New Brother

“Who are you-“


Leo grabs Mira’s collar while his eyes change colour from dark brown to green. Before he could push the girl to spit the whereabouts of his friend, she pulls his hand and used her knee towards Leo’s stomach.

Alex wide his eyes as he back away a bit. Suddenly, an image flashes into his head. He saw Ryan pointing a gun but he wasn’t able to see to whom did he point it. As he regains his eyesight, he saw Leo on the floor and she steps on his hand.

“You’re NPC aren’t you? Oh, wait.” She stomps on his arm with force and Leo screams in pain.

“NPC doesn’t feel pain. Either you are human or NPC but weaker one.”

“Who dare you..using this house…”

Mira smirks and lets his arm go. She squats down to his level and lifts up his chin. Pulling out something from her bag, she shows it to Leo and tosses it to Alex.

“Your challenge. Finish it in time and Ryan will live. Fail, he dies. Easy.”

Alex starts to panic and reads the paper. “wha- 3 hours?!” He looks up but the girl is now gone. Leo stands up and snatches the paper from Alex. “We can’t win this! It’s-“ Leo shows dark expression and he ran inside the house. There, he saw the mayor standing with a hammer and his eyes are glowing red.


“Hey there kid. You’re NPC, right? That girl really knows a lot.”


“Huh, a new player right?”

Leo clenches his fist and glared at the mayor. “You kill someone to get to what you are now. Didn’t you?” Alex turns around and runs out. ‘It’s scary how they just have eyes glowing with colour like an anime villain.’ As he runs looking for an exit, he bumps into something.


Thalia walks back home and went straight to her room. She saw her reflection in the mirror and her eyes glow white. Slowly, she closes her eyes and exhales. “Search!” When she saw an image in her head, he opens her eyes quickly and gasps. She covers her eyes and falls on her knee. “She’s dead…Amy..”

“Kid? Who’s kid is this-“


“I’m not your papa! Geez…I hope Leo survive…We, have come this far to save Ryan.”

The kid moves his head to look at a room. Alex lifts the kid up and walks to the room cautiously. Leo on the other hands starts to form an electric power in his hands. The mayor saw this and form a fire in his hand.

“You’re just NPC. Why are you trying to save him?”

Leo launches himself and summons a claw. ‘Ryan? I pity him. Pity...haven’t felt that in a while. When was the last time I had emotion?’ The mayor blasts his fire and teleports behind Leo. Leo quickly turns his body but a hammer teleports from above and hits his head.

‘I killed his friend…while I had emotions, I felt mad at my action…I don’t know why but, I don’t want to lose another friend…I want him to survive with me. We’re friends...after all.’

His eyes turn white as a black figure surrounding him. “My, my Mister Mayor. What are you doing?” The mayor raises his brow after saw Leo’s figure standing again. “Don’t you wanna taste the first player’s strength?” The first mayor wide his eyes and use his firepower again but this time, Leo appears in front of him in a blink of an eye and grabs his face. Electric starts to electrocuted the mayor and he passed out.

“Geez, summoning me like this…be glad you’re my favourite Leon.”

Leo passed out. After 1 minute, he opens his eyes and saw the mayor laying on the ground. He’s confused with the situation but bring the body and start looking for Alex. He clears his throat and inhales. “ALEX FORDIL!” He screamed and coughs.


Leo heard a gunshot and he quickly rushed towards Alex. He entered a room and saw Ryan with an orange aura around him. An orange chain tied to Alex’s and a child’s legs. “Ryan! What are you doing?!” Leo drops the body and tries to help Alex.

“I have to kill the kid!” Leo wide his eyes as he saw the kid tears up.


“Oh HAHAHAHA! Don’t you know? I make deal with the first player. I told him to change Ryan’s challenge to Mayor’s family member instead of an old woman for good entertainment.”

They saw a hologram of Mira next to Ryan. Her footsteps could be heard walking towards Ryan. Ryan’s eyes are covered by a hologram blindfold and Ryan starts to panic. She makes herself disappear and Ryan points the gun at Alex.


“Ryan! No! It’s a kid! Have mercy will you?!”

“It’s either me or him-“

The kid starts to cry and Ryan moves his hand towards the kid. Alex saw this and tries to break free. Before he could do anything, Ryan pulls the trigger. “RYAN NO!” Ryan gains his eyesight again and he wide his eyes after saw an unexpected result.


“R-Ryan…have some p-pity for the k-kid…will you?”

Leo let his tears fall down from his face as his body falls next to the boy. The kid felt terrified and cried. Ryan slowly walks towards Leo’s body and pulls his collar. “Oi! Wake up!” A figure shows up but Ryan and Alex can’t see it. Their eyes are blurry because of crying.

“Ah…he died. After he met you he died again and again. He’s my favourite but if he keeps dying…I don’t think I want to make him respawn again. Cancel your challenge because my NPC forbid you from killing that kid. Change it to the mayor.”

Alex found himself free from the chain as a gun appears in his hand. ‘Right, our challenge!’ He pulls Ryan by the hair and put the gun in his hand. “We end this together now.” Ryan stands and holds the gun while staring at the dead body. Alex grips Ryan’s hands and they shot the mayor’s body together.

Alex remembers the boy and saw the boy already passed out. He lifts the boy and saw Ryan still staring at the air. He slaps him hard and the guy finally realizes it’s already ending. They saw Leo’s body disappear and they walk out of the house. Ryan wipes his sweat and a paper falls on his head. He reads it and looks at the kid.

‘The news about you is gone from people’s memories including Alex’s and Alex’s prize is a new sibling.’

“What do you want to name him?”

“Leo. Leo Fordil.”

The next day, they went to class and a male teacher enters their class. He had blonde hair and he smile which capture some girls’ heart. “Good morning everyone. I am your new homeroom teacher. My name is Teo.” He introduces himself. Alex and Ryan look at each other before Ryan mentally cursed.