Chapter seven

Have you ever wished you could go back in time? It's been 2 months now since I had that small revelation of remembering Conner. I wasn't sure exactly what I'm gonna do with it but I defiantly couldn't tell Dani. we haven't spoken since her wedding day, she's tried calling but I just didn't want to talk. Avoiding her was the only way I knew how to cope on my own. she kept a big secret from me that was valuable for me to recover.

walking into my small kitchen in my new loft apartment I poured myself a glass of wine, it was now mid-summer time, I started a new job as a medical receptionist at a children's care clinic in the city. I didn't mind living alone I just had to get away and try to move forward with my life. I did have mike Luciano, dating him has been a breath of fresh air. I still not sure I even deserve him but I'm trying, I like that he doesn't force me to open up, he understands that my past was complicated and I really am trying to move forward.

sipping my wine I hear a knock at the door, it had to be mike because no one back home knew anything about where I was living now, not even my mother. opening the door I quickly freeze.

" mom?" I say confused. the look on her face was sad, I can see the tears in her eyes but she doesn't even say anything.

"you can come in," I say as she slowly walks in. I closed the door and follow behind her as she looks around the loft.

" How are you?" my mother asks sadly.

" mom I'm fine. what are you doing here?" I ask sitting on my sofa.

"I was worried, Kendra! why did you move without telling anyone? Danielle is worried sick. what happen between you two?" my mother asks sitting beside me.

" I'm tired of everyone treating me like I'm some charity case. Dani was keeping secrets so yea we aren't speaking right now." I say drinking my wine.

"that's not a reason to just cut your family out of your life. I'm sorry you and Danielle are having issues but she loves you and whatever she was keeping from you Kendra, probably was for your own good." my mom says standing up to leave.

" mom-- " I start to say but she cuts me off.

" Kendra I love you. come visit sometime." my mother says leaving.


I was heading into work this morning still thinking about last night, my mother, and dramatic emotions. if she thinks I'm coming to visit anytime soon she has another thing coming. I just wanted to focus on work not drama from my past. making my way behind the receptionist's desk to clock in for my shift. I loved working here, even though I wasn't really making nice with my fellow coworkers I enjoyed meeting patients and helping them. I sat down at the computer to login for any patients id need to check-in for appoints and such. Karissa came in now looking like she was hungover, like usual. she lightly smiles at me, I knew she didn't like me much. mentally rolling my eyes I focus on work.

The day was dragging as I checked in patients, and also overhearing Karissa compline that she wasn't getting paid enough to be sitting at a desk all day. ignoring the gossip I focus my attention back on my work as I notice a woman with a baby approaches the desk.

" Welcome, how may I help you today?" I ask smiling

" hello, my baby daughter has an appointment at 2 pm. " the lady says looking at her child.

" can I have her name and date of birth please?" I ask typing on the computer.

" Addison peters. 12/6/20. " the lady says I type in the information.

" okay please sign-in on the check-in sheet. you'll be called back shortly " I say smiling

My shift was finally over as I clock out, Karissa approaches me smiling.

" so how you liking your time here?" she asks following me to the back receptionist office.

"it's good. I love working here." I say extra cheerful. I can tell she wasn't interested in knowing how I was liking the job here. the rumor apparently was that my boyfriend doctor mike Luciano got me the job because he's such a great doctor and his name rings bells in the medical world. clearly, that wasn't true, I worked my ass off to finished school so that I wouldn't have to worry about working at the pub anymore. this career working in the medical field has been a goal of mine since I work up from that comma 7 years ago.

" that's nice," she says smiling.

" see you tomorrow," I say leaving

when I got home from work I slip off my scrubs uniform and head to my bathroom to take a much-needed shower, mike texted me on lunch break that he was taking me out to dinner. I rather stay home and eat take out but by him busy with work, we haven't had many dates lately. I really enjoyed spending time with him. Was I in love? I'm not sure but I was happy. stepping out of the shower I wrap my big towel around my body that had gotten slimmer over the last month. going into my room I dry off, I see a text from mike that we'd have to reschedule our date, he's stuck at the hospital. sadly I slip on my pajamas throwing my phone on my bed. going into my kitchen I find a Chinese takeout menu in the cabinet drawer. taking a bottle of wine from the cabinet I pour myself a tall glass and go into the living room to order my dinner.

" Chinese delivery," the man says

" yes, can I get two shrimp fried rolls, chicken, and broccoli extra chicken," I ask smiling

" anything else?" the man asks sounding bored.

" no thanks." I say

" okay. 25 minutes." the man says and hangs up

turning on my tv to find a movie to watch I hear my phone ding alerting me of a text message.

mike: really sorry babe.

reading his texts didn't make me feel any better. hearing a knock at my door I head towards it as I begin texting mike back. opening the door I see Danielle standing there holding my food.

" Dani what the hell!" I say taking my food away from her. she follows me in looking pissed.

" don't worry I paid the man, why haven't you contacted me?" and ask as I begin eating my food.

" Dani please, I made it very clear that I needed space," I say stuffing biting my shrimp roll.

" so what you just up and move to the city without telling me," Dani yells upset.

" look not everything is about you Dani, I started my new job at a children's clinic. mike helped me move out here to be closer to my job." I say taking a sip of my wine.

" Kendra I love you, I never meant to keep secrets from you. I thought I was protecting you." Dani says crying now.

" Dani it's okay. I don't blame you. " I say hugging her now.

" you mind if I join you tonight?" Dani asks smiling.

" sure, here take my glass of wine I'll get another," I say going into my kitchen for a glass and a new bottle of wine.

" so you and mike?" Dani asks as I sit beside her on the couch.

" yea, things are good," I say not really wanting to get into detail.

" what about Conner?" Dani asks sipping her wine.

" what about him?" I ask annoyed.

" you loved him, those feelings don't just go away," Dani says

" Dani, he rejected me for the color of my skin. he used me all those years ago. I went into a really dark place with my life because of it. how can I just pretend like that never happened? I wish I hadn't remembered him." I say tears forming in my eyes.

" I understand. I'm just glad you in a good place. I miss you" Dani says hugging me.

" I can't go back to that town. I just cant." I say taking a sip of wine.

Connor Pov

it's been 2 months since I last saw Kendra, from going to dinners with my uncle joe I learned about her in the city of Philadelphia working at some children's clinic. her mother was upset that she left without saying anything to anyone, not even a goodbye. I knew the real reason she left. me. after the shit donna pulled telling her about me I knew she didn't want to be in this town anymore. if Kendra remembers then she knows why I rejected her. I was dumb back then, making her skin color the reason I couldn't be with her was crazy. I regretted that decision but I didn't have a choice. sitting here at the job site doing some construction on some building for a hospital. My job was to install the heating& cooling installations for the entire building.

looking at my phone it was almost my lunch break, donna texted asking if we could meet up apparently she wanted to talk. we haven't spoken since that day I broke up with her in my apartment. after the shit she pulled with Kendra, I don't have anything to say to her. sending donna quick text telling her I was working. hopefully, she takes that as a hint. knowing donna she probably wouldn't. heading into the employee break room I throw my helmet and gloves into my locker, clocking out for my lunch break.

" dude, donna texted," Chris says walking up to me as I make my way to my truck. shaking my head I hop in my truck as Chris slides in on the passenger side.

" don't tell her shit about me, Chris," I say pulling out of the construction site. driving down the highway I had my radio blasting my usual country music station. Chris was steady texting on his phone smiling to himself like an idiot.