Hey guys. I just wanted to say thanks you for everything. It means so much to me and i hope you are enjoying the story. Feel free to comment and correct me..
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The ride back was a regret. I should have taken a ride with Zain. How dare he. Who the fuck does he think he is.
I get home and quickly shower to get ready for the wedding. I decided to do for an eye-catching outfit. A gold pinkish outfit that dragged down to my feet I wore clear heels which were not seen with gold jewelry to match the dress. The makeup was light since the dress was phenomenal.
I got in my car and drove to the venue while looking at my phone
I am not going to lie I am only going because I need to reunite with the gang. As much as we lost touch, they were there everyday of secondary school. The venue was big with a theme of white and gold. I get out the car getting my clutch and I notice footsteps walking towards me. I instantly look back to see her.
'Aiesha. Glad you could make it. You look amazing.' Wow did she get hit by a bus or get fucked so hard before marriage that she lost memory.
'Thanks. You look fine too.' I respond hopefully not sounding too mean.
I look back to see Saba running towards me. My eyes instantly light up to see my secondary school close friend running to me. I hug her and I feel alive.
'Omg I can't believe it. It really is you.'
'the one and only.' I respond while backing away from the hug and leading her inside and leaving Souline outside.
As we walk inside my eyes instantly go to the gang. One member specifically. My ex-crush. As I walk towards them there eyes lit up as they see me. They all run for a hug and it just feels old times you know.
'Aiesha.' I hear my name called and I know exactly who it is. Souline's fiancée aka the guy she exposed me to.
To not look rude, I shake hands with him and say hi. After a few minutes the announcement goes live.
'Ladies and Gentlemen. It is a pleasure to have you but now it's time to dance. So make some noise.' We all take a seat making me next to my school crush. I look at him and think. How did I have a crush on him. I freak out.
As the family is dancing I remember the dances me and Soul made for our wedding and I get an idea. I get up and go to the DJ to say that the next is mine.
My eyes kept going back to that stupid crush. We both liked each other he admitted it to me and I admitted it to him but nothing ever went. Just two good friends. I never wanted it more. I wasn't the
marriage type of girl. I always wanted to be single with a shit ton of accomplishment, money and success which is why I never lead it to more even if my friends wanted it to.
After I finished my dance it was the ring ceremony which was the cherry on top to the wedding as it was coming to the end. As the bride was walking out everyone was crying apart from me who was trying to keep my smirk in because I didn't want to ruin the moment because many brown girls live for this day.
I didn't want to petty so I just hugged her and wished good luck and headed out saying bye to all the gang. This was a fun night. It was refreshing.
I was grateful to grow up with nothing because now i can appreciate
I sat in my car with my face in palms trying to regain my confidence. As i check my phone
5 miscalls from Dad
8 miscalls from Zainy
Zain: Where are you?
Zain: Aiesha just answer your dad
Zain: Aiesha???
Aiesha: Zain i will answer when i want. Leave me be
Ugh can't a girl get her freedom for fuck sake.
. . .
I went straight to bed when I got home last night. It was too late for my brain to function but i woke up at 4 to finish some paperwork for the business. Sometimes i want to take the computer and throw it at the wall with frustration. Little did I know it was going to be frustration and anger in a minute.
Incoming call from dad
I give up and answer.
'Yh speak up.'
'Listen Aiesha. I need some money about a few thousands in urgency. I know you hate me and keep doing so because I don't care.'
'With that attitude no money will be sent.'
'Aiesha it is not for me. I am in debt.'
'The money will be sent and I suggest you stop calling me and continue to ruin my life.' I end the call.
My grandma taught me that you can forgive but never forget which I stuck by but i also taught myself that the more you loose to do good, God will give you 10 times more.
I just sent it to not bring arguments between my dad and mom since they have a lot now a days. It was a daily thing between my parents. Fights everyday with all their kids listening. Most of them were to argue about me and how i have disappointed them. It hurts different when your parents are against you. Nothing ever really made sense as nothing was good either. Reality hits me that I still need to question to fucking bitch and hopefully he doesn't remember me so let's hope it goes smoothly.