Chapter Six

Kendra Pov

The weeks gone by in a blur, with me busy working and school I did not have much time to see Dani, who put all of their energy into the last plantings of her wedding. She and Shawn had worked things out between them, apparently, Shawn took a sabbatical from work to focus on his relationship to get married. He knew he had to show Dani that his heart was all in it, I was happy of course how could I not be.

I was working the night shift at the pub, working behind the bar when I see Conner and donna come in. He looks at me, but I could not read his expression. I have not spoken to or seen Conner since he kissed me almost a month ago. I see him go to a table as donna gives me a strange look. Rolling my eyes, I continue with my work.

excuse me? Can I get an order of beers?" A guy says as I turn around, I see a guy who was very nice looking, Tall, dark brunette hair and beard that cut perfectly to his face. He was by far very good-looking. He looked educated professionally. His dark brown eyes glistened beneath his bushy thick eyebrows.

“yes, how many beers?” I ask forcing a smile. God, he was gorgeous.

“yes, um seven beers. I have my friends joining me.” He says with a smile. I guess he does not want me to think the beers are all for him.

“Okay sure,” I say grabbing the beers putting them on a try. A group of guys and a girl come in laughing. They spot the man at the bar and immediately they all hug and shake hands. I overhear the man tell he already got the table as they followed him.

“Natalie can you take this try of beer to the back group,” I say pointing.

She rolls her eyes as if she rather not works, taking the tray she hurries off to deliver the beers. I continue my work filling orders, stealing glances at the handsome man with his friends. He had a beautiful smile from what I could see.

“Hey Kendra,” Adrianna says sitting at the bar smiling.

“oh hey,” I say not smiling.

“so, I was wondering if you wanted to come to my housewarming party. I and my fiancé just got an expensive place. Would love for you to come. Even Dani can come.” Adrianna says smiling. Before I could say anything, she leaves the bar without saying anything else. I am sure Dani will not want to go. Looking up I see Natalie flirting with the handsome guy, I am not surprised. She always gets every guy to notice her.

“oh, hey jerry, how are you? “I ask as the man sits at the bar. Jerry was a usual customer here at the pub, he always ordered a beer and fries. And always asked for the sports station on the television.

“hey dear, the usual.” He says smiling. Getting him his beer and pouting his order of fries in. I hand jerry the tv remote. Natale comes up to the bar looking annoyed.

“the back table wants another round of beers,” Natalie says going into the back kitchen. Handing jerry his fries. I grab seven beers and head towards the table in the back since Natalie still did not come back from the kitchen. She probably was taking her smoke break. When I reached the table, they all continued talking as if my presence did not matter. Sitting on the tray of beers on the table, I can feel the handsome man looking at me.

“what’s your name?” he asks lightly touching my arm. The conversations between his friends went silent as they all looked at me.

“um Kendra,” I say nervously.

“would you like to go out sometime? Dinner?” he asks looking serious.

“I can’t,” I say turning to walk away.

“wait! “the man says following me.

“my name is mike Luciano; I’d really like to take you out sometime.” He says as I go behind the bar. Was this guy for real? He could not be seriously interested in me.

“I don’t even know you,” I say trying to turn him down. He laughs as if I made a joke.

“that’s why I want to take you out. Here’s my card “he says putting it on the bar. Hope to hear from you” he says smiling. I watch him go back over to his friends taking his card putting it in my pocket.

“doctor mike Luciano??? Asked you out!!!” Dani says grabbing the card he gave me.

“he was at the pub last night,” I speak.

“he’s from this town, he graduated a year before we did Kendra,” Dani says smiling.

“I’ve politely turned him down, Dani,” I say rolling my eyes.

“you can’t be serious? He is gorgeous and wants to take you out. He is a dam doctor! When the last time you went out? “Dani asks annoyed.

“um, not since Jonathan. Conner doesn’t count wasn’t an actual date.” I say defensively.” Walking into my room.

“okay well if he asks you again you better say yes,” Dani says flopping down on my bed. Ignoring her I begin starting my assignment I had to do for my medical assisting class.

It was Friday evening, and I was currently at my local grocery store grabbing a few things for my apartment. I was in desperate need of coffee and more chicken breast and other things for dinner. I needed to get some bread and milk also for a quick morning breakfast. Standing in the dairy aisle, I see Conner with donna. She obviously did not notice me but Conner sure did. He walks up to me as I reach for a half-gallon of almond milk.

