Chapter 10 - Mongkhon's House


Louise pov

A week ago when we found out about Aireen and solji's problem, we found out that solji will be going CEO of their company because she will be married to the daughter of his dad's friend.


"Aireen Yoon." Janella called Aireen because we are here now at Janella's house.

After Aireen found out that she stay with solji, she left quickly and she didn't say goodbye to solji.

"Jane!!" Janella approached Aireen and hugged her.

"We called you earlier because we're worried and you're here at my house." Janella said worriedly

"When I woke up earlier, I left immediately on solji's condo, I don't want her to catch up with me there, I don't want to talk to her." Aireen explain

"I went straight here, if my parents call here I will tell them I slept here and go to school." she added

"Why didn't you answer our calls to you? We're worried we thought something happen to you and solji because she didn't come to school either." Janella

"Because I didn't notice my cellphone until it was low battery, I was in a hurry to come here but when I arrived your not here so I told to your nanny that I'll stay here first and wait for you."

"Aireen tell me do you and solji have a problem right?" Janella asked her she little bit surprised

I know she doesn't want to tell yet but we can't help them if they don't tell us.

"Aireen Yoon!!" Janella's voice raise a bit so Aireen was surprised, she took a deep breath before to speak.

"Okay I will tell you because I have nothing to hide anymore." Aireen said she paused for a moment before she speak again.

"We will get married." Aireen said wait did I hear right?

"What!! Are you serious Aireen?" this time I'm the one who asked her.

"How come that you and solji get married? You just met her recently." Janella was the one who asked her.

Janella is right they just met recently so why they get married right away.

"Because of fixed marriage, actually I've already know for a long time about the agreement between my parents and solji's parents, I didn't want to agree at first because I didn't know who I was going to marry, and the day we met them I found out that she was the one my dad's talk about. They talked for a long time to arrange the wedding, the wedding happens if solji will take over as the CEO of their company, but there's something happen unexpectedly, my dad has a problem with our company they losing a lot of money and my dad afraid of losing the investors so my dad and solji's dad decide to make our wedding as soon as possible" Aireen explain

"So that's what yoojin said, she heard solji and uncle talking, the company of her dad's friend who having a problem is your company." I told them

Aireen nodded, but why she still seem in trouble.

"Wait, if you're getting married to her, why do you seem to be in trouble? I know solji likes you, shouldn't be happy." I asked

"And I know you like her too even if you didn't tell us, now tell me there's another problem right?" Janella ask

"I really like her but we can't." she said so Janella and I looked at each other.

"What do you mean you can't? You said your getting married with her." I ask

"Yes we'll get married if my sister Rina isn't here." she said lazily, I was a little confused.

"Wait don't tell me your sister is back?" Janella asked.

"Yes she's back, the original plan that me and solji is getting married are now cancelled because my sister and solji will get married based on our family tradition that the firstborn should be the first to get married." Aireen explained

"So you mean if your sister isn't here, you and solji should be get married?" I ask

"Yeah, but since my sister came back, she and solji should be get married."

"That's why solji is in trouble." I said, that's why she ordered so much wine she really planned to get drunk.

"When solji and I found out about the arrangements of our parents she was happy, she has a lot of plan for us, that's the first time I saw her very happy, then one day she suddenly called me and she said she wouldn't agree to the engagement, at first I was hurt because I thought she changed her mind that she might not be ready to marry me, but when she said that she would not agree the marriage if she could not marry me then I was confused, then I also found out that my sister has returned to our house." Aireen said


I also found out that her sister didn't come home for a long time because she rebelled because she knew she would marry someone she didn't want that's why she left her parents and aireen and went with the woman she loved

"But she suddenly went home and apologized to her parents because she could not survive the hardship.

Every company that her sister going to apply for work was blocked by her parents to make her sister suffer.

When we found out, I immediately told to yoojin and jiyoo, and Aireen we take her to her house after that Aireen and solji didn't talk anymore.

I heard that solji always drink at the bar with yoojin, I can't be with them because I'm busy here at home because my parents coming home from Thailand to attend my graduation.

While jiyoo is also busy so she can't be with them too., Anha is the only one who updates us on what's happening to them at the bar.

There are several times solji got into a fight good thing yoojin is with her and she was immediately relieved.

