□Chapter 7□

I got ready in a full black leather outfit with a full trench coat. So that the person thinks i am going to take everything off for a strip tease but nah sis.

I get into the car and drive to the department to get the equipment. The whole team were given ear peices. A small hand gun. Me and Zeeshan got extra bullets and a few daggers and hand pocket knives.

It was a quick thing as we had to get the plan sorted before 5 p.m as the auction starts at 5:15.

We got the plan finalised and we started to head off in the department cars as ours had number plates but the department ones had fake ones. I got stuck with Zeeshan ughhh.

I got in the driver's seat first because it was too awkward to be in a passenger seat.

'I am driving.' The audacity he has.

'No i am since i am in the driver's seat.' I argue back

'Yh but who cares?'

'And who asked Zeeshan i am driving you get in or you don't hope that is clear.' I lash out as i get the engine roaring. He gets into the passenger seat with no back talk which i was thankful for because this guy could pick me up and send me flying across half of the world because he is so buff.

Uhm Shut up Aiesha.

We start driving and i speed up as it is 5:12.

'Calm down.' Why does this have a to comment on everything.

'No time to calm down. Hold yourself.' I say as i spin the wheel around as quick as i can to make a u turn and keep speeding till we get there.

When we do get there we all park far away to not look suspicious. As i am in the car i get my guns and open my trench coat to put my gun and daggers in and i can feel his stare right on me. I ignore it and start to walk in.

'Can you guys hear.' Zain calls to check in.

'Yes. It's time to go in.' Zeeshan responds holding my waist to look like a couple and we start walking in with his hands still on my back. I pushed his hands to make it go in his pocket and hold his arm.

'Careful there. You might catch feelings' i roll my eyes to his stupid comment but i didn't notice a smirk on my eyes, so i quickly hide it.

We walk in and take our seats to the far back and wait till everything is settled.

'It's time. Aiesha your time to shine.'

I get up and let go of Zeeshan's arm and not look suspicious. I walk to the lobby and see the assistant of Jeffrey Boner.

'Here for Jeffrey. He called. ' I give him a wink hoping he would understand and surprisingly this idiot did and lead me to his room and opened it.

I hear the water running to i wait for him to come out and as he does. I see him. I felt my heart skip beats. Wtf. I lost focus. Wtf is he doing at an auction. Wtf is he trafficking kids for and it all hit me. It hit me. Such an idiot. Wtf is wrong with you Aiesha. I don't think he recognised me which luckily was good because that would ruin the whole mission. I bring back my fcous with him stilk staring at me. I take the disgusted face out of me. He starts pulling the gun out but in a quick move i open my trench coat.

'Actually i have a better idea. Blindfold?' I find one tie his hands and legs and blindfold him. He gives a light moan. Ugh i can't belive he is turned on right now. I finish blind folding him and crack his neck till his join is broken.

(Play at 1:40)

'I feel bad. Hey at least i gave him a last moan.' I hear Zain start chuckling.

'Zeeshan. You can start shooting in a few minutes on my go.' I say as i start ripping his shirt with the pocket knife and get the key.

'You got it.' He answers as i go out the room towards the back door.

'Ready GO.'

i hear gun shots go off and everyone around me went towards the stage. I could hear the team joining Zeeshan on the shooting.

I quickly run towards the back door and open it and start letting the kids out.

'Behind me.' I start walking taking my gun out into aim just in case while walking to the front door. I see Micheal and let him lead as I go to the stage room.

It was risky but it had to be done. I sneak peak every corner i took. I take the last corner and i see the assistant running with the leader of the auction. I hear my name being called and I was shocked he recognised me. My heart beat faster with a lost focus and everything blurred. The motherfucker threw a hand knife at my lower ab but missed and it hit the corner of my arm making it bleed. I fight with the strength i have and I shoot to their direction and as soon as he saw me started running to the entrance but the other stayed back. I shot the idiotic one and

Speak to the ear piece.

