Chapter 7 - Co-owner

Janella pov

We're here now in Loui's car, we're going to anha's bar, they invite us beside we are all nothing to do and all the projects and thesis have been passed we all waiting for graduation, anha's bar it's not that far from school that's why we got there right away.

"Were here, let's go." Loui said she went down first to open the car door for me.

"Thank you." I said to her with a smile.

We entered the bar, when we entered there were quite few people, we immediately went to the second floor of this bar where we used to be sit before, I know it was reserved for the four of them because they are always here.

"Here they are." jiyoo said

"I'm sorry we're late, have you ordered yet?" Loui ask them

"Yeah we ordered, Anha was here earlier she's looking for you and I said you'll be coming here." yoojin said

Loui nodded to her, while waiting for our order they start teasing me and Loui.

They don't really stop us, they give too meaning to the sudden closeness between me and Loui.

"So your not going to tell us what really happen you two?" Sam said

"There's nothing to tell you guys." I said it's annoying

"Then why she give you a flower earlier?" jasmine asked with a smile

"She just want to give me, she said."

"Stop asking them, I'm sure we will find out soon let's wait." jiyoo said while smiling.

"Let's see hahaha." solji said and laugh at us

It's not good idea that my friend and Loui's friends are together.

A few moments later, our order arrived, they ordered a lot of drinks it's like this is the last day they were going to drink.

"It looks like you ordered too much?" Loui asked like she's surprised

"It's like your last day to drink." she said while I was still shocked by the drinks in front of me.

"It's okay, it's an advance celebration because we're about to graduate hehehe." solji said

I have a feeling that we didn't drink all of this, we can just order again.

"Don't drink too much, you're going to drive later." I whispered to Loui

"Yeah don't worry I'll drink slowly and beside I'll take your house right?"

"Are you sure that your going to take me to my house, I can call my driver to fetch me."

"No, I'll take you, your driver will bothered and beside it's on the way to my condo." she said with a smile.

"All right." I said I didn't argue because I wouldn't win with her.

"Are sure it's okay for you to spend the night with us." she asked me worriedly

"It's okay, I don't have anything to do tomorrow, then I finished all my school work.

"Okay let's enjoy this night." she said as she smiled and handed me the wine.

I don't want to drink too much now, it's hard to wake up in the morning, while we're drinking, our friends are also starting teasing each other good thing they not teasing me and Loui.

But my attention turned to Aireen she was quite when we came here what would be her problem.

"Hey Aireen are you okay?" I asked her, we were the only two who could hear each other because I sit beside her.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just a little bit tired."

"Do you want to go home? I'll ask Loui if she can take you to your house." I offered to her

"No Jane I'm fine promise." there's something weird to her I noticed earlier and she also always look to solji, they have a problem?

I know because solji likes her but I don't know if Aireen likes her too.

I let Aireen, I can't force her to say what she's thinking.

We continue to drink they were serious we would consume everything they ordered? As if they had ordered all the drinks that Anha stock here in here bar., while we were having fun I suddenly heard the sound.

"Hiiiikk!!!" It's Anha she's approached us but she's with a girl

"Hey Anha, don't tickle like that you look like a bat hahaha." solji tease her

"why? I like it when I call you that way."

"Hahaha that's okay because she's like a gay woman." yoojin added that they are joking with Anha.

"Hey yoojin maybe you forgot you're here at my bar maybe you want to mess up even if you are with your girlfriend I will do what can I do with you."

"Don't tease Anha, we might not be able to drink here when you tease her." jiyoo said and they laughed.

"Good thing jiyoo is kind unlike these two, by the way guys before I forget this is Nancy my business partner here at the bar you know her right?"

"Ah Nancy, you already know jiyoo and Loui and those two idiot?" Anha asked Nancy.

"Yeah I know them because they are always here at our bar but the girls with them I haven't met yet, they seem to be new here." Nancy said

"Yes they are new here, this is Sam, jasmine and the other side is Janella and Aireen." Anha introduced us to her.

"Hi guys nice to meet you." she said and smiled us.

We nodded at her and they sat next to us but Anha and Loui were next to each other and talking, here we go again that sweet thing between them I thought they were friends I feel pain because the sweetness of Anha and Loui.

Are you you jealous girl? It's not that jealous, Loui and I aren't dating and she's not courting me. I was arguing in my mind, they have to be sweet like that?

"Ehem, it's looks like someone want to choke Loui." jasmine said while looking at me.

