
Maayi San reached the classroom where they were designing the dress, and they completed the work on the gown with the ribbon she brought as the finishing touch.

After thinking a lot, Maayi San told Yaami and Suthomi about the incident that happened in front of their classroom with Rayam while they were walking home. She said how her heartbeat started to rise after she fell on his chest. After hearing everything from her they both looked at her in disbelief and asked.

"Are you in love with Rayam?"

"What??? No, never, I told you guys about it, because this was the first time I ever felt like that. And if something like that happens, how do you think someone like Rayam would react to it? Oh!!! God!!! What would he think?" She directly denied what her friends were thinking while shaking her head.

That is when Suthomi said.

"Maayi, where is your stud?"

Maayi San's hair was long, and she always styled her hair in a way which it will be covering her ears. So no-one noticed that her stud was missing till now.

That stud was her favorite because it was a gift from her father. It was a small heart-shaped cute stud. She thought if her father knows she lost her stud, and then he will be disappointed. So she covered her ears with her hair. So that, no-one will know it is lost.

The next day morning, the three of them went to college earlier to search for the stud. Yaami was searching in the classroom where Maayi and her team designed the gown. Suthomi was searching in their classroom and Maayi was searching in front of the classroom where she bumped into Rayam.

She was kneeling on the floor and searching every corner when a pair of shoes stopped in front of her. She raised her head to know who it is. The one in front of her was none other than Rayam. She jumped to her feet in surprise.

Rayam was somewhat amused by her reaction, but he didn't show it on his face. He raised his hand to her face.

She saw that his palm was holding something delicate. She looked first at his clenched palm and then at his face with confusion.

Rayam raised his eyebrows because of her confused reaction, and then he took her hand gently and placed the small heart-shaped stud on her palm. When she saw the stud her eyes showed her happiness. She smiled at him.

"It was stuck on my coat yesterday. I saw it after you went back." Rayam said.

She said thanks to Rayam, and he smiled at her then entered the classroom. She saw his friends staring at her and him with dumbfounded looks on their faces.

She perfectly understood why they looked at her and him like that? It is because Rayam never talked to any girls other than Sana in the college even though he is the heart rob of half of the girls in the college. And today he talked to her first. To get out of this awkward situation, she entered the classroom at once.

After a long wait, the Spring fest is starting tomorrow. The Spring fest lasts for two days. The first day of the Spring fest was all about games and sports and the second day is consisting of cultural programs.

On the first day of Spring fest, Maayi Suthomi and Yaami came to college earlier than usual. They went to their class and put their bags on their seat then went straight to the auditorium to attend the official inauguration ceremony of the fest. Time flew by, the Principal and other guests gave their speeches and inaugurated the fest.

After that, they all went to the courtyard of their college for enjoying the new stalls for games and food. As they were watching and enjoying the decorations of the stalls and eating the foods they got from different stalls, someone rushed behind Yaami and hit her. The drink on her hand splashed all over her skirt.

"Can't you see?"

Maayi and Suthomi stopped the person immediately, but when they saw who it was they all were surprised. It was none other than Hayashi. They were never expecting to see him in their college. Maayi and Suthomi recovered from the surprise faster. But Yaami was still in the daze. He was rushing to participate in his competition when he encountered them. He saw them and recognized them, but before he could talk to them he heard that he was called for his competition.

"I am so sorry guys I am in a rush. Please forgive me."

He said and ran away faster. They all stood there staring at the person running away without even hearing what they were going to say.

"Where is he running off to? We should follow him?"

Maayi said, and they went in the direction where Hayashi went. At last, they found that he was competing in a game, and they decided to stay and watch, while he was playing the game he saw Yaami. He went to her after finishing the game.

"I am sorry for not apologizing to you properly earlier. I was in a rush to participate in the game. I am sorry for ruining your skirt." He said to Yaami and waited for her to reply.

Yaami was completely immersed in the world of imagination. Realizing it Maayi poked her which made her come back to reality.

"It's ok. I am alright now." She said with a slight blush on her face.

He saw her blushing which made him smile and they all talked for some time. After that, he said farewell to them, then went back to his friends.

Yaami became overjoyed and she started to jump up and down excitedly. Then she asked her best friends.

"Hayashi is here, but how?"

Maayi and Suthomi looked at each other and rolled their eyes then said.

"You are very forgetful, Yaami. Today is Spring fest and that means anyone can enter the campus."

They went to the canteen for lunch later. Suthomi and Yaami ordered the food and took it back to a table while Maayi was buying the drinks for them.

The canteen was overcrowded. Maayi took the drinks and started to walk back to the table where both of her friends were waiting. That is when Rayam and his friends came there.

Rayam saw Maayi with drinks on the tray in her hand. He walked towards her along with his friends.

Seeing Rayam walking in the same direction where Maayi was, she gave him space to walk past her. But Rayam went straight to Maayi and stood in front of her. Then he took one of the drinks from the tray in her hands and drank it. Then he went with his friends without telling her anything but just smirking at Maayi.

Maayi became confused by his actions. Maayi thought to herself that when did he became so comfortable with her? When did they became close enough to share the things they have? What is exactly going on in his brain?

She looked back at Rayam and shrugged her shoulder then went back to get another drink for herself. When she arrived at the table, her friends asked her.

"Maayi, was that Rayam, the one who took your drink from the tray?"

"Yeah, it was him." She replied.

"Wow, I can't believe what I saw and heard." They said together.

However, Sana and her friends also saw what Rayam did in the canteen. One of them asked Sana.

"Hey Sana, I thought Rayam doesn't talk to any girls or give attention if it is not you? But I guess I was wrong after all. He is changing and you should be more careful or else you will lose him."

Then another one said.

"Yeah, I agree with it. I know you two are not official yet but still, he shouldn't have done this to you."

Her friends started to gossip about Rayam and Maayi which made Sana enraged.

The first day of the Spring fest almost came to its end by announcing the winners of the competition and giving the prizes for the winners.

In the evening, when Sana went to take her belongings from their class she saw Rayam walking towards the class as well. She ran towards him and as she reached him, she grabbed his hand.

"Hey Rayam, are you going to the classroom as well?"

"Yes Sana, I am going to get Tan's and my bag from the classroom." He said.

"Why are you taking Tan's bag? Where is he? Can't he take his bag?" Sana asked.

"He came with me to get his bag but our tutor called him to the teachers' room, so he went there." He replied.

"Oh ok.

They entered the classroom then Sana decided to talk again.

"Rayam, can I ask you something?" Sana asked.

But when she started talking, Maayi San came to the classroom to take her and her friends' bags from the classroom.