Chapter Five

Kendra Pov

Walking into my apartment I felt dizzy. Conner burns kissed me. What was he thinking? He had to be confused. Making my way to my room I take my clothes off slipping on my old pajamas.

It was near midnight and I was tired. I had time to think about the kiss. I fell on my bed drifting off to sleep

I woke with another headache. It was normal since the accident, climbing out of bed I make my way to my bathroom to wash my face. I hear my phone ringing, grabbing a towel to dry my face I quickly grab my phone off my nightstand and answer.

"Hello," I say dryly.

" Hey it's doctor Bernstein, I wanted to follow up about your migraines. How are you feeling?" He says sounding concerned.

"Oh, I’m an okay doctor. Still taking my medicine." I say trying to cut the conversation short.

" Just take it easy. If you have any problems let me know" he says urgently.

" yes, I will. Thanks, doctor" I say ending the call.

Walking to my room putting my work jeans and top on. Looking in the mirror my hair was poufy, ugh it's annoying trying to manage it. Grabbing my brush and hair spritz I quickly brush my hair adding a few sprays of spritz to try to tame it. Putting it up into a ponytail I grab my phone walking to the kitchen for my coffee. I had to work a shift at the pub I honestly was not in the mood to go in. Grabbing my keys and jacket I head out to my car.


" miss can I get a fresh cup of coffee, an egg scramble, and pork bacon." The elderly women says as I write her order.

Quickly walking to the kitchen putting the order through I continue making my rounds to other customers.

" Kendra order up! Ben yells from the kitchen. Grabbing the tray of food and a fresh pot of coffee I make my way to the lady sitting her plate of food in front of her. Placing a clean mug down I pour her coffee and sit a small saucer with creamers on it.

" enjoy," I say forcing a smile. Walking away I head over to other customers; Saturdays are always busy.

It was lunch hour now people. getting off work to come to grab their beers and burgers. Scott had me working the bar since the breakfast rush was over. Standing behind the bar I begin checking beer and alcohol supply. Organizing shot glasses and such.

" Hey, can I get a beer?" A female voice says breaking me from my concentration.

Looking up I see a girl had to be around my age. Something seems so familiar, but I was not sure.

" Okay," I say grabbing a beer cracking the cap open.

" here you are," I say smiling

" Kendra? Kendra Moore?" The girl asks anxious

" yea..." I say nervously.

" it’s me, Adriana. I am so sorry I heard about your accident. Hope you're better now." She says taking a sip of her beer. I didn't know who she was, but she clearly remembered me.

" how's Dani? Does she still think she is better than everyone? Wearing heels all the time." Adrianna asks rolling her eyes.

" she's my best friend," I speak. Who was this girl?

" yeah, you two have always been close," she says with slight disdain in her voice.

without saying anything further I just continue working, taking a few orders as more customers arrived. Adrianna left without saying anything else to me. she did not bother leaving a tip either.

the lunch hour went by in drag but now it's 4 pm, I was ready to clock out. taking my apron off I had over to my locker putting my jacket on. Looking at my phone I see a text from Dani, she wanted to have dinner at her place tonight Shawn was going to a last-minute business meeting. Texting her quickly saying id be over in about an hour.

“so, I am a girl named Adrianna who came into the out this afternoon,” I say chopping cucumbers for the salad I was making.

“Adrianna Genzel? God the nerve of that girl. “Dani says rolling her eyes.

“you know her?” I ask adding fresh onions to the salad mix.

“yeah, we went to high school together. With us. She always made it seem like she was better than us.” Dani says rolling her eyes.

“well, she seems snobby,” I say as Dani starts serving the pasta she made on my plate.

“she didn’t say anything else?” Dani asks sounding concerned.

“no, she didn’t say much of anything else. Just that she hopes I am doing better. Apparently, she heard about my accident.” I say getting a bottle of wine from Dani's pantry.

