Chapter 5 - Something new

Louise pov

I didn't let her finish what she was going to say I know she would refuse my offer again so I pulled her into my car immediately, why is she always rejecting me she doesn't like me, I thought after our conversation in the bar we were okay. I didn't see her for a week because I was busy. earlier when we entered the school cafe and we saw them I felt alive I want to see her again but I didn't find her either because my be she's busy too. I stopped thinking when she spoke

"Uhmm Loui, just dropped me at the village's entrance and I'll just walk in my house" she said she really didn't want to be with her.

"I won't, I'll take you to your house, besides you owe me a coffee right?" I told her that she seemed to be surprised that, it's early so I could stay with her.

"Are you sure I didn't bother you?" when did she bothering me?

"No you didn't bother me Okay and I also have nothing to do so it's okay."

She didn't speak until we reached her house. I first went down to open the car door for her after that she invite me to come in. Her house was so beautiful and big it's look like to our family house.

"Come in, sit down, what do you want to drink juice, coffee or tea? "

"You offered me a coffee last time right? So give a coffee."

"All right, sit down first and I'll get you some coffee." she said and she immediately went to their kitchen. I look around to their house my attention caught when I see the table that full of their pictures. I've seen the picture of a married couple maybe it's her parents I also saw her graduation picture when she was in high school she also had a picture with her parents when she was young.

"here's your coffee, I also brought you some cake. " she said so I turned to her

"I'm sorry if I tampered with the pictures. "

"It's okay. "

"Where are your parents?"

"They are not here, they are in New Zealand because my dad's business is based there so I'm living here with my nanny." we are the same, my parents are not here either, they are in Thailand, that's why my nanny is always with me.

"Is that so, we are the same. "

"Why, where are your parents?" she asked me

"They're in Thailand just like your dad, my dad's business is also based there, so I'm the only one here. "I said

"How about your siblings? Where are they?

"I don't have a siblings, I'm just alone."

"It's hard to be an only child isn't it?"

"huh?" I didn't get it her question

"I'm just only child like you. "

We are both very similar, it is really difficult when you are only child they expect you a lot maybe we feel the same. While we were talking, my cellphone suddenly rang.

"Wait I'll just answer this." I said to her so I went out for a while.

"Hello! Mom why?"

"Nothing sweetie I just wanna check on you, what are you doing, How are you, your graduation is near. " mom said, I know she just want to know where I am.

"Mom I'm okay and I'm here at my friend's house, I just passed by and yeah my graduation is near so you need to go home together with dad."

" Which friend? Jiyoo, soljie or yoojin? Don't worry, your dad and I are planning to go home we have a schedule we've fixed that."

"No mom it's our new friend. Okay mom take care there regards to dad. "

"New friend or girlfriend? Okay you take care and your yaya. "end call

I don't know if she really my mom she wants to pimp me out to women, I just went back inside it's getting late and I need to go home.

"Who called? " Janella

"Ah my mom she just checking on me, anyway thanks for the coffee and cake I'll go ahead because it's getting late and it might be bothering you."

"It's okay I'm the one who always bothers you. "

"It's alright, when will your car fix?"

"I don't know yet maybe next week, why? " she asked me.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow so you don't have to take taxi don't refuse I insist." I know she's going rejecting me again that's why I insist to her

"But isn't awkward? " here we are again.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you should not be shy and you didn't bother me, just wait me here tomorrow morning I will pick you up." she did not object so I said goodbye to her.

"I'll take you outside." She said so we went out.

"Be careful to drive. "she said

"Uhmm Jane, what's your number so I can call you tomorrow." she took her cellphone and gave me her number after that I sad goodbye to her.

"Okay Jane thanks again."

"All right, be careful, text me when you get home." she said while smiling

"I will. " I got in the car and left

When I arrived at the condo I immediately texted Janella that I got here in my condo, I went go straight to the bathroom to take a shower I feel hot because the near summer. I also spent few minutes in the bathroom after that I went straight to my walking closet to choose what to wear I choose a boxer and t-shirt while I putting my clothes suddenly my cellphone vibrated.

From: My Jane❤❤❤

All right, you need to rest and thanks again for taking me at my house, see you tomorrow good night.

I smiled at her message, I was excited to pick her up tomorrow. I replied to her immediately.

To: My Jane ❤❤❤

Okay thanks also for the coffee and cake, good night also see you.

After I sent my message I go to kitchen to get some water to drink I felt a bit thirsty. Then I went back to my room to go to sleep. I need to wake up early tomorrow to fetch my nini

Janella pov

Ringing!!!! I woke up because of the alarm clock it's 6am in the morning I need to get up because my class is 8am, I got up immediately to take a bath I remembered that Loui would pick me up later she insist that because she said she didn't want me to take a taxi, why my car it's takes long to fix.

After 20minutes I finished taking a bath I was able to get ready, when I went down the breakfast is ready.

"Ma'am Janella, you should eat." our maid said while putting a juice on my glass.

"Okay thank you. "

After I ate, I fixed my things because any moment Loui will arrive, while I'm busy on my things my cellphone vibrate, I looked at who was texted me.

From: Lisee

"Be ready, I'll be there in a minute."

"Yes Lisee it's unique hahaha it's to long if Louise and she call Loui by her friends so I put her name liseee on my phone.. A few moments later I heard that someone is honking outside maybe it was Loui so I immediately went out.

When I came out I saw her standing while leaning on his car but she was holding a flower but I was surprise because the flower she brought is my favorite flower daisy, for who those flowers I don't want to assume that it is for me. I approached her immediately.

"Hey I'm sorry it took me so long to get out, let's go before we late."

"It's okay by the way for you." she gave me the flower but she seemed surprised that I didn't accept the flowers because I was just looking at her.

"Why you don't like it? OK what flowers do you want, I'll just buy i-. " she didn't finish what she was saying when I took the flowers.

"No I love it I'm just thinking, what a coincidence that the flower you brought is my favourite." I said to her while smelling the daisy

"Really? That's right I thought you didn't want to, so let's go? Before we get stock on the traffic." she said and as usual she opened the car door for me to get into the car she was really gentlewoman. She also got in the car and start the engine while we were on the ride I still smelled the daisy she gave.

"You really like it?" she asked me while driving

"No love it when I was child I really like this flower. " I said to her while smiling.

"I see, it's good that I choose that to buy."

"And thank you, you made my day." I told her and kiss her on her cheek as if she was still surprised.

"Yo-your welcome. " she said and smile at me.

A few moments later we arrived at the school after she parked she immediately went down to open the door for me. She helped me out of her car.

"Thank you. " I said to her

"Your welcome, where will be your first class I will take you there." she says

"Fed. Building is my first class. "

"Let's go." she said and grabbed my things.

"I will brin-." I didn't finished what I say when she speak

"No, it's okay with me to carry this and it's too hard carry those things so I will take it. "

I did nothing and agree with her we walked to our building she suddenly grabbed my hand and I was surprised I didn't object because she might say that I don't want to hold with her.

While we walked the other students looked at us and whispered I knew what they think they were wondering if Loui and I are together because this is the first time that they saw us together, those gossips really. When we reach my classroom Loui said goodbye to me.

"Thank you for this, you don't have to take me here." I said to her, it's true because she might be late in her class

"That's okay, what time do you go home? I'll pick you up. Don't reject it because as long as your car didn't fix I will fetch you, okay?" she said and I just nodded.

"All right, you should go to your class you, you will be late I'll just text you later. " I said to her and she bid her goodbye and kissed on my cheek, I didn't get expect that but why I'm happy.