Chapter five - New Beginnings

Ella's POV

I see a furious Eddie stepping out of his car, and walking briskly towards us.

I should probably do something.

The last time I saw Eddie this furious was in high school when a guy wanted to kiss me by force and the next thing I knew the guy was wheeled to the school clinic and later transferred to a hospital where he was hospitalized for two days.

I wouldn't want James to be hospitalized. Yeah he has ruined our relationship but I needed to stop Eddie before he kills him

"Calm down Eddie, we were just talking." I finally said something when I found the strength to use my voice except I was late because Eddie has already thrown a punch straight to James's nose.

Whiles some part of me was happy that James was getting punched another part was screaming for me to stop them.

well... Him since James wasn't fighting back.

"You still have the gut to show her your face after what you have done," Eddie yelled furiously adding another punch to James's nose.

"Let him go please." I am pleased with Eddie.

With one last punch, he let go as James stumble and fall with a loud thing on the ground.

Before I knew what I was doing, my legs are carrying me towards James.

My legs sure have a mind of their own

"Are you okay?" I find myself asking as I help him up and into his car.

I couldn't just leave him there right!

I'm human after all.

I'm not that cruel.

I turn and walk back towards Eddie's car.

"I'm sorry Ella." I heard James mumbled before I step into Eddie's car. As we drive home I see him drive off from the rearview mirror.


We were all sitting in the living room, myself and Lena on the same couch whiles Eddie sat across from us on a separate couch.

Because I said I was going to tell them something. with neither of us saying anything, the awkwardness was killing me except I didn't know where to start from and how they will react to what I wanted to talk to them about.

None of them was looking at me. Eddie was looking outside through the widow whiles Lena busied herself with her phone.

"I'm quitting my current job" I blunt out before I could stop myself.

This gets their attention as they both turn quickly to face.


"You are kidding, right? Lena questioned.

"Of course not, I'm serious" I answered.

"And why would you do that? Eddie asked calmly.

I can tell he is trying to be calm from the way his eyes were turning red and his tight jaw as he tries to cover it up with a small smile.

The calmness before the storm

"I want to do something different" I lied earning a sharp look from Eddie whiles Lena narrowed her eyes at me.

"Cut the lies and go straight to the point Ella. You don't expect us to believe that plain lie." Lena said

Of course, I didn't expect them to buy such a lie. I'm just afraid of their reactions and I am buying myself some time to think of how to present myself.

"Stop buying time and tell us what it is then." Eddie retort

What is with me and thinking out loud?

"I don't want to work with him at the same place." I finally said the real reason why I am quitting my job.

"Writing is your passion and you love working at the publication, you can't just give up on it

because of anybody and especially not that cheat," Eddie reasoned

"He is right Ella, you can't abandon your dreams because your ex works with you at the same workplace," Lena added

They are right but I have to get away, but I wasn't abandoning my dream.

I want a place I don't see the face of the one person who broke my heart. A place where I don't have anything to remind me of that relationship. A place where I can try to forget all about him and move on. how will l be able to move on when the cause of the problem himself still keeps appearing in front of me? I need to be far away from him so that I can figure out what to do.

"Ella, we are not here to make decisions for you but is just since childhood all you ever talk about was write a story, work at a publication, and establish your own publishing company one day," Eddie said

" I have thought about it okay. I'm not giving up my dreams, I need a new beginning away from him. I'm looking for jobs in another publishing company and if I don't get one I will take temporary work till I get one." I explained

"If that is what you want, as your friend I will support you in whatever decisions you make just don't give up on your dreams," Lena said offering me a sincere smile.

"Thanks, Lena, it means a lot. " I said hugging her.

"Come on Eddie, nothing changes"

"Fine. if that will make you happy.

" Yeah, it would. Thank you, Eddie. " I crushed him into a hug giggling behind his back, he hugged me back parting my back like a baby.

"Group hug " Lena announce joining us.