“Hey, how you been?” Conner asks smiling awkwardly.

“I’ve been okay,” I say forcing a smile.

“Why didn’t you respond to my text?” Conner asks sounding hurt.

“look you have a girlfriend who I’m sure doesn’t really like me, so stop Conner,” I say walking away before he could say anything else.

when I get home putting all the groceries away I get a text message from an unknown number, apparently, it was miked Luciano the handsome doctor. how did he even get my number I thought as I read his text message.

mike: hey it's mike, the guy you met the other night at the pub... care to join me for dinner tonight say 9 pm?

I nearly dropped my phone as I replied with a simple sure.

Walking into the restaurant I see mike sitting at a center table with an elegant setting. good thing I wore a casual black dress I found in my closet from my local ross. I knew this most likely would be our only date, mike was way out of my league. I could feel people staring at me as I sat down across from him. he was wearing a nice business-like suit, he looked like some rich guy who could at any moment have the whole restaurant shut down. he didn't look like the guy from the pub the other night. he looks at me and smiles taking my small hand and lightly kisses it.

" you look beautiful Kendra." mike says as a waiter comes to our table.

" Thanks," I say almost in a whisper.

" hello can I get two some wine? " the waiter asks smiling at me, I could tell he was nervous.

" sure your best red wine, is that okay?" mike asks me.

" yes that's great," I say smiling at him.

" right away Mr. Luciano." the waiter says walking away.

mike is staring at me now and I'm suddenly nervous, how can a human being be so gorgeous looking? His pale white skin looked so smooth with his perfectly structured face that had a beard that framed his chin so well.

" so tell me about yourself, how old are you?" mike asks

" um 26, how about you? I ask as the waiter comes with a fresh bottle of wine.

" 27. a pretty woman like you I'm surprised your single." mike says taking a sip of his wine.

" I'm better alone. I don't rush relationships." I say taking a sip of my own wine.

I had to say I was actually enjoying myself, mike didn't seem snobbish or uptight like usual rich people are, he seems down to earth and had a pretty good sense of humor. we sat at our table drinking wine and eating a slice of cake that he insisted we'd share. the restaurant was closing now it was near midnight, they had to make us leave as we laughed our way towards my car.

" hey let me get my driver to take you home. You're in no shape to drive." mike says taking my hand in his large one. I didn't bother to object as I got into his car. he slid in beside me still holding my hand.

when we reached my apartment building, mike walks me to my door still holding my hand. this was the moment I was nervous about, probably why I drank so much wine.

" I had a great time. can we do this again?" mike asks.

" yes, that would be nice. have a good night." I say turning to unlock my door. before I knew it Mike Luciano was kissing me.


" he kissed you?! how was the kiss was it he good?" Dani asks as we sit at anna's café'.

" it was amazing, he wants to have another date next Friday night," I say scrolling through my phone checking my emails.

" wow, someone's smitten with you. I'm so happy for you. and he can be your date to my wedding Saturday," Dani says taking a drink of her coffee.

" I wasn't going to ask him, do you think it would be weird?" I ask Dani confused.

" no, I'm sure he would love to be your date. trust me he's in love with you. maybe you can see him after. Dani says laughing.

" Dani I'm not doing that. we are just taking things slow." I say taking a bite of my bagel.

" just ask him to be your date, it's a good way for him to meet your best friend," Dani says throwing our trash away in the nearby trash can.

"let's go to the mall, the tailor there has our dresses," Dani says as I follow her to the car. sitting in the passenger seat I see a missed call from my mother. I wasn't in a rush to call her back I'm sure she just wants to know if I'm dating anyone yet. like it's a crime for a woman to be single in this day and age.

we finally arrive at the mall, as I follow Dani to Nancy's tailor store. apparently, she had fixed a few adjustments to our gowns. me being Dani's maid of honor she was very adamant that I looked perfect for her special day.

" ima go checkout the bookstore," I tell Dani who was busy talking to the tailor lady.

making my way towards Barnes store, it was quiet. There weren't a lot of people here I strolled the aisle to find a good book to read during my downtime. I made my way to the drama romance section looking through various novels when my phone starts ringing again,

" Hey mom," I say answering my phone.

" hey love, you want to have dinner tonight at the house?" my mother asks sounding hopeful.

" yea sure," I say putting a book back on the shelf. I see donna, Connors' girlfriend making her way towards me. great I thought.