“she’s basically a bitch.” Dani says taking a bite of her food.

“so, I wanted to tell you about Conner,” I say slightly nervous. It was clear to me that Dani did not practically care for him, but she had her reasons I am sure.

“what about him?” Dani asks

“the other night when I was coming home from work, he was waiting by my apartment door and he kissed me,” I say taking a sip of wine. Dani near chokes on her food.

“he kissed you?” Dani yells

“are you okay?” I asked handing her a glass of wine.

“I’m fine. What the hell Kendra!?” Dani says annoyed.

“Dani I’m not sure what he did it for, but he did,” I say taking a bite of my pasta.

“All I’m saying is you barely know the guy. he’s like family to you now.” Dani says eating.

“not technically,” I say in defense.

“isn’t he dating that sleazy donna Henderson? You don’t need any drama coming from her okay” Dani says drinking more of her wine.

I do not say anything just continue to eat my food and think about what Dani said. She was right, I barely knew conner I could not let him get to me.

“what do you say we watch an old movie and have popcorn?” Dani asks grabbing both our plates from the table.

“sure, let me go wash up and get comfortable,” I say heading to her bathroom shutting the door.

Dani Pov

When Kendra goes into her bathroom, I quickly grab her phone and look through her contacts, I see Conner’s name saved and I dial it.

“hey,” he says answering in a sweet voice.

“it’s Dani! Stay away from her Conner.” I say threatening

“why? I don’t see what----”

“Listen I don’t know what game you’re playing but you need to stop. Conner, she has no memory of you. She cannot know anything from the past that has anything to do with you! Just stay away from her.” I say hanging up. I quickly put her phone back on the table, as she comes out of the bathroom wearing her pajamas with her hair brushed down from the tight ponytail.

" hey I just want you to be careful," I say hugging her.

" I know. what movie we watching. has Shawn called to check in" Kendra asks

" no, not yet," I say sadly.

I and Shawn are getting married next weekend, how do I tell my best friend that I was struggling, with my store business and Shawn always being away for work I wasn't so sure what I really wanted.

Kendra Pov

" what movie we watching?" I ask as Dani pours herself another glass of wine.

"let's see what's on Netflix," she says turning the tv on.

Going into the kitchen I grab a pack of popcorn to pop as Dani comes into the kitchen looking upset.

" do you think I should call the wedding off?" Dani asks as I put the popcorn in a bowl after it was done popping.

" Dani no! why what's wrong?" I ask

" I just feel like Shawn is distant from me. He hasn’t even called since he left this morning." Dani says tearing

" I'm sure he will. He's probably busy." I say hugging her.

" I guess. Let's watch a movie but no romance." Dani says taking my hand pulling me to the big sofa.

After the movie ended Dani was snoring on the couch with the pillow tear-stained. Shawn hadn't bothered to call it was now midnight. My phone dings alerting me of a text message. Looking at my phone I see it's from conner.

Conner: can we meet today at 12 noon? Lunch?

Conner Pov

I woke up the bright light shining in my face. Getting out of my bed I head over to the bathroom to take a wiz and wash my face. I could hear donna snoring still, walking back over to my nightstand unhooking my cell phone. From the charger I do not see any text messages from Kendra I needed to talk to her, the urge to want to be around her was strange, I was supposed to hate her, but all those memories from high school came nodding back.

good morning' donna says sitting up in the bed pulling the blanket over her bare chest.

morning." I say slipping on my denim jeans and boots. I needed to get out of here for work shortly, I did not say anything else to donna as she continued to watch me get ready. Dinner tonight?' Donna asks getting out of the bed letting the blanket drop from her

naked body, yea, I get off at 8 so ill pickups you up" I say grabbing my wallet and keys to my truck. Giving her a quick kiss goodbye, I head out to work,

" dudes break up with donna already!" Chris says as I am installing a heating system at an elderly woman’s house, " I can’t do that just yet" I say rolling my eyes annoyed

