Chapter Three - Burden

Ella's POV

I push open the front door and Lena came rushing towards me. She gave me a tight bone-crushing hug taking me by surprise.

Only then do I realize her worried expression.

And the fact that she wasn't alone.

There was also Eddie and he looked worried too.

Looking into his eyes I see some relief wash through his face as he smiled, stepping forward and hugging me too.

"Hey what is with the worried expressions you guys are giving me? What happens? I inquired composing myself and silently seeking for them not to worry.

"Oh Ella thanks to the heavens that you are fine, I was worried sick so I called Edward. You have been gone for two hours. " Lena replied now looking relieved that I was fine.

"What the hell Ella and that too without your phone. What were you even thinking? What if something had happened to you." Eddie added curtly.

"Sorry I should have told Lena I was stepping out for a while. I just needed some air. I'm sorry I had you worried." I apologized

"Ella I freaked out when I didn't see you in your room and your phone too was off."

"I'm really fine Lena trust me I am," I whispered offering her a small smile as I excused them to walk to my room.

"I should probably go talk to her." I heard Eddie say before I closed my door leaving them behind.

Some minutes later I hear a light knock on my door. I don't bother to get it as he came in anyway.

Seconds later Eddie was sitting with me in my room. He didn't say anything for the first few minutes and I was thankful.

My room is a mess but then again Eddie is no stranger and he has seen me in my worst times so I mentally wave it off as I continued to enjoy the silence which wouldn't seem to last long because I can see Eddie open and close his mouth like he was looking for the right words.

"I'm sorry for earlier Ella." Eddie apologizes finally breaking the silence.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you Ella I'm so s-

"Is okay Eddie you were just concerned." I cut him off before he could complete his statement.

"These past few weeks haven't been good for you and me yelling at you was just so out of context," Eddie said.

"Just want you to know that I am there for you and I always will be."

"I know you are, and I appreciate that you care and you are concern about me too"

"Everything is going to be fine just like they use to be. Trust me." Eddie said and I nod my head.

Of course, I trust Eddie. It just his words that I doubt.

Will everything be okay again?

After some time I couldn't help but chuckle attracting Eddie's attention. He is always the first to apologize when he is wrong.

" what was that for." Asked Eddie.

"Is just I'm lucky, lucky to have a guy like you in my life. I lied

"I know you do, and I am also lucky to have you. But that shouldn't elicit a chuckle from you. I know you are lying or it's partially the truth. El, just tell me the truth. " Eddie mused.

Of course, I didn't expect Eddie to buy that, I don't know why I tried anyways. I'm indeed lucky to have him but he could see that, that wasn't the reason why I chuckled.

"I find it amusing how you apologize for little things. I know men rarely say sorry even if they want to. I learn it hurts their ego or something of that sort" I tease making a wide smirk grow on Eddie's face.

"Yeah it does and you have to get bruise my ego." He countered

"And this is the Eddie I was talking of." I continued to tease him.

Of all things Eddie chose to tickle me as payback for teasing him

"I wouldn't a..gain" I stutter as Eddie continued to tickle me.

After the laughter died down, we are both quiet. It wasn't the type of quietness that you know there is a problem both parties were trying to avoid. No, it is the comfortable type of quietness.

When I raise my eyes, Eddie's shining eyes were smiling down at me with open arms.

I move into his open arms. It is warm and comfortable and I couldn't help but smile with contentment.

"I miss this," I said gesturing between us.

I haven't realized I was busy these past months that I didn't spend enough time with him as we used to and we didn't share these emotions in a long time.

"I miss it too. But I miss my friend more." Eddie said. I had to do something before he starts to tell me how I am not myself these days and stuff.

"Let's go before you are late for work." I remind him still he seems to have forgotten that he still has work to attend to.

"Yeah.." He didn't want that conversation to end. I could tell and he needs to go to work too. Hard choice, I know.

Lena is not in the living room when we got out.

She must be in the kitchen so we proceeded there and there she is

"Come, sit let me serve you breakfast". Lena said serving two plates with breakfast for me and Eddie.

"I got to go. I will eat some other time Lena." He said as he hugs us both goodbye

When we finished our food I apologized to Lena for my earlier behavior.

She waves it off saying not to worry and so long as I'm fine she too is fine and not to worry

What can I do without any of them

We have been friends since college and I am happy I have her as my friend. She is a good one and she understands and supports me especially at difficult times.

After what happened with James the other day, my two best friends wouldn't just let me be. They always want to be near me like I'm some from the kid.

Always trying to cheer me up and all. They took me to my favorite ice cream shop, watch my favorite movies with me even though they don't like my type of movies

Trust me I'm happy they care, is just I feel I'm a burden to them and I hate that feeling.