
I push the quaint door that has a modern touch onto it, revealing the nice chilly wind inside of the room. I walk my way besides numbers of teacher's table, walking my way to one specific table.

The woman in her middle age look up as she notice a figure approaching her. "Cameron, here you are," she says with a light pleasant smile on her face. Cameron gladly return her smile with the same one she gave him.

He walks closer and stand besides her table, while the teacher is casually tidying up her table from papers that she was checking. As she put the papers the side of her table, she looks up to Cameron, opening her mouth. "So, you find the people needed for the team?"

Cameron look at his teacher, "Not yet." "Oh, there are no people that is willing to volunteer?" "That is one of them, but the other reason is probably no one is really interested," Cameron suppose.

The teacher lift her head up, facing him "well, then we will make them interested." Cameron look at the teacher who is in charge of making sure the event will run smoothly. "How are we going to do that?" The teacher give him a preoccupied expression.

"Find the people needed for the team first, then you and your team will work it out." "What if nobody wants to be in the team," he pointed out.

The teacher look at him deadpan. "Oh, come on Cameron. Just drag the top students. They would not really say anything if we ask them for help." he just lightly nod while silently agreeing in his mind.

"Or you could also drag the students that you know they can do their responsibility. I am sure nothing would really go wrong." The teacher look at him with reassurance.


Cameron look at his teacher while giving her a light forced smile. "Okay." She give him a small smile and something suddenly slip through her mind. "God, I forgot to print some papers," she panic slightly while hesitantly standing up.

"Well, you think about the students that you want to "drag", I will come back in a few minutes. And, in the meantime, could you tidy up my table?" Cameron gladly reply with a "sure."

"Thank you," the teacher said before leaving him to go to the printing room.

He starts tidying by collecting the pens and put it into the round stationery holder that is standing on the left side of the table. He collect the black paper clip and open the first drawer of the table, revealing collections of white rubber, and paperclips that is organized according to their size.

He put the paperclips onto the size they are. The table is already pretty much organized, it is just the small stationery that is scattered on the table. He boringly stand besides the teacher's table as he couldn't find anything else to be organized.

Suddenly, the name of someone familiar catches his ear.

He takes a look from the source of the sound.

"Yeah, that new girl. What is up with her?" It was Mrs. Michelle and Mrs. Ellery. They seems to be having a conversation about a student.

"So, I was checking the science assignment I gave to your class a few days ago, and her assignment was nearly perfection," Mrs. Michelle said with a visible sense of amazement on her face. "Seriously?" Mrs. Ellery responded.

"Yeah, I already know what grade I am going to give her." Mrs. Ellery just nod at her sentence while slowly zoning out into her thoughts.

"I also assigned her to help Harlan."

The sentence catches her ears. While the mention of Harlan's name dig interest. Also, slightly made him worried.

"Harlan Hudson?" she asks as if she doesn't already know what answer is coming. "Of course, we only have one Harlan in this school."

"She did good. Harlan is halfway to finishing his assignment."

That means she spent some time with him?


"Okay I'm back." The voice of his teacher caught him off guard. "Did I go for too long?" she asks playfully as she walks to her table with papers in the hold of her hand. Cameron just shake his head and the teacher put the papers on her table.

"Hey, my table is neat," she said and move her gaze to Cameron. "Thank you," the teacher said as she gave him a small smile. "You are welcome," he said while returning her smile.

"So," she said with a pause, "you thought of the people needed?" Cameron break the conversation for a second as his mind runs. He look back again at the teacher as he open his mouth,

"Yes, I did."


He sits comfortably on the hard wooden bench while leaning forward, bouncing the orange basketball as he waits for his dear friend.

"Hey," he heard a familiar coming not far from him, making him to sit straight while his hand caught the ball and put in on his lap. "Hey," he says as he looks at the person who is approaching him. "So, everything went well?" Liam says as he watch Cameron sits besides him. "Kinda," Cameron responded.

"Hmm, I wonder what your "kinda" means," Liam says playfully. "Well," Cameron says with a pause, "I have something to tell you." Liam move his gaze to Cameron, asking him, "What is it?"

Cameron gives him a small apologetic smile. "You are going to be in the team."