" well, I’m just saying you been acting strange„ And she senses your distance" Chris says with his hands in his pockets " I am fine. She’s just being extra and clingy." I say annoyed

" does it have to do with that Kendra girl?" Conner asks " no, Why?" I ask

" I see you have coffee with her a while back if donna finds out it won’t end well for her,' Chris says grabbing my arm, " dude chill,' I say focusing back on my work,

Kendra Pov

It was Sunday evening a Dani was still in her bed sobbing that Shawn still has not contacted or answered her calls, I honestly was not sure what the hell Shawn was doing but if he did not communicate soon, I am not sure Dani will want to still marry him, going into the kitchen in turn on her fancy coffee maker, I know she is going to want some, coffee is morning bliss in my opinion,

Going into her room with a cup of coffee, Dani is sitting on her bed wiping her face from crying,

" hey, coffee?" I ask. She nods her head taking the hot cup from me,

" I think he’s having an affair," Dani says taking a sip from her cup,

" Dani he’s probably really held up with work, it’s not like him to not call," In Say trying to reassure her.

" you better go, I don’t want you to be here-" Dani says as she cuts off at the

sound of the front door to her condo opening,

" Dani! You up babe?" I hear Shawn yell, Dani does not say anything, I follow behind her as she makes her way to the living room.

" Why didn’t you answer or call me?" Dani asks yelling, Shawn looks surprised, pulling his phone out of his suit pocket, "l had to turn it off dani_ We were in meetings all day and night, I was swamped," Shawn says reassuring her,

Grabbing my jacket and keys to leave, um I will call you later Dani. By Shawn" I say feeling the tension between them,

he makes his way to the living room, I see Shawn with his suit nice a crisp with no wrinkle in sight.

" Why didn’t you answer or call me?" Dani asks yelling, Shawn looks surprised, pulling his phone out of his suit pocket, "l had to turn it off dani_ We were in meetings all day and night, I was swamped," Shawn says reassuring her,

Grabbing my jacket and keys to leave,

“um, I will call you later Dani. By Shawn" I say feeling the tension between them I quickly leave heading home.

I sat in my room looking at my phone. I still have not replied to Connor's text message. I am sure he has gotten the hint that I was not interested in the mind games he was playing. It was almost midnight now I had sent Dani a text asking if she was okay, but she did not respond. I am sure they are making up. I really wanted her to marry Shawn she loves him.

Donna Pov.

Connor was acting strange these last few months. He was currently in the shower as I quickly grabbed his phone to see what the hell, he was hiding from me. I had a feeling he probably was going to break up with me soon. I was doing everything in my power to not let that happen. Scrolling through conner's text messages I see the name Kendra. Kendra? Clicking on the conversation, he has been talking to her. Even asked her to join him for lunch. I knew something was shady about her, ever since her crazy mom married his uncle joseph. I hear the shower turn off, so I quickly put his phone back on his nightstand.

I grab my phone and text Chris asking if he and Vanessa wanted to have drinks tonight. Grabbing my purse and jacket I leave before Conner comes out of the bathroom,

“so, you know Kendra? The girl you dance with at the party awhile back,” I say trying to get answers from Chris. I know he and Conner talk about everything.

“that chick went to high school with us. Connor was her crush.” Chris says drinking another beer.

“had never gone for her,” I say rolling my eyes.

“well, I mean he broke her heart. He rejected her all those years ago. It does not matter now because Kendra cannot remember any of it since her accident. Lost her memory.” Chris says

“why is he talking to her now?” I ask annoyed.

“I’m not sure. Maybe he’s trying to get her to fall in love with him again!” Chris says laughing. Clearly, he was drunk and was not thinking about anything he was saying.

“so, like a prank? He’s not really interested in a girl that’s black?” I say annoyed.

“well between me and you Connor had feelings for her. He’d never admit it though.” Chris says smiling.