'Zain there is one running out now on the north side.'

I run towards the stage and start shooting from the back as no one would see me. I kept the look on my back just in case someone was behind me. There was a few left. One to be Elijah Michealson Black with his right hand and left hand man.

The left hand man turns around and notices me and knudges the other one. Think fast. Think fast. I get behind the announcement chair for defence and start shooting aiming for the legs and arms as we don't need them dead. I manage and Elijah takes aim towards Zeeshan who has no gun. NO GUN WTF. I panic later and shoot his hand making the gun drop and Zeeshan picks it up and finishes the job. I sit back feeling the feel of my first accomplished mission.

The rest of the men take the injured men out of the building.

'Come on you take left and i go right. If anything happens make sure to speak up.' He comes over giving me a helping hand up.

I get up and go left making sure the building is empty.

'Left side empty.' I speak up like HE SAID. I hear a few gunshots from Zeeshan and I panic and start walking towards the right.

'Right is now clear. Meet middle.' I walk to the middle. Walking backwards to clear up the left area and i bump into something hard.

'Watch where you goi-.' I turn around to see his green eyes onto mine.

'Says the one who bumped into me. Very rich.' I roll my eyes.

'Either way watch it. You might catch feelings.' I reply using what he said before as he chuckles.

'That is mission completed Zeeshan and Aiesha. You can come out the building anytime soon or just keep catching feelings.' Micheal speaks and i hear the team laugh. I can feel my cheeks heating up as I am staring at his smirk.

We get back to the car and i take my trench coat off because of all the blood on it, revealing my black top and black skinny jeans and red heals matching my red lipstick. Zeeshans eyes go straight to the cut om my arm as i used A piece of cloth to cover it and apply pressure.

'What happened?' He questions.

'Nothing just a cut.' He nods and I try ignoring his worry filled eyes. His eyes stayed on my arm then back to me and my idiotic self decided to open her damn mouth.

'Can i help?'

'Yh you can. By the way i am driving. I have a desire living a long life than you Aiesha.' I give a smile.

Him saying my name sent chills down my body as i take off the gun and ear peice.

The ride back was boring so i turn up the music which was playing 'One Dance' by Drake

*feel free to turn up the volume and music video on the start of the chapter*

He gives me the look and i turn up the sound and open the roof.

I let the fresh air hit me. I just felt free.

'How do you know Zain?' Huh

'Family friend. Met him at 16 and helped me train in boxing and shooting.' Why was i telling him this. Whose controlling my mouth.

'Hm. Nice. Can i ask a question.'

'Yh sure.'

'Were you close with your parents?'

Is it that obvious that i am not. I feel heavy hearted as the music fills my ear.

'I guess. Yh i was. They were loving.' I answer hopefully sounding genuin.

He starts leaning towards me and i move back till i hit the door and had nowhere else to go. I feel my heart quicken and butterflies fill my stomach as he leans into my ear.

'Liarr.' I was shocked. How did he know?

He moved back still keeping the eye contact game strong. He could tell i was shocked.

'I don't know what you are on about. Either way my past is none of your business.'

'It is because why were you so shocked seducing the guy. Is he also a family friend?'

'Zeeshan shut up. I don't know who the guy is.'

'you eyes are defying you Raven. You have lies written all over your face. Your lucky us two are the ones questioning the dick because if it was someone else they would have found out your mystery.'

'I am questioning him?' I reply with a shocked expression.

'What happened? I thought you didn't know the guy.' He gives me a smirk.

'Watch it Ahmed. My past is my past and none of your business. I suggest you stay in your lane.' I reply looking away.

He didn't back talk which i was thankful for. We stayed quiet the ride back and let the music lead as i hum to it.

Why is the talk of my parents bought up. This shit isn't adding up. I feel my heart getting heavy do i look away. Why couldn't someones past just stay in the past. Especially my past which is embarrassing and shameful. What did he know that was so sacred.