Liam expression is replaced by frustration. On the other hand, Cameron lowkey feels guilty, but mostly, he didn't really regret it. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you first," Cameron says as he put on an apologetic face.

Liam didn't say anything but instead, he put on his normal resting face on. "Whatever, it already happened." Cameron's face quickly lit up, a smile plastering on his lips. "That doesn't mean I am not mad at you," Liam stated with a deadpan tone.

Cameron playfully raise both of his hands besides his ears, muttering "Okay, okay."

Cameron put his hand down and rest them on his lap. "And, another thing," he adds while looking Liam. "What is it now?" Liam responded little coldly.

Honestly, Liam didn't really mind if he is going to be in the team, it is just, Cameron should have ask first, but he didn't.

"I have to tell the others who was chosen to be in the team," Cameron says, keeping his gaze on his friend. "And, the teacher wants to see the team gather tomorrow," Cameron adds.

"We can just text them," Liam says as he stands up. "The school is over for today, so let's stop talking about school, shall we?" He move his gaze to look at Cameron once again. Cameron's lip form a thin line as he accept his friend's thought. "Fine."


"help me with math."

A smile form on her lips as she read those words.

"may i hear it again?"

A mischievous smile form on her lips as she sent the text.

"im typing how are you suppose to hear dumbass"

As she read the text, her fingers rapidly type on her keyboard of her phone's surface.

"then i am probably not going to help you"

"okay, fine fine"

Enjoying the victory that she gained, a small smile form on her lips.

"help me with math"

"okay then"

She sent the last text before settling her phone down and get back to the math homework she was doing.

However, she wasn't really focusing onto the work that she is claiming to be doing. Her mind wander off, thinking about the guy she was texting. The one who is supposedly her "enemy".

Yes, she kind of hate him at first considering how he loves to tease her all the time and target pranks and jokes of her all the time. But as time pass, she realized that she could not go a day without even looking at him. It is like, she is used to his company.

She lightly shakes her head as she free her mind from her thoughts. "Let's focus on this," she motivates herself as her eyes are looking at the question while her hand is holding a mechanical pencil.

As she was about to scribble down the mathematical work on her book, the notification bell of her phone ring, completely stealing her attention from the work she was supposed to be doing.

A smile plastered on her lips once again, thinking about who it is.

Different from her assumption, it is not who she was hoping it to be. Furthermore, she didn't expect him to text her at all.

She open the chat, reading the text that was sent to her.

"Hey Halle"

She replied to him with a simple "hey." After a few seconds her text was sent, she received a new one.

"Can I call you?"

She raise one of her eyebrow, wondering about the sudden action of the student's president.

"Yeah, sure."

Not long after, she received a call from the same number. She swipe on the green button, accepting the call. She put her telephone next to her ear, while resting her head on her hand.

"Hey," the male voice from another side can be heard.

"Hey," Halle responded. "What is up with the sudden text and call?" She adds.

"Well, I have something to tell you."

"Then let the cat out."

"Congrats, you are chosen to be in the event organizer team," Cameron says with a light playful and happy tone.

On the other hand, Halle wasn't really feeling anything.

"Oh, you are talking about the Masopine High and Cleston High School event?"

"Yep, that one," Cameron says on the other line.

"Oh, okay."

On the other line, Cameron is looking at Liam, a sense of surprised can be seen on his face.

"Wait, you are not mad?"

Halle, furrowed her eyebrows, weirded by the question that is aimed at her. "No, why would I?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Okay then, I am going to hang up."

"Wait a second. Another thing, we need to meet up after school tomorrow," Cameron informed.

"Anything else?"

"Nope, that's it. Thank you for your time."

"You are very much welcome." With that, Halle hang up the call.


"I don't know that will be that easy," Liam says as he lean back on the soft material of the sofa.

"Of course, who would've thought it is easy after getting scold from Matthew," Cameron says as he follows his friend's action.

As a sudden thought slip through Liam's mind, he open his mouth. "The team needs five people right?" Cameron nodded his head as he closes his eyes.

"Who is the another one?"

Cameron open his eyes only to close it again and take a deep breath before releasing a deep breathe out.

"She doesn't have a phone, we cannot contact her right now."

Liam moves his gaze to look at Cameron before moving his gaze back at the ceiling and closing his eyes.

"It will be okay."