Chapter four - Its over

Ella's POV

I love my two best friends a lot. Trust me I do but sometimes I hate the fact that they know me too well especially Eddie

We were childhood friends cause our mothers were friends and we became friends too

I and Eddie go way back and he has seen me in my worst times. He is a major part of my life and he also understands me. It even amazes me how I am a friend ... Best friends with such a person.

He is a good friend, always there when I need him.

Back in high school, our colleagues thought we were even dating because we were always together. I finally fall asleep.


"Ella wake up." I hear someone say as I still smoothen into my pillow.

It must be a dream.

"Hey lazy ass, I don't think you want Ms. Sophia getting angry at you on such a lovely first day of the week."

It doesn't sound like a dream now.

I slowly open one eye to confirm whether it was a dream or not.

"Mac is picking me up early because we have somewhere to go before he drops me at work so I will be leaving early," Lena said dragging my comfortable cover off my body making me moans frustratedly from the absence of my comfort blanket.

Doesn't seem like a dream now. Does it?

Welcome to reality.

"Yeah see you in the evening then," I said dragging myself up from my bed and into my bathroom.

"Lena," I called from inside the bathroom.

"Yeah What is it." She asked.

"Can you please help me sent a text to Ed to come by and pick me when he is going to work?" I yelled.

"Okay, I will do that." She yelled back.

I busied myself with making my body clean. I wash my hair with shampoo. Finally satisfied with me I step out.

I dressed up and I walked to my vanity mirror, I don't do plenty of make-up so I only apply some eyeliner and nude lip gloss. Lena says I look nice in the nude so I guess I'm good to go.

Piiii piii piii. I hear a car horning

That is Eddie. Right on time except I can't have breakfast.

I hurried out and took a seat at the passenger seat of Ed's car.

"Hi." I greeted giving him a side hug.

"Hi yourself, how are you? He asked hugging me back.

"I'm good and yourself," I responded.

"I'm good." He said handing me coffee.

"Where is Lena." He asked.

When I made friends with Lena during college, Eddie wasn't into her .so I am happy cause now is the opposite. They started to accommodate each other because of me and now we are the big three.

"Mac picked her up earlier" I finally answered after zooming out for a while.

"-and thanks for the coffee you are a life savior," I said giggling.

"Of course I am. I know you well to know you are not a morning person." He replied smirking at me.

The ride was quiet and I had time to think things through.

I figure I couldn't go back to work because I can't go there with the memories and how will I stand James in the same working environment. I can't pretend anything happens and what will I tell people if they eventually come to know that we were not together again. I'm not answerable to them but is just I can't take their judging eyes

We were the ideal couple at our workplace and everybody envied me and wanted to be me.

To take my place in James's life.

James had everything plus he was rich, the only thing that matters to some lady.

I had to go to work at least to submit my resignation letter. I took some days off and thankful Ms. Sophia my boss did not ask a lot of questions.

"You okay there," Eddie asked turning away from the road to look at me.

"Watch the road Eddie, I'm fine but I don't think it will last if you keep looking at me and not the road." I joked causing him to smile gently at me before he spoke again.

"Not that fast El, tell me what is bothering you." Now he is a concern and I know that face because I have seen it way too many times.

"I will tell you together with Lena when we get back from work. I promise." I assured him

"Okay bye." He goodbye to me

"Hurry you will be late," I said waving him goodbye as he drives away.


Today wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I submitted my resignation to Ms. Sophia and she said because I didn't tell her earlier I will have to work for the rest of the week while she gets someone to replace me.

So apparently, I have only four days here at dream big publications.

I try my best to avoid James as much as I could. He also seems to be doing the same, but I couldn't help but notice the sadness in his beautiful blue eyes when I catch him staring at me earlier.

After the day is over.

"El." I know that voice but I still turn and James was jogging to catch up with me.

I try my best to put on an expressionless face and readied myself for what he wanted to say.

"James?" I asked when he stood in front of me without uttering a word.

"El, I'm sorry, I know I fucked up big time but please don't quit your job because of me. I will leave for you to stay if you can't work with me again." He offered

Of course, he knew writing was my passion and I love working at the publication but...I have to make changes. I can't have my peace of mind with our memories all over this place.

I need a fresh start, away from him unless I was going to forgive him which I know I can't.

"El..." He interrupted my thoughts.

"You have lost the right to called me that or have any say on what I do with my life. I choose where I want to work and I decide whether I will continue to work here or not." I snapped pausing for some air before I continued.

"It over James if you haven't figured that part out I'm helping you do that. And I don't want to see your face again please just let me be." I was almost crying when I finished with the massage I wanted him to get into his head.

Who does he think he is?

He can't break my heart and still address me as if he didn't do anything wrong or that he still cares, He could have thought of all this before sleeping with that bitch.

I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing my breakdown in front of him.