police is trying to look for a high school student like in the picture. He was robbing and trying to kidnap Mayor Caleus’s mother who’s now in hospital for treatment. If you ever found him please report him immediately.”
He quickly covers his face with his hoodie and runs to his house. He almost reaches his house but stops halfway after saw police cars drove past him. ‘Shit! They’re already on the way to my house!’ A blue paper falls and he catches it.
‘Punishment for getting caught: No superpower or wish can be used until the player successfully kills his target or dies.’
He grips the paper and pushes his bangs behind. ‘I had few more days left. DAMN IT!’ He ran away without any plan and ends up at the place he wants to avoid. He walks and sat down with a sigh. “Hi, Mark...A lot happens today...Alex’s mother died. Leo lost his legs and was punished. Me...I am now wanted by the police...Why. Why did you force me to play this game?” Ryan starts to cry while looking at Mark’s picture.
He looks at Sylvia’s picture and wipes his tears. “Hey, Sylvia. Why did you invite Wade to play the game?”
“Hey, kid! You’re not supposed to be here!”
“Oh god…”