Science Assignment I

3 days have passed.

Cameron and Liam have been hanging around you a lot. Surprisingly, you don't really hate it. They mixed in your world easily. You just let them be around you without you realizing it.

Your mom and dad are more attentive to you. You will have dinner together every night and you will listen to them talking about their day. They sometimes casually ask you some questions so you will be more involved, but being the reserved person you are, you will simply answer them with a nod or a head shake.

"See you."







You sit on your chair when your classmates are rushing to theirs once hearing the teacher is coming. Just as everyone gets to their seat, a woman wearing a black pencil skirt and a simple white shirt comes into the classroom. The black waterfall cardigan on her gives her some casualty along with her professional educator look.

"Good morning Mrs. Michelle," the students say as everyone stands up. "Good morning. You may take your seat." Everyone sits on their chair in silence as the teacher prepares her stuff on the teacher's table.

"So class," Mrs. Michelle calls, while the students wait for her to continue her sentence. "I want to see your progress on the assignment I gave you," she says while looking at her students. The students have faces plastered look at their table mates while Emily and Harlan are the only ones who do not have the same reaction.

"Don't worry. I only want to take a look at the assignment so that I can correct and suggest to you some ways so that you will get a better result when you finish the assignment."

Everybody has a look of relief on their face except for some students. "I will start from the front. Take out your assignment." The students begin to take out their assignments while the teacher starts to take a look at them one by one.

You take out yours and wait for the teacher to come. You can hear some students being scolded due to not even starting with the assignment, some people being complimented, and some people being told what to improve. Time passes and your turn to be judged is soon to become. Before you know it, your turn has come.

"Miss Ryan, may I see your assignment?" The science teacher asks politely. Despite all of the stereotypes of how mean science teachers are, she proves them wrong. She is a passionate and dedicated educator. You can see that she is doing what she doing out of love, and she loves her job. "Here it is," you say as you slide your assignment on your table, giving her access to the document.

She opens the document and slides the page one by one, reading and observing your work. On the last page, she changes her head direction to look at you. "Wow, you amaze me. You're almost done with the assignment," she says with an impressed face on.

"Thank you," you say with a polite smile to her. You have always like people like her. People who love knowledge feels like a family member to you.

"Keep up the good work," she says as she gives you a big smile. You smile and nodded at her words. As she moves to the table that is connected and next to you, you take the document and began to take a look at it. Yup, you are quite satisfied with your work.

As you were checking your assignment, you hear your science teacher's words to Harlan. "Mr. Hudson, you only have done this much?" You can see she flips between two pages from the side of your eye. She let out a small sigh.

Somehow, she doesn't really scold Harlan for the amount of work he had done. She just have a little frustrated expression that can be seen on her face while keep staring at the papers.

"It's okay. I know just how to help you," she says with a small smile on her face as she looks at timid teen. Harlan on the other hand just looks at the table, knowing that Mrs. Cha is looking at him.

Suddenly, she changes the direction of her head to look at you. You look at her with a hint of surprise, not expecting that she will choose you to help Harlan. "Miss Ryan," she says with an inviting smile.

Uh-oh. You know what will go down.

"Yes, miss?"

"Can you help Harlan with his assignment? Since yours is beyond my expectation, I am sure you can guide him," she says with a nice smile.

Although how much you don't want to do it, you don't really have a good reason to avoid accepting her upcoming request. How can you reject the request in front of Harlan, the guy who are you "invited" to lend a hand.\

Plus, you are new, although you don't care about keeping a good name in front of the students, it is important for you to keep your clean image in front of your teachers. You have always respect educators so you might as well show them a good image. Unless they show a bad role model of course.

"So, Miss Ryan?" A lady's voice wakes you up from your thought. You look at her to find her eyebrows are raised while giving you a wary look. The guy beside you also secretly eyeing you from the side.

"Sure, I can help," you say with a polite face.

Your response is taken gladly by the middle-aged woman. She flashes you a big smile and takes a glance at Harlan before laying her eyes back on you. "And see me after class," she says in almost a whisper tone.

You nodded politely as she gives you one last smile before walking back to the front of the class and starts teaching. No wonder she looks young for her age. Her youth is still in her.

You start to focus on the class as the learning session begins.


The bell rings signing the end of the Science period. Your eyes casually move around the class when you catch the teacher giving you a sign to follow her outside. You stand up from your seat and walk to the front of the class, leaving the class as you walk through the classroom door, following your teacher.

You close the door before facing her who is now in front of you. She gives a gentle smile as her dark brown eyes glow can be seen through her glasses. "Emily," the middle-aged lady call.

"Yes, miss?" you respond, keeping the formality between both of you.

You keep a polite face on since you cannot keep up with her smiling game. Seriously, she smiles at every chance she gets.

"So actually, the reason I want to meet you is because of Harlan."

You blink at her statement. You are clueless, so you just nod at her, waiting for her to spill what she wanted.

She takes your nod as a sign for her to continue talking to her point.

"You know how to sign right?"

The unexpected question that was thrown at you slightly wrenches your heart. Contradict from your feelings, you put on a gentle smile on your face. Suddenly not knowing how to talk, you nodded instead of responding with your voice, feeling a small weight in your heart.

She looks at her feet before looking at you again with a kind smile displaying on her face.

"I hope you can use the sign language when you are with Harlan."

You slightly raise your eyebrows at her sentence.

The small pain in your heart can still be felt.

Thinking you are not completely clear with what she means, she decides to make it crystal clear.







"Harlan is muted."





