Chapter 4 - My crazy friends

Louise pov

I let her sleep in the whole ride because she drink a lot and I know she want to rest, after a while we arrive to her house I woke her up first before we went down to my car. "hey Janella wake up were here."

But she seemed in a deep sleep so I woke her up again and later on she woke up "Were here, let's go inside so you can rest."

"How have you been waking me up? I'm sorry. "

"It's not just a moment." she smiled, I opened the door for her and helped her get down to my car.

I walk with her until we reach their gate "uhmm Loui thanks for taking me here in my house, I shouldn't bother you, do you want to com in to get some coffee?" she asked me

"No thanks maybe next time it's kinda late and we need to go to school early tomorrow, it's Okay I won't let you take a taxi." I wish I could stay but it's too late and maybe she want to rest.

"So I'll go ahead you should rest now good night."

"Good night, be careful to drive." she said while smiling there is that smile of her again.

"You should go in. "

When she entered, I hop in my car and went to my condo, my condo was not that far so I arrived immediately when I entered the condo I just threw my things on my couch and took a bath after that I lay down to my bed and sleep I need to woke up early tomorrow.

Janella pov

I'm here at the school now because we are finishing our project because the deadline is near and our graduation is also near. One week ago when we go the bar after that me and Loui didn't meet again maybe she was also busy because we are graduating.

After I met Loui, I'm not annoyed with her, she also didn't mean what happened I don't know but after the conversation we had at the bar and the time she took me home I always think about her and I didn't know what was happening to me, I stopped thinking my thoughts when my phone ranging I looked at who was calling and it's jasmine what else does this girl need.

"Hello!! "

"Oh why are you irritated?"

"I'm not, I'm just tired, why did you called me? "I have no interest to answered, it is true that I'm very tired because we have a lots of school works need to be passed.

"Were here at the school cafe, we want to invite you here to eat, you're the one who just not here, where are you? " I looked at the clock it's past twelve, I didn't notice the time and i didn't take some lunch.

"I'm here in our classroom, I'll go there we'll just finished here wait for me. "

"All right, we ordered you a food.

"All right.. " I put down my phone and fix my belongings. I said goodbye to my group mates. There was a few details to fix so they allow me to go first.

When I came out of the classroom I went straight to the cafe because it was near to our building so I got there immediately, when I go inside I immediately saw the three of my friends and they talking.

"Why you took you so long, here you eat. " Jasmine said while giving me the food.

"I'm right you forgot the time, its good that jasmine called you. " Aireen said when I was too busy I was not aware of the time that's why she always reminded me.

"We really need to finish our project until the deadline." I told to them while eating.

"By the way Jane, how are you when Loui took you in your house after we went to the bar, we didn't asked that because we were so busy." I stopped eating when Sam asked me, it's true after that night we didn't talk anymore about me and Loui, I thought they had forgotten.

"It's okay, she just take me to my house after that, she also went home. " I said while eating.

"That's all? " jasmine asked while smiling foolishly, as if she did not believe, what she wanted to know. I just nodded but they were still looking at me ghad spill it Janella they will not stop asking you.

"Okay fine, I invite her to have some coffee to my house first, to say thank you because she drive me home, but she refused because she said she need to go to school early so I didn't insist. " I explained to them

"I see, Haha she's very loyal to her girlfriend haha. " Sam said so they laughed.

"She doesn't have a girlfriend. " they stopped laughing when they heard what I'm saying.

"What are you saying? She doesn't have a girlfriend? " Aireen asked again.

"Yes she doesn't have a girlfriend. " I answered again as if they were still wondering how I found out.

"Wait, isn't the owner of the bar is her girlfriend?" Sam asked again.

"She wasn't her girlfriend, Anha was just her friend." I said but they didn't seem to believe it.

"Why were they so sweet when we were at the bar." Airee

"Wait, yeah she is not her girlfriend, because when yoojin and I were on our way home that night, I asked her if Anha is Loui's girlfriend but yoojin said that they were friends of the four of them. " jasmine explained so I did not speak.

" Wait Jane how did you know that she wasn't her girlfriend? " Aireen asked

"When you went to the dance floor we talked, we also talked about that so I found out. " I explained to them but this bitch smiled foolishly.

"So you talked. " Sam said while looking at me and seemed to mean something.

