Chapter 9 - Problem

Louise pov

After I got dressed, I took my things and went down to the parking lot, when I arrived I immediately got in the car and left, while on the ride I thought about going to the flower shop again.

I bought Janella daisy again, I know she'll be happy when she see this.

After I bought Janella's flower, I went straight to her house, while I'm driving I dialed her number few moments later she answered immediately.

"Hi Jane I'm on my way I'll be there in 5 minutes be ready." I said to her

"Okay drive safely." end call

I put down my phone and drove again, her house is not that far from my condo so I got there right away.

When I arrived, I immediately went down and push the doorbell at their gate, after a while Janella came out so I walk towards her.

"Hi good morning! For you." I said to her while smiling.

"Thank you maybe I can get used to that every morning I have daisy." she said so I laughed.

"You can get used to it, there's no problem with that and I also want to give you a flower every morning so let you get used to it." I said while looking at her seriously.

"It's up to you anyway here eat this while we're on the trip so you don't hungry." she give me a sandwich and tumbler in the paper bag.

"Thank you for this, it's looks delicious well anyway let's go before we stuck on traffic." I imitated her so we got in the car.

While on the ride, I ate the sandwich she made, it tasted so good, it was good that she buried me, I also didn't have time to cook because jiyoo want me to go to school early.

When we arrived to school I got out of the car first and opened the door for her.

"Thank you." she told me

"Your welcome, ah Jane, I can't take you to your classroom because I need to do something but I'll take you to your house later just texted me later." I said to her

"It's okay I can go to the classroom, I'll call you later." she says

"All right, I'll go ahead first, take care, call me." I said and I kissed her on her cheek

I feel like I'm getting used to kissing her on the cheek hehehe.. When she left I immediately call jiyoo.

Why she taking so long to answer my call, after three rings she finally answered my call.

I'm here at school where are you?" I ask her

"We're here to our favorite place, hurry up."

"Okay I'm going there." end call

I walked to ou favorite place, it's just near to the parking lot, so I got there right away.

When I got there, jiyoo and yoojin are only there, where is solji, why she's not here.

"Where is solji I thought I was the one who not here." I asked them

"I didn't tell solji, you two were the only ones I texted." jiyoo said as if I already know why she sent us here.

"Why? What are we going to talk about and we need to exclude solji." yoojin ask

"Last night I was still thinking about what Aireen and solji's action, there's something wrong between them and we don't know anything about it." I knew it

"Actually, last night, Janella and I noticed that and she was worried about Aireen, that's why she didn't ask Aireen either." I told them

"Yoojin, your always with solji, don't you hear anything or does she not tell you anything?" jiyoo asked yoojin

"Nothing, she doesn't look like she has a problem." yoojin said.

The three of us was silent and wondered what was really going on with solji and Aireen.

"Wait, I think I remember something." yoojin said suddenly so we looked at her.

"What is it?" I ask

"One time, when I was there, solji's dad suddenly came and talked to her."

"Uncle? Aren't they not here, his in abroad because of their business right?" I ask

"She right, when did he came back?" jiyoo

"That the same day he just arrived." yoojin said to us

"What are they talking about?" jiyoo asked

"I didn't hear that much because they went to uncle's office but uncle said that when solji graduate she should get ready because she be handed over as the ceo of their company." yoojin said jiyoo and I were a little surprised.

The time will come when we will take over the company of our parents but it seems that it's too early for solji.

"Why does its seem like so fast." I said

"That's what I'm wondering about but solji was also surprised because she didn't expect that uncle would give her that position it's too early for her." yoojin

"Maybe there's a problem with their company." jiyoo

"I think it's not their company." yoojin said and I looked at her

"I think in the company of her dad's friend." she added

"We need to know the real problem." jiyoo said

"Maybe we should talk to the three Janella, Sam and jasmine, maybe they know something about Aireen." I said and the two nodded

After our conversation, we went to our classroom and maybe the professor was there while we were walking, I texted Janella that we need to meet them on break time.

When we got to the classroom, solji was still not there, why wasn't she here? Our professor came for a while so we sat down.

