
Author's P.O.V

She closes the door behind her to be met with the darkness. The only thing that allows her to see is the reflection of the moonlight.

She walks to her front bed, sitting down on the soft mattress making it sinks on some parts. She moves her head to the window, looking at the moon that is accompanying her tonight.

The moon is full and bright without any cloud in the way from her eyes to meet the moon. It is indeed a beautiful night.

Her eyes are glued onto the scenery while a sense of calmness takes over her mind and her body.

Probably this place is not bad. She just needs some times to get comfortable. Due to how many times she get along with this place, she actually starts to accept this place little by little, without her mind being conscious about it.

She lies her body on the mattress while her feet are still touching the floor. A little, she spread her arm, a comfortable position for her resting body.

Her eyes meets the cold ceiling as her mind slowly diverting to another place.

"What would you change?"

That question. It keeps playing on her head. But, she didn't not dare to answer it.

Even if she is being honest to herself.

She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath and breathing out slowly. Her head moves to her right side, close to her shoulder, looking right at a bottle on her study table.

With her light body, she sits up and stands up, walking to the transparent brown glass bottle.

She examine the familiar glass, thinking whether she should take one or not for today. She breaths out and makes up her mind.

She twist the black bottle cap and shakes the bottle a little by little until a tablet pill comes out of the bottle in the palm of her hand. She closes the bottle and place it back on the table.

She place the pill in between her lips, gently holding it while her hands are taking a hold of a water bottle, undoing the cap before taking a sip of the plain water along with the pill. She swallows it, the gulp can be felt in her throat going straight into her body.

She walks to her nightstand, grabbing a book before turning the night light for the sake of her eyes.

She sits on her bed again, this time her back are resting against the grey cushioned headboard and her legs are resting straight. She takes her comforter and slides both of her legs in, keeping it warm. She sits comfortably and open to the page where she left a bookmark in, continue to read from where she left off.

As time passes, pages by pages, the sleepiness slowly kicks in, giving her a sign to stop what she is doing.

She put the book back on the nightstand and turns off the night lamp. She lies on the soft bed as her head sinks into the restless and dreamless pillow while the light-weight warm comforter keeping her body in cozy-ness.

Slowly, her eyes starts to closes themselves, drifting her into sleep without no dream to dive in.





Next morning

7:46 a.m. / In school

She puts her stuff in the locker with the password that was given from the principal yesterday.

"Hey!" A familiar voice calls, making she turns her head to the source of the sound.

"How are you?" He asks as he walks closer step by step and finally stop, leaving a decent amount of space between the two them.

"Good," she replies, noticing another figure standing behind Cameron on his side. The guy has a sharp looking face, giving off an intimidating aura around him.

What is he doing here?

"Ah," Cameron says as he head turn to his side, looking at the guy who was in her question. "This is my friend, Liam." Liam takes a step forward as the tips of his lips creeps up, forming a little smile to her.

He lend out his hand, signing for a hand shake which she take. "Welcome to our school," the male who is apparently named Liam says. His voice is surprisingly deep and soothing, nicely suits his face.

"Thanks," she replies.

"So, you want to have lunch with us?" Cameron not surprisingly invite, with a smile on his face.

It is not like she does not want to, wait, she does not want to. The day she interact with people is over. She already lose her socializing energy

"Sorry, but I think I will spend my time in the library during lunch break."

"Oh, I see," Cameron says with a hint of letdown can be sense by his intonation.

She could not help but feel a little bit guilty inside. She probably will regret this but at this moment she could not bother to care about it.

"I will make it up to you next time, okay?" She states with her normal expressionless face.

"Sure then," Cameron returns a smile hearing that sentence and the energy around him seems to be lifted.

Just like knowing what is happening, the bell perfectly rings when Cameron finishes his sentence.

"We will talk about this again later, okay?" he enunciate, while looking at her straight in the eyes.

She just nodded.

"We will get going, see you later."

With that, Cameron and his friend who she just acknowledge the existence today walk off to their class. The brunette boy even gives her a little playful salute with his two fingers before they lost from her sight.

It has not even yet started, but she starts to wonder. How long will she lasts if they keep wanting to go out together. She just silently sighs in defeat, not really interested in thinking about in. With the thought of the class starting in a few minutes, she set up her foot, sauntering to her class in the corridor.



