
Rayam is a handsome guy. He is tall and has a perfect body which is inevitable for a handsome guy like him. Seeing from his body itself, we can confirm that he had been working out to maintain his perfect muscles and abs. He has a fair skin tone, and he always had a good dressing sense as well. He had his hair trimmed on the sides of his ears and had long hair on top of his head. His undercut was making him cooler than he already is. Overall he is a very handsome and good-looking guy. To be honest he has a royal look.

Rayam didn't like to talk to girls, the only girl who talks to Rayam in college is Sana. It was because of the strong friendship their family had. Even though Sana is an annoyance to Rayam he had to endure it for the sake of their family relationship. He was kind of a loner, he does have friends, but he liked to sit alone than sitting with friends. Whenever his friends tried to sit beside him in any class, he became very rude. So eventually his friends let him sit alone. Even the class tutor has been allowed him to do so. Since his social relationship is not that well, most of the people were scared to approach him. This arrogant character made many female students his fan, but he does not have any interest in dating, so he has never dated before and rejected everyone who approached him coldly. Sooner or later there arose a rumor that both Rayam and Sana are dating. That is why both of them have rejected everyone who approached them.

Fortunately or unfortunately, both Rayam and Sana were in Maayi San's class. Life was going smoothly for her until she came across them. There were no issues in her college life and also in her family. Even though they were not rich, but they were not poor as well. But after she came to know better about both Sana and Rayam, the more dramatic her life became.

A few months later, the Spring fest dates are announced. It is a cultural, sports and art fest conducted during spring at Tokyo University. At the time of Spring fest, students from other Universities can come to watch and participate in the competition. Every student from every class should participate in any of the cultural or sports and art programs. Since Suthomi and Yaami sing pretty well, both of them gave their name for participating in the singing competition. As for Maayi, she didn't know how to sing or dance. Her expertise is in fashion designing. So she gave her name in the fashion show competition.

The topic for the fashion show competition was given to the competitors, it was to introduce the dressing style of any place. Her team selected London as their place. She and her team members tried to bring innovative ideas into their design while keeping the original fashion of the place they selected in the design, and they succeeded in it.

The design they were working on, was a four-layer sleeveless gown. Each bottom layer of the gown was made with good quality silk cloth and the topmost layer was made with the net. They also added different types of pearls on its neck area. The preparation of the gown was done in another classroom and everyone in the classroom now is in her team. Everyone in the room said new design ideas and their opinions for making their creation a perfect one. And one of her contributions in those ideas was to give an elegant touch with a ribbon on the shoulder and waist area of the gown. Everyone agreed to her idea right away. She became very excited with all the supports she got.

"There is ribbon in our classroom I will go and grab some of it and bring it here. Wait for me. OK." Tan said.

Tan was in her team and also in her class. He is also a good friend to her. She stopped Tan from going to their classroom and said that she will go and get the ribbon. Before Tan could react to her words, she ran towards their classroom.

She reached the classroom panting heavily because she ran so fast she had a limited amount of oxygen in her lungs, so she waited for her breathing to come to a normal rate. After a few minutes, she looked around the classroom and found the ribbon. She took the whole box of ribbon so that there won't be a shortage of ribbon.

"OK let's go back and make the perfect gown."

She said to herself and turned around to run back to her team in hurry. She saw someone was passing in front of her in a flash and thought to herself, if I don't stop now we will collapse into each other. But before she could do anything to stop her legs, she bumped to him, and because of the sudden hit, he lost his balance too. He hit the wall on his back and Maayi fell on him. Her cheeks were pressed on his chest and at that moment she felt like everything around her froze. For a split-second, she forgot to breathe and felt like even the surrounding wind stopped moving as well. She raised her head at a slow pace, and looked at his face, and saw that it was Rayam.

She swiftly moved away from him and said sorry. But before he could say anything to her, she ran away from there like the wind. She stopped after taking the turning on the hallway. She felt her heartbeat rising its pace than normal. She put her hand on her chest unknowingly. Her breathing changed and her palms were ice-cold. She felt burning on her cheeks, they were a bit reddish, and her ears were also red. Because it is a new and unknown feeling for her, she didn't understand what is even happening to her?

At the same time, when Rayam was walking towards his classroom, and then he heard someone calling his name. He turned to walk towards the direction where the voice came. But someone bumped into him promptly, and he lost his balance and hit the wall by his back. He saw a little girl on him; her cheek is pressed on his chest. He didn't understand, but he felt like everything surrounding him is frozen and the time is not moving forward. She looked at him, and he saw her beautiful eye which glitters. In the next second, she moved away from him, and she said sorry to him. He wanted to check on her, to know if she is alright. But before he could say anything she vanished into thin air. He even doubted himself that was that all his dream or not? One of his friends saw everything, and he ran towards Rayam to check on him.

"Hey dude, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

Rayam replied to him and started to walk towards the classroom.

"Hey wait there is something on your coat."

His friend told him, and he checked what it is then he saw it was a cute-looking heart-shaped stud. He took it and the incident that happened earlier came back to his mind. His heart started to pound faster than usual, and he didn't understand why it is like that? He put the stud inside his wallet and thanked his friend for showing it to him.

Rayam muttered to himself.