" Okay dear, you seem busy, where are you?" my mother asks

" I'm at the mall. I'll see you tonight " I say hanging up before she could keep the conversation going.

trying not to make eye contact with donna she approaches me suddenly smiling.

" hey, Kendra right?" she asks sounding like she was trying to be extra nice.

" yea, can I help you?" I ask walking further down the aisle when she continues to walk beside me.

" so your friends with my boyfriend Conner right? " she asks

" I wouldn't say friends, but I guess," I say looking at various books on the clearance section.

" oh I just thought you two were friends, considering you went to high school together." donna says grabbing a magazine on the next shelf over. high school? she had to be joking.

" We didn't go to high school together. his uncle is married to my mother," I say walking past her.

" oh, that strange he said he knows you from high school, you had a huge crush on him." donna says turning pages in the magazine. I look at her as if she slapped me. was this the real reason Dani didn't like me talking to him?

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say looking at her now.

" trust me. apparently, he knows you don't remember him that's why he's been trying so hard to get close to you. make you fall in love with him and then break your heart all over again. you didn't think he 'actually be interested in you? donna asks smiling.

I don't say anything as tears well in my eyes as I think about all the encounters I've had with Conner burns.

" I got to go," I say walking past her making my way out of the bookstore.

I see Dani making her way in my direction.

" you knew who Conner was?!" I ask yelling. Dani looked at me as if she has seen a ghost.

" yeah, but it's not the way you think though," Dani says walking after me. as we make our way to Dani's car, I don't say anything as I get in the passenger seat. Dani gets in looking at me as if she wanted to cry. I didn't know what to say or do. was this Conner's whole plan? I hated that I couldn't remember him.

" Why didn't you tell me about him?" I ask Dani in a whisper

" Kendra, it was for the best. Conner broke you. you were in such a terrible place. after your accident, we all agreed that you just didn't have any knowledge about him. when I found out he was talking to you I told him to stay away but he just wouldn't." Dani says crying now.

" Just take me home," I say looking about the window.

Conner Pov

when I got home from a long morning of work, donna was in the kitchen with take-out and beers sitting on the table. she was dressed in a sexy dress and heels, as she greeted me with a kiss.

" welcome home babe." donna says.

" what's all this?" I ask looking at the table.

" just a little lunch because I love you." donna says smiling.

" donna I want to break up," I say grabbing a beer.

" what?! why?" she asks seeming surprised.

Chris already told me she had suspicions that I was gonna dump her ass.

"it's over. this just isn't working out." I say taking a sip of wine.

" This is about that bitch?" donna asks

" who are you implying? " I ask smiling

" Kendra. the one your playing. she knows who you are by the way. I saw her today at the mall. she knows about your little game." donna says rolling her eyes

" just leave donna," I say grabbing her coat and throwing it at her.

after donna leaves I take a much-needed shower, to help my body relax. she told Kendra? doesn't she remember me now? I wasn't sure what the hell donna said to her but I defiantly needed to talk to Kendra. stepping out of the shower I hear a knock at my door.

" go away donna !' I yell

"it's Dani" I hear a voice say on the other side of the door. peaking through the peek hole I see Dani standing in the hallway looking desperate. I open my door immediately.

" How did you find my apartment," I ask as she lets herself in.

" Please, my fiancé' has connections," Dani says rolling her eyes.

" what do you want?" I ask making my way to my room to slip on some pants.

" Kendra knows that you are the guy who broke her heart. donna told her." Dani says as I come back out of my room to face her.

" I know," I say embarrassed.

" you need to just stay away. you rejected her. what are you doing? Dani asks me looking serious.

" I don't know. would be so bad if I actually have feelings for her? I've always have. I say quietly.

" are you serious? you don't get too hurt again. she doesn't actually remember you but she knows about you from what I told her. Just stay away. You should forget her, literally." Dani says and leaves without saying anything else.