(Time skip)



In class

11.45 a.m

It is currently history lesson and there is 15 minutes left before recess.

She was focused in the first 30 minutes but then the lesson just gives off too much information that her brain could not process anymore.

The teacher is still focus teaching in the front of the class while others can be seen listening attentively. It seems like she is the only one zoning out.

So she just stare at the teacher, pretending to listen while her head far away in somewhere else. Suddenly, the bell rings waking her up from her daydreams.

"Okay class, you may dismiss," the male teacher says as he packs up his stuff and leaves the class.

One by one student follows the action, which leaves her satisfied, being able to have this class by herself.

That is what she thought.

All of the students has left, except for the one and only, Jeon Jungkook. The boy who is sitting next to her just keep looking at a piece of blank paper in his notebook.

She try to take a look of his face secretly but his long hair covers his face, blocking the view.

Not trying any further, she takes out her eco friendly food container and put it on the table, along with a thermos flask.

The boy besides her now change his position to resting his head on both of his hands, facing the opposite opposite direction from her.

Little did she knows that he is actually uncomfortable with her action. Although he hates to admit it, he is hungry.

She opens the top of her food container, revealing four pieces of triangle-cutted-sandwich. She takes one of the sandwich and put it in her mouth, munching the chicken sandwich. While devouring her food, she looks to her right, where a body is lifelessly resting.

She takes another piece of sandwich and put in on the top of the container.

With the other two pieces left in the container, she takes the light-woody subtance in her hand and put it on Jungkook table, not so far from his head.

The sound of the container hitting his table makes him open his eyes. His gaze us met with a wooden container.

"I am already full, you can take the other two," a female voice says that comes from his left.

That is the first time he hears her talking today.

He begins to lift his head and shoulders up until he is sitting properly on his chair again with his back slightly slouching.

He tries to look at his left but he can't. He does not have the courage to. Emily realizes him struggling, not knowing how he should react to her action. So she leads up.

"Just eat. You will not have the energy for the next class."

He hesitantly look down on his table, his insides is having a mini panic attack. Collecting his thoughts little by little, he found a little courage to do what he was told. Besides, the girl sitting next to him is also a quiet person. She must somehow understands him.

His hand minimally move to reach the container and takes one of the sandwich. He slowly brings his hands to his mouth and takes a bite of the sandwich.

The bread is slightly toasted, giving it a little crisps while the inside stays soft. Chicken can be taste along with bell peppers and cool refreshing tomatoes.

He forgot how good food tastes like.

For a second, he forgot about the anxiousness that he felt a while ago. He is too busy enjoying the piece of sandwich that she gave him.

She on the other hand, secretly cannot help but observe the person next to her silently eating the home-made sandwich. He definitely looks like he is enjoying it. It gives her a little joy in her heart. Someone likes what she made.

She continues to eat her sandwich while looking at her front that displays nothing but school furniture and a white board while her focus is still on the boy next to her.

Just saw she notice that he finished his first sandwich, she takes out a water bottle and slide it to his table.

With his head facing the table while his mouth is still busy munching the last bits of the sandwich, the water bottle catches the attention of his eyes.

"Take it, it's yours," she say, leaning her back on the chair. She takes her second and last sandwich and put it in her mouth.

Jungkook minimally takes the water bottle on the table and undo the cap. He takes sips of the water and put it back on the table after putting the cap on.

He just look on his table, not knowing whether he should or could take the other sandwich in the container.

"You better finish the sandwich, I want the container back," the female voice besides him says, showing him the permission to eat the rest of the food.

He does what he was told and again, he just looks at his table.

He wants to thank her, but he could not talk. So, there he is. Sitting on his chair with his hands playing with each other due to with a little anxiety and guilt not knowing how to thank the new girl besides him.

She takes the container and begins to clean everything up and put it back in her bag.

Suddenly, the boy next to her slips a small paper on her table, catching her attention. She takes a look of the paper to find a "Thank you," written in its surface.

She has a little smile to herself. "You're welcome," she says as her hand takes the paper and fold it to a tiny piece and put it in her pocket.

Suddenly, a realization hits her. Why didn't he just say it to her instead of giving her a piece of paper to say thank you?

She lowly wonder in her head, but she couldn't bother to asks him. She is not the type to take notes about people.

There both of them are. Not sparing any words but there is no awkwardness can be felt. It feels natural. Probably it is due to the fact that both of them are quiet.