2.40 p.m

In school

A sigh comes out from her mouth. She is now packing her bag, making sure everything is neat before zipping the bag. She takes the bag and hangs it on her shoulders while her hands reach two books that are on the table. She walks out of the library and closes the door.

The reason why she was in the library today is due to the science assignment that was given by her teacher. She knows that she couldn't do it by herself and she will need reference and guidance. That is when her best friend walks in.


She walks through the school corridor that was an outburst in the morning but now lone. Well, it has been ten minutes since the school session end so it is not surprising.

She walks in the middle of the corridor that is decorated with student lockers that are glued to the walls. Just as she is walking, sudden fast running steps can be heard from her back.

Before she could even turn her head to the source of the sound, two people suddenly walk along with her, one at

each of her sides.

"Hey, I thought you already went home," the boy from your right side says. Of course, it is him. Who else could it be?

"I was borrowing some books from the library for the science assignment that my teacher gave me," you say as you look to the front.

"What are you guys doing here?" You ask. The boy on your left is the one to open his mouth this time. "Cameron has to meet a teacher," Liam says.

You furrow your eyebrows. Why would he need to see a teacher?

Realizing the minor confusion on your face, Liam opens his mouth for the second time. "You don't know?" He asks. You shake your head, confirming that you don't know or even understand what he is talking about. "Cameron is the student president," he says while both of you are looking at each other.

Your eyes widen out of shock. You never expect he to be a student president. In fact, you have forgotten that the position of student president exists.

"Well is it that shocking?" Cameron says from your right, a shy smile is displaying on his face. "It's just, I have no idea that I will be talking to the student president since day 1," you say while looking at him.

Cameron shyly nodded at your sentence while his lips are holding a smile. "Oh yeah, by the way, about the make-up," he says while he looks at you. You just reply with a hum as a sign of a yes.

"How about this evening?"

You are free this evening, but you already ran out of your social energy to go out.

"I am sorry, but I think I will be busy doing my science assignment," so you make an excuse. "Maybe next time?" You manage to notice his lip tips curved down before he can quickly cover it up with a smile.

"Sure then," he says with a sad smile. "But can I have your number, it will be easier for me to contact you," he adds.

Probably you would give him your number. Why not, he seems very nice. But now, you don't even have a phone or even a phone number.

"Sorry, but I don't have a phone," you say bluntly. "Oh," Cameron says. The awkwardness can be felt in the air, and you somehow hated it. But thanks to your experience, you can get comfortable in awkward situations.

Three of you walk together without uttering a word to the school entrance and exit door. Three of you are finally outside of the school. Suddenly, you see a familiar silhouette walking not far from where you are. Your unaware figure and mind stop in your place, forcing the boys to follow your action.

"You know him?" Cameron says while taking a glance at the person you are looking at.

"Not really."

"No one really knows anything about him," Liam says catching your curious little thoughts.

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"You don't know?" Liam asks, You shake your head as a sign of a no.

"He doesn't talk. He is muted. I heard rumors saying that he actually can talk but you know, you got to hear it for yourself to believe it," He explained while looking at the figure that is becoming far and far as seconds pass.

"He is mysterious," he again states. He moves his head to look at you. Without you expecting, he gives a boxy smile.

"What do you know anyway, you are still a newbie," he teases while giving your head pets. You look at him, a little bit surprised by his action but manage to keep it yourself.

You begin to walk again, taking a glance where Harlan was walking to see he is gone. While the boys on the other hand, quietly follow your lead.

"Where is your house? We will walk you home," Cameron states.

"I can walk by myself," you says boringly.

"No, I insist," he says while looking at you with determination.

"Fine, just follow me." Both of the guys do as what they were told. The journey was rather quiet due to how disinterested you are.

After minutes of walking, you reach in front of your house. You slow down your steps until you eventually stop. "Here we are."

Cameron gives you a smile while Liam has his hands in his pockets, having his intimidating face on. "Thank you for walking me home," you says as you look at the both of them.

"No big deal," Cameron says as he tip toes. "So, we see each other tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure. In school?" You says.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow," Cameron says as he wave his hand while Liam gives you a head pet. It is kind of weird to pet someone's head, mainly, someone you just met. But you don't even know why you weren't complaining either.

You watch them walk away. After they made some pretty big distance from you, you walk to your house compound and get into the house.



The two boys continue to walk their way home after sending the school newbie home.

"Hey Cam," the other boy calls as both of them are walking.


"Do you think this is right?"

"What do you mean?"

Liam didn't utter a word but kept his sight on the pavement. Some guilt rush over him.

"We are just helping her. Nothing to worry about."