I wasn't sure what Kendra thought now. according to Dani, it was best for me to just stay away from her but how could I? I know staying away wouldn't make how I feel towards her go away. laying down in my bed exhausted from a long day of work I doze off for a quick nap

Kendra Pov

I made my way to my room after Dani dropped me off at home. she knew I was disappointed that she kept such a huge part of my life a secret. I guess she was trying to protect me but I had the right to know. I defiantly couldn't bear to face Conner now. although I have no actual memory of him or my feelings I knew it just be awkward. the fact that he was using me like a game? taking advantage of my memory loss as if he could care less about my feelings. this damn town was too small for its own good. maybe I should move away I thought as I took a shower. after Dani's wedding I think that's what I have to do, I need to move away from the past, Conner sure didn't belong in the life I built for myself now. I wasn't that same girl whoever she was supposedly according to donna.

after my shower, I slip on a bare of jeans and baggy hoodies with my all-black ugg boots. it was now 7 pm and I was to be at my mom's by 8. I had some time to stop at the local liquor store to buy a bottle of red wine. I know my mother would hound me down if I refused to at least spend one night a week to have dinner with her and joseph. I didn't mind though joe was great and my mother seemed happy.

on my way over to my mom's after leaving the store I see a text from Dani asking if I was okay I wasn't in the mood to talk to her. I just needed to focus on having dinner with my mom.

" hey you made it," my mother says when she opens the door. I hug her as she squeezes me tightly as if she hasn't seen me in years.

" I brought a bottle of wine," I say handing the bottle to her.

" oh, thanks, dear. come on joe is in the kitchen, I made lasagna your favorite." my mother says as I follow her to the big kitchen. I sit down at the counter as I see joe making a salad.

" hey dear how are you?" joe asks hugging me

" I'm fine, smells good in here," I say watching my mom pop open the wine.

" so Kenny how was your day? " my mom asks placing a glass of wine in front of me. taking a long sip, I needed this I thought.

" it was okay. I was at the mall when you called." I tell her as she hands me plates to set the big table in the dining room.

as I set the table I hear a knock at the door. I see joe make his way to go answer it.

" someone else coming over for dinner?" I ask my mother

" oh yea his nephew Conner dear." my mother says as if it wasn't important.

I going to need more wine I thought as I sat down at the table. I watch as Joe and Conner make their way into the dining room. Conner looks at her with a blank expression. Should I confront him? rolling my eyes I drink my wine not saying anything. my mom hugs him tightly, I can feel his eyes on me as he makes his way to sit down at the table.

" Hey." he says smiling

" hey," I say not looking at him

my mom comes into the dining room sitting the pan of lasagna on the table and salad. Joe follows sitting down as my mom grabs a fresh bottle of wine. we all sit quietly as joe says a prayer over the food. we all say amen as we serve ourselves in silence, I sure wasn't going to make conversation. I can feel the awkward tension between me and Conner, I just needed to get this over with.

" so Kendra what did you buy at the mall?" my mom asks

" nothing really, just a book. Dani was there getting our dresses for her wedding" I say eating my lasagna

" oh yes, I know she's excited." joe says smiling

" I cant wait to see how beautiful you will look in h]your gown. maid of honor." my mom says as I sip more wine.

"it's Dani's day, she will outshine me, mother." I say laughing

" well do you have a date? " my mom asks. I can see Conner looking at me

" um yeah I do actually. mike is going with me." I say eating my salad.

" Mike?" Conner asks now. I look at him now annoyed

" yeah... " I say as if it wasn't his business

" mike Luciano. he's from this town." I tell my mom ignoring Conner.

" oh, that handsome fella the doctor? " my mom asks excited

" yea went had a date last week actually." I say proudly

" oh dear that's great. you like him? mom asks

" yeah mikes great." I say drinking more wine

I look at Conner who wasn't eating anymore, he stands up after wiping his mouth.

" Thanks for dinner uncles, Shirley." he says

"you're leaving?" joe asks sounding hurt.

" yeah I got another engagement to attend, we can catch up later," Conner says to joe. he doesn't look at me as he leaves.

" Kendra, you okay? my mother asks

" Yeah, let me help you clean up," I say grabbing the dishes.

joe and my mom were outback in the yard sitting on the swing talking as I cleaned the kitchen, I thought about Conner and how he reacted towards me. he seemed surprised that I was dating mike. I'm sure he probably thinks mike is an idiot, I didn't have time to focus on Conner I realized that if ima going to move forward I needed to leave my ghost in the past. leaving this small town was the only solution. after Dani's wedding that's exactly what I was going to do.

after leaving my mom's house I went to the one place I knew would help me remember. I pulled into the parking lot of Delmer high school. getting out of my car I walk up to the front doors as stand there I close my eyes, I see Conner. I see him as I was that girl who loved him but he didn't. the pain, the hurt I felt leaving after graduation was dreadful. Falling to my knees, tears ran down my face as I remembered everything. I remembered Conner burns, as the guy who broke my heart all those years ago.