Already Gone

"HEY YOU!" Someone shouted while I was walking and trying to ignore everyone else in the world.

"are you talking to me?" I replied with a cold look.

"no need to be so cold Shiro," she replied with a smile.

"oh hi Ririna," I said to her

This is Ririna, the only person who acknowledges my existence

"You alone again Shiro?" She asked me.

"When have I had someone to walk home with?" I jokingly replied

Her mood changed

I guess she didn't like what I said

"Its when you walk with me," I immediately added after seeing her reaction.

Her mood changed again I noticed that she's starting to blush

I smiled at her..

"Are you really okay for letting me walk with you," she asked me"

of course!! Why won't I be okay about it?" I said while blushing a bit.

"I mean.. you're the only one who notices me,"

"T-that's not true. What about your family?" She replies to me with a cute look on her face

"well yeah, but, you're the only one that notices me in school," I replied to her with a smile.

She immediately turns red and looks at a different direction

"Sh-Shiro.. I wanna ask you something," she says while blushing.

"is It okay if we walk home together everyday?"

"I-its okay if you don't want to. I'm not forcing you anyway," she immediately says before I reply

"Sure, Ririna. Why not?" I reply with a kind smile.

"Th-thank youuu Shiro," she replies after calming down.

"I'll wait for you then, alright?" I said to her "Y-yeah," she replied before we went separate ways.

After that we kept walking home together..

We sometimes go to stores or malls and play around..

we kept doing it everyday, and as we keep doing it.

I start seeing changes in myself

I am starting to see the world in a better way..

we got used to each other now, so after all that I thought that I'd look for her during lunch time.

As I went to her classroom I heard shouts and lots of yelling.

As I peeked through their door I was surprised.

"Why are you hanging out with that nobody?!" Her classmates angrily asked.

"you don't even hang out with us anymore,"

"why do you have to go with that weirdo" they kept saying.

"WOULD YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP!!" Ririna shouted.

"He's NOT a weirdo, and he's not just a nobody,"

"He's someone who understands me, someone who doesn't laugh at me,"

she continues to talk as everyone in her class are speechless.

"We aren't even that close, why are you suddenly acting so chummy just because I'm hanging out with Shiro!"

Everyone on their room starts to calm down.

her class friends apologize to her and that they wanna make up with Ririna.

So they said they'd like to hang out with her later,

I didn't know what she decided since I wasn't there to hear the whole thing.


I waited for her, but she didn't come.

I just thought that maybe she went on with her friends.

"I better get going," I said to myself.


I suddenly heard cries of a girl.

the voice was so familiar that I had to go and check it out.

"R-Ririna?!!" I was shocked as I saw her down on the ground.

she's covered in wounds and bruises

"So, we're not friends huh?" One of her classmates said.

"Thats what you get for hanging out with that loser instead of us,"

"RIRINA!" I shouted.

Everyone starts looking at me

"oh look it's your Savior," her classmates said while laughing

"what did you do to her?" I asked in a furious manner.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!!" I shouted..

I started to lose control.

My vision started to dim as I felt my body running into Ririna's direction.


As I got back to my senses, I saw that some of Ririna's classmates are blacked out.

My fists, covered in blood.

"Ririna, can you get up?" I asked as I try to help her stand.

"I think I can," she said, very weakened.

"Don't think you could get away with what you did!" Someone yelled.

"Its your classmates," I said as I start to take Ririna to a farther place.

"Call for help, I'll make sure they won't harm you," I said as I took off, provoking her classmates.



"What just happened?!" I said.

"Where am I?" I wondered.

I looked around the place,

"So, I got beat up huh?" I said to myself after seeing that I'm in a hospital.

"What did I do to those guys anyway?" I asked.

*Door opens*

"H-hey Shiro, you're finally awake," The girl said to me with a cute smile on her face.

I couldn't help but blush as her smile looks so familiar.

"H-hey.. Umm,"

I don't remember her,

"Its me Ririna, Don't you remember?" She asked me.

"I'm sorry. I remember being beat up, but don't remember why I got there," I said to her, giving her a different mood.

"I'm Ririna, The girl you saved," She reminded me.

"I S-saved you?" I asked in a confused manner.

"Yes, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you," she said, smiling.

I looked at her and saw bruises and bandages on her.

"D-Did I do that to you?" I ask, feeling scared that I might've hurt her.

"I'm sorry If I did,"

"Don't apologize Shiro. I'm okay, and I'm glad that you're okay too," she said.

"I'm sorry for not remembering," I said again,

"I already told you, it's fine," she replied with a smile on her face.

But her eyes were starting to get watery.

"I better get going Shiro," she said as she rushed outside the room.

I felt that my vision was starting to get blurry and my face was starting to get wet.

"Huh?" I thought as I touched my face.

"W-why am I crying?" I asked myself.

I didn't even notice it.

"Ririna, I need to see her again," I said as I pushed myself to get off the bed,

"I need to see her again, whoever she is," I kept saying as I was trying to get to her.

"Sir, what are you doing," a doctor asked.

"You need to get back to your room this instant," the doctor angrily asked.

"I need to see her again," I said, ignoring what the doctor said.

"Security," the doctor called.

I started to run.

The doctor started to chase me.

Not knowing where she would be I ran toward the hospital's exit.

"Please sir get back, your still not stable from your accident!" The doctor said.

"I didn't get in no accident, I'm perfectly fine," I replied while trying to get away from him.

"Please sir just come back," the doc asked.

I finally got closer to the exit, It was then, when I saw her crossing the road.

"RIRINA!!" I shouted.

"RIRINA!!!! WAIT!!!!" I kept shouting.

"S-Shiro?" She said, as she looked directly at me.

*Car tires skidding*

"RIRINA, LOOK OUT!!" I yelled, as I she was caught in an accident.

"Everyone, emergency, get the girl in now!" The doctor said as they got to Ririna.

*In hospital

"Ririna," I thought.

"How could I forget you,"

"The only person who saw me as a person,"

"My only friend, the girl I protected, the girl I loved,"

*Doctor comes out of room*

"How is she doc?" I asked, not showing any signs of nervousness.

The doctor shook his head and left.

My legs fell down, in despair.

I started to cry,

"Ririna," I said as I kept crying.

"HEY YOU!!" someone shouted.

"That voice, R-Ririna?" I asked.

She hugs me tightly, tears falling down her face.

"Ririna, I'm sorry, I forgot about you," I said while trying to force a smile.

"Shiro, don't worry about that, I told you not to apologize too much," she said while pouting.

I smiled at her.

"I'm gonna be alone again," I said.

"You're not gonna be alone Shiro," she said.

"No matter what happens, I'll be with you okay?" She said, smiling while tears kept streaming down her face.

"I'll always take care of you Shiro," She said before she vanished right in front of my eyes.

The light she brought before was gone and what was left was a gloomy room.

"Ririna, it was supposed to be me," I said.

I kneeled down and started crying.

"I'm sorry, Ririna," I said while crying.

I start to feel dizzy and lightheaded.

"R-Ririna, l-looks like I'm gonna join you now," I said before losing consciousness.