"Are you dictionary? " I asked them

"No, why? " they said

"Because you give meaning to all what I said. " they laughed at what I say, aren't they tricked me again.?

"It's better that I can introduce her to my friend hahaha." the three of us looked at Sam. Who's friend of her.

"And who's friend of yours that you will introduce to her? " jasmine asked

"Who else? It's Janella hahaha." I was stunned by what she said.

"What? Me? Are you crazy? " I said to her and slapped her arm.

"Awww!!! Your hand is hard.. Wait, what is wrong if we take you to Loui and besides you say that Anha is not her girlfriend, right?" he said while crossing her arms.

"Sam is right Jane then you are beautiful so what is wrong with that? " jasmine told me she agree with Sam seriously.

"No I don't have time for that okay." I said and stood up but they stopped me.

"Oh wait, where are you going? Stay here were still talking. " they said while stopped me.

"Because you're going to tricked me. " I said while frowning and those bitch just laughed at me.

"Hahaha were not tricking on you Jane we are serious here. Jasmine call your girlfriend now ask them where they are. " Aireen said seriously she also agreed with the nonsense idea of these two.

Jasmine took her cellphone but before she call yoojin Sam spoke again.

"I think you don't have to call her. " Sam said while looking at the door of this cafe.

"Why..?" Aireen confused and asked

"Because they here. " Sam said while pointing at the door.

We looked in the direction of the door and Sam was right, they were coming here in our way, so my three friends smiled foolishly again, why did I even come here if I just stayed with my group mates.

"Hi girls.. " yoojin greeted us and she sit next to Jasmine with her friends.

"Why are you here love? You don't have class today? " jasmine asked yoojin

"Nothing it's done so we decide to eat here when we entered here we saw you. " yoojin explained

"Ah, I see." Jasmine said while looking at me and I just stared at her.

The timing of these four is really good, they also stayed here in the cafe because they said they don't have a class anymore, we don't have much class because we need to passed a requirements for graduation. I looked at Loui one week we didn't see each other I could not thank her for took me in my house last time.

"Anyway, do you have any plans after graduation?" Jiyoo suddenly asked.

"Nothing, why? " Sam

"We would you like to invite to a vacation, so we can relax." soljie said.

"Sure we come beside we have no plans after our graduation. " Aireen

"We are also Stressed for a few weeks because there we are so busy. " Jasmine

"Loui, do have a resort in zambales right? " yoojin asked

"Yeah but I haven't be there for a long time because I'm so busy in school. " Loui

"All right, then let's take a vacation there so you can visit as well." Jiyoo said

"Okay, a while ago my dad asked me to check our resort there but because we are busy I didn't checked it. " Loui said why is she don't looked at me, while when we were at the bar she was staring at me or maybe because she just drank that time, right she just drank.

We stayed for while to talk about our vacation at Loui's resort, after that we decided to go home, there were a few people in the school because it's already afternoon, Sam and Aireen went home first because they said they still have something to do while Jasmine was took yoojin in their home, me jiyoo, soljin and Loui stayed here in school.

"How about you Jane? You didn't go home yet?" Soljin asked

"I'm going home too because I have something to do at my house, I'll go ahead. " I said I should have left when Loui spoke.

"Where are you going?" I seemed confused by her question

"I'm going home, why? "

"Don't you have a car? " she asked me. Actually I have a car but it's still in the workshop so I can't use it

"My car is in the workshop so I'll just take a taxi." I said

"You know what Jane you should come with Loui beside your house is on the way to her condo and it's dangerous if you take a taxi. " jiyoo said but it would be awkward if she take me again to my house.

"She's right Jane you should come with Loui it's look like she wants to take you to your house hahaha. " soljin laughed

"Come on, Janet, I'll take you to your house, I also won't let you take a taxi again." Loui said

"But it's awkward if I bothered you agai-" I'm not finished what I was about to say when Loui pulled me to her car.

She opened the car door then she let me in, after she gave me my belongings and closed the doors head she said goodbye to soljin and jiyoo

"We'll go ahead." Loui said to them

"All right, go home straight Mongkhon don't go anywhere. " soljin joked so she was poked by her.

"Awww!!! It hurts you know." Soljin said.

"Let's go you're going to annoyed her, Loui, take care Jene!. " jiyoo said and nodded to us, Loui also got the driver's seat and started the car then we left the school.