I stared at her and this woman laughed at me good thing Loui didn't hear what she said.

"I get it now no need to explain haha." Sam said to jasmine and give her a hight five

"Don't mind them Jane they were teasing you." Aireen said to me while smiling Aireen's mood was a bit different now.

Anha and Loui were still talking while I was silent.

"By the way Nancy you have a girlfriend right?" jiyoo asked her

Does she have a girlfriend? It's not obvious I thought she's into boys because it's not obvious that she like girls.

"Yes but she's not here, she's in Japan because her work is based there." Nancy said.

"Long distance relationship, are you okay with that?" solji asked

"No, but we have to for our future." Nancy said while smiling.

"It's good that you and Anha are friends you guys are both matured hahaha." yoojin said while laughing

"You're the only one who hasn't matured, jasmine piece of advice you should think about your relationship with her you have a time to decide." Anha joked with yoojin so they laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll remember what you said." jasmine said while smiling foolishly at yoojin.

"You're so bad, if she leave me, I'll throw a bomb at your bar, love, don't listen to her." yoojin begged jasmine so we laughed so hard.

"Hahaha don't worry yoojin if jasmine leaves you I will buy you a wine hahaha." Loui teasing her.

"I will buy a food haha." solji added

"Will you shut up both of you." yoojin said so we laughed even more because she like a kid.

"Enough that don't tease her, she might cry like a baby hahaha." jasmine said while she's hugging yoojin.

We continue to tease yoojin so we laughed even more.

"Hey don't drink too much, your nanny might scold me if you get drunk." Loui remind me.

Wow she even noticed me while earlier she just paying attention to Anha, I thought you aren't dating why do you look like angry girl? My mind says I look like crazy here.

"Hmm I'm fine, and besides I'm drinking little bit, Don't worry, I won't get drunk." I said to loui

"Are you sure.?"

I just nodded at her after that she didn't speak again, I'm the one who tell that to her because of the amount of drinks in front of us she will definitely get drunk.

"Guys we will go ahead we have something to do." Anha said

"Bye guys enjoy the night, don't hesitate to call Mark if you need something." Nancy said so Loui nodded at them.

When they left we continued drinking.

"I can't believe that Nancy is into girls it's not obvious." Sam said while drinking

"Yeah your right and she's beautiful her girlfriend is lucky to have her." jasmine added

"I know her girlfriend is also beautiful." jiyoo speak that's why we look at her

"Really? How did you know?" jasmine asked her

"Actually I followed her on social media." jiyoo said

"Let me see." Sam said she's curious about Nancy's girlfriend

"You're really interested huh?" jiyoo said while stared to Sam with pocker face

"You're really jealous too." Aireen said to jiyoo so we laughed

"of course not." jiyoo said

"Where is it?" Sam said

Jiyoo showed us the picture of Nancy's girlfriend and it's true that she's beautiful, their perfect couple because they both beautiful.

"Seriously is that her girlfriend?" Sam said in shock

"Nancy is luckier because her girlfriend is beautiful." jasmine said

"Actually they good together." Aireen said

"what are those five looking in jiyoo's cellphone?" solji asked because the three of them, Loui and yoojin are busy talking about their family business so they can't hear the five of us talking.

"Nothing it's none of your business." Aireen said coldly

You know there's something really wrong with the two of them they okay earlier at the school.

"boom that was cold." yoojin teased solji so we laughed

Solji didn't speak and looked at Aireen while Aireen was just drinking.

"Yoon, maybe you're drunk with that, I don't want to take you on your house if you're a drunk." Sam said but Aireen didn't listen to her.

"I think it's wrong idea that you ordered too much alcohol." I said while shaking my head.

"If you can't take her to her house Sam then asked solji to take her." yoojin said while smiling foolishly at solji.

"No need I can handle myself." Aireen said

"Don't worry, I won't take you either." solji said so we all fell silent

"That's enough, let's just have a drink, we're here to relax okay." Loui said to us

We ignored the two and let go but jasmine and Sam convince Aireen to stopped from drinking while solji ignored Aireen. I stopped at the thought when Loui speak.

"Hey, is there a problem with your friend and solji I think there's something wrong to the both of them." Loui said

"I don't know actually I noticed that there seemed to be something strange about them. I was worried about Aireen." I said

"Don't worry we'll find out that I will talk to solji."

I just smiled and looked at Aireen again while still drinking this time the jasmine and Sam let her drink.