Surprise I

The dusk passed and the night falls. I lie down on my bed, appreciating how soft the mattress is, yet supporting her body elegantly. The light from the window attract my view, making I move my head to look at what is on the other side.

The bright moon is full, lighting up the sky as it decorates the blank dark sky. The stars cannot be seen. It is also one of the difference between my old home. Usually, every night, the sky will be garlanded by the stars, while here it can hardly be seen since the night clouds cover them up.

I can heart my silently screaming.

There is no point thinking about what is in the past.

I should move on.

Like what everyone else did.

My eyes stare at the moon as my mind wanders deep into my brain. My brain brought me back to what happened this evening. A small smile automatically made a way on my lips as my brain mentioned it.

The hint of cheerful expression on his face freshly sits on my mind when I gave him a banana milk. His doe eyes that lightly sparkles sets a little bloom in my heart. It is so pleasant to see that type of face.

How can I say this?

He is like a ball of innocence, which is something rare to be found. Especially, for a guy. It feels like he needs to be protected. Furthermore, he is mysterious.

All I know from spending time with him is he doesn't enjoy socializing, he follows everything I said, and he enjoys banana milk, so much.

He is an interesting character isn't he?

As my mind is full of him and how intriguing he is, my brain slowly shuts down before I knew it.





The sound of the door opening makes them be more careful than they were. She push the door by handle, reveling the sight of her daughter's room, that is now illuminated by the darkness while the light from the window is the only source that is letting them see.

Her eyes focused on the figure that is sleeping peacefully on the bed. As she walks closer to her bed, for the first time, she sees her daughter sleeping in a light face, which lift a weight on her heart. She sits on the side of the bed, making the bed sunk.

A small motherly smile make a way on her lips, as she place her hand on top of her daughter's head, caressing her slowly.

On the other hand, the father who was watching the mom's action from the door frame walks to her daughter's table, that is placed on his left. The glass bottle steals his attention, as he takes the bottle in his hand, looking at the pills inside of them.

Yep, the pills is definitely decreasing.

The sight of the father's action steals the mother's attention. Her eyes are now also stuck on the glass bottle. Noticing that her eyes are now at the bottle too, both of them coincidentally meet at the same time.

Understanding each other's expression, the mother finally stands up, taking another look at her daughter. She gives her a sweet good night kiss while the father follows the mother's action. Both of them takes a final look at her before leaving the room, giving their daughter her time to rest.

She quietly closes the door of the room, before moving her gaze to her husband who is also looking at her. Both of them walks to their room as the husband leads the way.

As both of them reach their room, the wife get into the room first as her husband closes the door. She sits on the comfortable mattress of their bed.

Right after the door is closed, she opens her mouth. "She is still taking the pills, right?" The husband, who is named Brandon replies. "Yeah, I think so."

As she listen to her husband's answer, she looks at the floor. She wasn't really surprise. She already expect the answer. She don't really know what she was hoping the answer would be, be a sense of sadness and disappointment can be felt in her heart.

Brandon comes closer to her wife, who named Sandra, and eventually sits right next to her. He moves his hand to pat the back of his wife. "It's okay. At least she can sleeps now," he says, comforting his partner who he spent 20 years of his life with.

"Yeah," a low mutter can be heard coming from her Sandra. She slowly lean on to him, as he openly accepts her in his arms. She begins to calm down as the sound of his steady heart beat travels through her ear.

"I just hope everything will be normal soon."

"It will," the husband said, reassuring his wife.

They stay on that position for some time before opening his mouth. "It's getting late, shall we go to sleep?" The wife raise her head up to look at her husband, nodding at his sentence.

The husband let out a small smile before getting onto the bed, followed by his wife.

"Goodnight," said the wife.



7.56 a.m. / School

I walk through the corridor, passing the students that seems to be talking and doing their own business. Once I reached my locker, I unlock the blue lockable by entering the code that I was given by the principal. I open the metal door, revealing an empty space.

I swing my backpack that is hanging my right shoulder to my side so that it is accessible to my hand. I unzipped my bag, giving my eyes the access to see the items that are in it. I rummage through my stuff, looking for the books that I was planning to put into the locker.

As my fingers push the books one by one, my eyes finally recognize the title I was looking for. I grab the book along with the books behind it and put it in the locker. As I was doing my own business, a familiar voice can be heard, calling my name. "Emily."

I turn my body to face the owner of the voice, Cameron. "Hey," he said with a sweet smile on his face. I just look at him plainly, but he seems to not be affected by it. Seems like he kind off understand me a little bit now.

There is also a guy standing besides him. Of course, who else other than Liam. The bestie duo that attracts people's attention.

"Hey," I said with a low voice.


"She's in school?" The middle age lady asks as she cross the seat belt across her hips.

"Yup," Brandon simply said.

She inserts the seat belt in the buckle and sits straight. "Okay, let's go."

He put his hand on the gear, placing his car into gear, reversing his car out of the open garage.


"Keeping some stuff?" he said while looking at the opened locker behind me. I look behind my back and closes the metal door while opening my mouth. "Yeah."

"So, actually I have a news to tell you."

I turn my body back to face them. "What is it?"

"It is that, you were chosen to be in a team," Cameron says as he looks at me. Not to forget Liam's gaze which is also resting on my face.

"What team?" I asked out of uncertainty. I never heard anything about a team before since I came into the school. "It is a event management team."


Noticing my bedazzled face, he begins to explained. "You probably never heard of it since you just moved in."

Well, that makes sense.

"And, the news about the event is not really talked about since the students weren't really excited," he explained.

I slowly nods as I look at them. However, it doesn't makes sense for them to choose a new student to be part of the team. Worse, it is an event management team. They are putting way too much trust in a newbie.

"Can I ask, why I was chosen?"

As them both maintains their eyes on me, Cameron explain. "Well, I heard that you are good at science." I slightly frowned.

"What does that got to do with the event?"

"I don't know. I just think you were the perfect choice," Cameron blurted.

"So you were the one who chose me?"

Realizing he was caught, his breath hitch.

"Well, I am sorry that I didn't tell you first. We are kinda chasing the time right now. The team should be ready by today."

Hearing his apology, I almost instantly accept it. It is understandable. Plus, it is not anything big that I could not handle.

"It's okay," I said, letting him know that I do not mind. His smile makes an appearance once again on his lips. "Thank you."

Before the situation could be silence, Cameron speaks. "Oh, and you have to wait after school for a little," he says with a pause between his sentence, as I look at him, listening to what he has to say. "We will have a little meeting after school."

I nodded at his sentence. "Okay."

My eyes move for a second to look at the guy next to Cameron only to find him staring at me. I move my gaze back on Cameron. "Where the little meeting will be held?"

Cameron held in his sweet face. "At the school's backyard. You know the mini tables and seats?" I nodded. "Yup, right there," he confirmed.

"Okay," I simply said. "And Emily," Cameron voice. I look at him signing that I am listening. "Want to go on lunch with us?"

I just keep quiet, not really knowing what to say. However, the boys in front of me have a face glimmering with hope. I mentally sigh. "Okay."

The hopeful face is now replaced with a visible happy one. "Cool, then we will see you in the cafeteria." I minimally nodded as I hold the strap of my bags.

"See you," Cameron say as he gives me the last sweet smile of his. I take a glance on Liam to see him looking at me with the corner of his lips raised before walking away.

After they make their way to the class, I immediately follow their step and make my way to the class.