Janella pov

Loui couldn't take me to the classroom and she said she still had something to do, so I let her go so I went to the classroom.

When I arrived at our classroom, there were only a few people, I immediately saw jasmine and Sam but wait where is Aireen?

"Where is Aireen? Isn't she coming?" I ask the these two.

"Were about to ask you because we thought she called you." Sam said

"Do you think she can come to our first class she's drunk last nigh." jasmine said

"She hasn't called me yet, solji said last night the she will remind Aireen that I m waiting for her call this morning." I told them

"Let's just ask solji later maybe she'll come to she wasn't drunk last night." jasmine said.

"I feel those two have a problem." Sam said suddenly

"But you know Aireen she won't say anything if we asked her unless she tell us herself." I answered them

"We'd better talk to the three about this maybe they know something." jasmine said.

We should know what's really going on with the two, my phone suddenly vibrated so I took it right away.

From: lisee

Let's meet this breaktime at the cafe, bring Sam and jasmine, we'll wait you guys there..

It looks like I already know what they're going to do, so I'll reply to her right away

To: lisee

Okay! See you

After I sent my message to Loui, I immediately told to Sam and jasmine about Loui's text and they agreed after that our professor arrived.

After 1 hour, our class ended, there was no class our professor tell us about the graduation practice.

When we got out of the classroom, we went straight to the cafe, Aireen didn't really come to our class maybe I'll just call her later.

When we arrived at the cafe we immediately saw them, but wait why are there only three where is solji?

"Where is solji?" I asked them

"She didn't go to our class." jiyoo said

So the three of us were stunned.

"Wait if solji didn't come to your class and Aireen didn't come our class either." jasmine said and stopped.

"OMG!!!." Sam said.

"They're still together." Loui said

"Love, call solji, maybe she did something wrong to Aireen." jasmine beefed to yoojin.

"Guys relax okay we know solji she has nothing to do with Aireen." jiyoo said

"Just make sure Kim jiyoo or I will kill the three of you." Sam threatened them

"That's enough, have you called solji yet?" I'm stopping them because it doesn't help to our problem.

"Yes Jane but cannot be reach did you call Aireen too?" yoojin said

"Earlier we tried to call her but she didn't answered our calls." I said

We don't know what's going on with solji and Aireen but we should know what it is.


We just finished our class and I saw Loui outside of our classroom waiting for me.

"Loui is too early to pick you up hahaha she's on time." Sam is joking with me

"Now tell me Miss Janella is Loui courting you already?" jasmine asked me they starting teasing me again.

"Isn't it true, she's just being nice, because my car isn't yet done." I told them

"I hope your car wouldn't fix hahaha." Sam joked and jasmine really laughed they really crazy.

I left the classroom and the two of them followed me. When I came out Loui greeted me immediately.

"why are you like that? Are you in the bad mood?" Loui asked

"Hahaha Loui that's really how she is, isn't that when you first met she was like that too hahaha."jasmine said

" Don't tease her hahaha." Sam added

"You have a day with me, let's go Loui." I whispered to them and these two just laughter at me.

"Girls we'll go ahead." Loui said goodbye to the two and the two just waved.

While walking, Loui asked why those two tease me I said that they always like that.

"Have you called solji again?" I asked Loui

"Yeah but she still not answering my call, how about Aireen did she called yet?

"Yes, I'm still worried about her."

"She will call you don't worry." Loui said

We got home a little early so I invite Loui to get inside.

When we entered in my house our maid greeted us.

"Miss Janella, you have a guest inside, she's been there for a while." I didn't expect any guest so who's this person

"Who is it?" I ask her

"It's Miss Aireen, she's been here for a while, I told her that we will call you but she said don't and she will gonna wait for you." Loui and I looked at each other and immediately entered the house.

"All right thank you."

When we entered inside I saw Aireen sitting in the living room watching TV, actually Aireen is not new here because they always hangout here with Sam and jasmine they also close to our maids.

"Aireen Yoon." I called her that's why she turned her attention to me and Loui.