Chapter 8 - Solji & Aireen

Janella pov

It's also a bit late and it looks like my friends is are already drunk because they drink all the beer that we ordered earlier here in our table.

We also decide to go home because Aireen might get even more drunk and I'm sure auntie and uncle we might scold us because we let Aireen to get drunk.

"Hey Aireen I told you don't drink too much look at you now." Sam scold her

"Don't worry Sam I'm not drunk I can walk straight." she was about to get up but she suddenly fell down and solji supported her.

"See, you can walk straight huh?" Sam said

"Don't scold her Sam, our problem now is how do we take her in her house, we didn't let her to go home like that because I'm sure if auntie and uncle see her like that maybe they'll scold us too." I told to sam

"Why Jane? She didn't allowed to drink?" Loui asked me

"It's not like that, last time Aireen got drunk, her problem was so serious, so if aunti and uncle see her like that they will definitely ask." I said and solji seemed surprised by what I said.

"Wait, that doesn't mean she has a problem that's why she's drunk." jiyoo asked

"Thats what we think because there is something strange about her, HER AND SOLJI." Sam said

"Why me?" solji asked

"Solji, we're not blind and were not even numb. We've already noticed that something is wrong between you and her." jasmine said

"There's nothing wrong with us, I'm just riding her mood." soljie deny us but we know there's a problema

"Okay that's enough, so what are we going to do with Aireen?" yoojin asked

"I can't take her in my house, if my mom see her like that she will gonna tell to auntie what happen." Sam said

"Me too, my dad is always with uncle he might tell uncle if he saw Aireen like that." jasmine

"How about to your house Jane?" jiyoo asked me.

"She can stay to my hours-" I hadn't finished what I was about to say when Solji suddenly spoke.

"She can stay to my condo." Solji said while looking aireen

"Are you sure Solji?" I asked her and she nodded

"Hey you Jang Solji, what are going to do to my friend, I'm telling you." Sam threatened her

"I don't have anything to do with her okay, and to make sure I'm going to stay in my house so you don't worry." Solji said

"We just want to make sure." Sam said

After that we decide to go home Solji grab Aireen, we had no choice she have to stay to Solji, we can't take her in her house in that situation because I'm sure uncle will definitely scold us if he saw Aireen in that state.

We also said goodbye to Anha and Nancy, they were a bit surprised when they see Aireen, we just tell that Aireen gets drunk easily."

When we got to parking lot, we put aireen first in solji's car.

"Solji take care of our friend okay." I said to her

"I will Jane don't worry."

"Hey you Solji don't do anything to her okay." Sam said

"Alright." Solji said to her

"Guys see you tomorrow at the school, be careful to drive." yoojin said goodbye to us because she will take jasmine in their house.

"Bye guys." jiyoo said to us.

"Guys I'll go ahead too." Sam said and she walk towards me and hug me

"Take care Sam, jiyoo." Loui said to Sam and jiyoo

When they left, Loui approached Solji and said something.

"I know you have a problem with Aireen, fix it Jang you can fool them but not me, talk to her before anything happen that you might regret." loui

I didn't hear what they were talking about, I just saw Solji nod after she waved at me and got in her car.

When they left, Loui invite me to go home, she opened the car door for me and then got in the driver's seat.

"What did you say to solji? You seem serious." I'll ask loui

"Umm nothing, I just tell her to take care of Aireen, she might scold by the three of you if she leaves her alone."

"Are you sure that Aireen is okay there, it's not because I don't trust soljie but isn't it awkward, Aireen can stay in to my house."

"Yeah it's fine to Jang and besides its looks like they need to talk so let them." she said

I didn't speak and just looked outside, I know she said something to solji does she know what's going on between the two?

When we got to our house she opened the car and took me to the gate.

"Thank you for taking me here in my house and to fetch me earlier Loui." I said while smiling

"It's okay, go inside it's too late."

"All right, be careful driving good night." I said and kissed her on her cheek

"Okay good night."

When she left, I entered the house when I entered I saw my nanny who was still cleaning the house, it's too late why she didn't sleep yet.