I stopped thinking when I heard the car horn below maybe they were here.

I hurried downstairs to meet them, when I went down I immediately saw the person I was waiting for.

"Hi sweetie, how are you? I miss you so much." my mom greeted me happily while hugging me.

"I'm okay mom, I missed you too, how was your flight? Wait, where's dad?" I asked mommy.

"I'm here, why I don't have a hug?" dad said sadly

"That's why I'm looking for you because I'll hug you dad, I miss you dad." I said and hugged him.

"I miss you too sweetheart, wait I heard that you always hang out with someone isn't it your girlfriend?" dad asked me

I know that they know all my moves because they hired someone to follow me so I won't be surprised if they find out about Janella.

"Louise invite her I want to meet her." mommy said with a smile

"She's not my girlfriend yet mom, dad I haven't court her." I told to them

"Your so slow sweetheart hahaha." my dad teased me

"Don't tease your daughter, Louise invite her tomorrow okay." my mom said and I nodded to her.

After we talk, I invite them to eat, its already lunch time and I know they were also tired from the trip.

I tell to my nanny to prepare the lunch because mom and dad prefer home cooked food instead restaurant food and besides they miss my nanny's cooking.

While eating we talked a lot about my school and our business.

"By the way dad, I would like to let you know about our resort in zambales. We plan to vacation there after our graduation."

"sure sweetheart I'll call our staff there I will inform them that you're going there." dad said

"Who is with you to go there sweetie?" mom asked

"We're just solji, jiyoo and yoojin and we also invite yoojin's girlfriend and her friends." I said to mom

"Does it also include the girl you always hang out?" dad said while smiling.

They are more excited to me to have a girlfriend instead of graduation.

"Yes dad, she's actually friend of yoojin's girlfriend so she will come with us." I just said.

"Anyway, I heard about solji, is it true that she will replace her dad as CEO?" dad suddenly asked so I was stunned.

"Yes dad I know soji still doesn't want to but she has no choice." I said

"When are you going to take over our company?" dad asked me with a smile

"What's wrong with you? Don't rush your daughter." mommy scolds daddy

"I'm just kidding our daughter in case she change her mind hahaha." dad said sarcastically and I just shook my head.

"Dad, I will handle too the company but not now, and besides I want to study all the moves in the company first." I said and they just smiled at me.

This is what I want from them, they don't force me to do the things I can't or I'm not ready to do yet, they support me no matter what my decision is.

We just continue to eat after that mom and dad rested in their room, they said they will enjoy their vacation here because they are only 1week to stay here after my graduation they will return to Thailand again because dad have a lot of work and things to do there.

They said they really want to attend my graduation that's why they make a vacation here.

I also went to my room first to take some rest it's weekend today so I have nothing to do.

I took my cellphone and sent a message in our groupchat I tell them that our resort is okay and they were happy when they read my message.

After I texted them, I put done my cellphone first and I'm going to sleep but suddenly my cellphone rang so I immediately checked who was calling.

My Nini❤❤❤ Calling.....

It's Janella, that's why I answered right away.

"Hello Jane!"

"Hello Loui are you busy?"

"No I'm just lying in my bed, why did you called?"

"I just want to checked on you and to ask if your parents arrive."

"Yes earlier, and they resting now."

"Alright, I'll go ahead, you can rest now." she about dropped the call when I remembered what my mom said.

"Jane wait."

"Yes what is it?" how can I tell her haist.

"Ahmmp are you free tomorrow night? Are you busy?" I asked her.

"Nothing, why?"

"My parents are inviting you here at my house for dinner." I said I knew she was a bit surprised by what I said.

"What? Are you sure Loui? I'm the one being invited." she asked and shock.

""Yes Jane, I know you're surprised but I'll explain why they're inviting you, but please can you come tomorrow." I told her I wish she agreed.

"Okay, what time is the dinner?"

"About 7pm I'll pick you up, thank you Janella."

"It's nothing I'm nervous because I'm going to meet your parents."

"Don't worry, they're kind, promise."

"Okay, take a rest now I just really checked on you bye." end call

After that I put down my cellphone, I don't know how to explain to Janella why my parents invite her but I think it's time to tell her the truth.

My feelings for her......