"Yaya, why are you still awake? And its too late you're still cleaning?" I asked

"Because I'm waiting for you, I'm bored so I'll clean while I'm waiting for you, did you eat? Do you want me to prepare your dinner?"

"No Yaya it's okay, I finished my dinner because my friends invite me to eat outside."

"Is that so? You should rest now I'll just check the doors."

"Alright yaya, take a rest too after you checked the doors."

"By the way, your dad called earlier his looking for you, he said they'll be coming home soon because of your graduation."

"How long will they stay in New Zealand? It doesn't matter, I'll just call them tomorrow."

"Just understand them, go now and take a rest."

"Okay yaya good night."

Yaya just nodded and left me, I went upstairs and entered my room.

When I entered my room I went to my bed first, how long have they been in New Zealand they said they stay there for only 1month until it took 3months and now they have been there for one year, I stopped thinking when my phone rang, its late who will gonna call in this hour, I looked who is calling.

Lisee Calling.....

Loui was calling, I answered right away because it might be important.

"Hello Loui!!"

"Hi I just want to inform you that I'm just arrive here in my condo."

"Alright take a rest now."

"Yeah you too take rest."

"Okay..... Ummmh Loui can I ask a favor?"

Im still worried about aireen

"Sure what is it?"

"Can you call solji? Ask her if Aireen is fine, I'm sorry I'm still worried about Aireen." I said to her

"Jane don't worry solji will taking care of her, but if that's what you calm down I'll call solji go ahead and rest okay good night."

"Thank you Loui, good night."

I put down my cellphone, Loui is right, I don't have to worry about Aireen, I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After I took a shower, I got dressed and lay down on my bed.

Louise pov

After I call Janella I dialed solji's number, I know solji won't leave Aireen but I know Janella is worried.

Why she talking so long to answer my call, is she do something to Aireen, don't she ever try do something bad to Aireen she might kill by the three, after a few minutes she answered my call.

"Why are taking so long to answer my call, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, I fixed Aireen's bedroom." she said

"I thought you did something wrong with her, don't ever try to do something stupid I swear her three friends will kill you hahaha." I was joking with her.

"Shut up Mongkhon, if she is other girl maybe I'll do everything I want but it's not its Aireen its Aireen Yoon." She said seriously

"Why, what is the different of Aireen from the woman you've slept with? I asked her.

"Aireen is different Mongkhon, I can't do anything with her, anyway why did you call?"

"Janella is just checking on you because she's worried about Aireen." I said

"Tell her that she didn't have to worry about Aireen, she's safe her, when she wakes up tomorrow I'll tell Aireen to call her."

Okay I'll tell her, rest now Jang good night."

" Alright good night."

After solji and I talked, I immediately texted Janella.

To: My Nini❤❤

"Hey, they arrive at solji's condo, Aireen is also resting, solji said that Aireen call you when she wakes up tomorrow, don't worry too much okay good night...

What does solji mean that she can't move to Aireen.

There is really something wrong with the two of them and that is what we should know. I put my cellphone on the side table and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I showered, I got dressed to go to bed, I'll talk to the two tomorrow about solji. I know she have a problem she just doesn't want to tell us.

Ring..!!! I woke up because of the alarm clock it's 6am in the morning, I turned off the alarm and took my cellphone to check.

1 message from My Nini❤❤

2 missed calls from Mom

1 message from Kim Jiyoo

I open first Janella's message.

From: My Nini❤❤

Good morning, thank you Loui for calling them, I'll just wait for Aireen's call by the way don't eat I'll prepare you some food saying thank you for taking me and fetch me going to school, I'll just wait you here in my house drive safely

I just smile when I read that so I replied immediately.

To: My Nini❤❤

Good morning!! Thank you for breakfast just wait me there I will call you when I'm near.

After I texted Janella, I read jiyoo's message.

From: Kim Jiyoo

Hey Mongkhon come early in school we need to talk.

What are we going talk about seems important and I have to go in early, when I read it I reply to her immediately.

To: Kim Jiyoo

Okay!! I'll just pick up Janella, I'll call you when we arrive the school.

After I send her my message, I got up to take a bath, I had to hurry up and it seemed important I think its about solji and Aireen.