Chapter 5: The abduction

Author's PoV:

Every thing fell in a deep silence around Pearl hearing his voice. Her senses blocked because of his posture behind her. She was continuously cursing herself for not taking care of her emotions. She couldn't believe her to be this stupid to put her friends' life in danger with her stupidity. Shawn had warned her a couple of times to not spill a bean in front of anyone.

"Hey everything fine with this Ms...?"

"Um sir...thanks for your concern Mr. Kingston and yes she is fine!"Said Zack.

"Can you lead me the way to the library?" Shawn replied with his deep voice leaving no sign of argument.

"Yes sir sure...this way please...."

Zack was the one talking with Shawn all along and lead him to the library. On the other hand there was Pearl who released a breath. She was praying that Shawn didn't hear her or else she had to be ready to face the worst.Till Zack returned her other friends tried to console her.

Once Zack returned they started to bombard her with their questions dragging her to their usual hangout spot in the university.

"Yeah now tell us what happened?" (Asked Sarah.)

"Why were you behaving like this?" (Asked Kerin hurriedly.)

"What's with Mr. Kingston?" (This time Jimmy asked.)

"Shut up guys let her breath...she is already panicked!!" (Exclaimed Zack at the rest who were firing questions without a breath.)... " Pearl calm down and ignore them...once you are comfortable then tell us. Okay?"

Pearl nodded her head and settle down on one of the benches taking deep breaths. She knew that she gave to tell them.

After sometime of calming down and thinking of a proper excuse she had adjusted herself.

"Are you fine now?!" Asked Sarah to which Pearl nodded her head. She prepared herself and started her partial story.

"Actually guys after the program of Mr. Kingston I went to the locker to grab my things as I was having headache due to the continuous sitting. There I found some letters from some secret admirer and the lights of the locker room also went out when I was reading it so I panicked. Other than that you know I am sensitive to these things moreover I also watched a thriller movie the day before so I was disturbed."

Pearl's smooth excuse made her friends believe at her and also she had the letter from earlier.

Pearl went home early because she needed some time alone to reflect upon the things that were happening with her. Mainly she needed to do something where she could act naturally and let out her emotions.


Shawn's PoV:

I was satisfied to have my plan worked. Pearl was in a confused satisfaction for somedays, to which she has grown a liking. I knew she would easily get manipulated with small things. Throughout the entire seminar I had my eyes trained over her. Her expression clearly said she wanted to be out of there as soon as possible. And I made sure of that.

Before entering the auditorium I talked with the dean to keep Pearl's friends busy. At her he was confused but when I threw some notes he agreed. So after the seminar was done I saw pearl rushing out and I signalled the dean to keep others busy. Pearl was taking hurried steps in the locker. After opening her locker her attention grabbed the red envelope which was set by me and she read the letter as per as my plan.

It was indeed an easy task to fool her as she was already panicked. After that I pulled some stunts which made her go all baffled. And the rest happened just the way I wanted. For the first time in my I was so grateful for my psychology master's degree alongside of BBA. Pearl was like a open book to me and getting to know about her mental consistency wasn't something tough. Hence I just need to wait for sometime more and the stay in London will be coming to an end.

Even tough I am a influential person but still I couldn't help in mistake in her case, because the Miller's were no else when it comes to money and same goes to her friends. Every one who is lose to her is rich enough to team up against me. Hence if they charge anything on me I knew handling would have been difficult. However I also had to admit her friends took care of Pearl like a sibling and it was evident they could go to any extent for her.

Thus when Pearl ran out of the locker room I went immediately after her to make sure she doesn't blurt out unnecessary information, and that's what exactly happened because I intervened right at the time when she was starting her explanation catching her red handed. It was easy to manipulate Pearl with her family and friends as she loved them a lot.


Pearl's PoV:

There is no doubt when people say life is unpredictable. Few days back my life was simple happy thing which revolved around my family and friends, but now it is more like a maze which I am trying hard to understand. This maze is so confusing and it feels like everyday a new junction is added to it. I don't know when will I be able to solve this because now I am already tired. I can't say that my life has been always perfect but no matter how it was I was happy even when fighting my inner turmoil against it.

Never now a storm came in this happy simple life of mine without any permission. A storm in disguise of a man who claims him to be my lover. A psychopath, a sinister criminal and a ruthless monster can be words to describe him. For him I don't know how many more days I have to lie to my dear ones? How many days I have to keep myself suppressed. Hell I don't even know how on earth did I even get involved with a mafia leader. Everything about this guy haunts me. He looks like a hard riddle impossible to solve. His aura around him screams power which can make anyone cower in fear.

Normally I am not someone to give up easily but around him I surrender automatically without any commotion. His gaze at me isn't something which I can say is disgusting or lustful rather it's a gaze which held so deep longing emotions. I turn onto a different person in his presence and the girl who I know as Pearl becomes unrecognisable which I despise but I am helpless for it.

Today I was in the most vulnerable position of my life. It's true that I am childish,immature and innocent but that doesn't mean I am not strong. I know that I am a strong willed girl but today I lose myself when I like a stupid without thinking was about to put my friends in danger. I was weeping in my room lost in my own misery so I thought of the only thing that would made me relieved. I opened my diary from my backpack which I always carry with me and wrote all my pains over there.

Well at least after writing I was not crying but the sorrow was still there. I needed peace now so I moved my feet to my mom because I know nothing is much better than a mother's embrace.

My mom was in the kitchen making our dinner so I went to her and hugged her from behind. It was like my mom sensed my pain so she turned around and faced me.

"What happened honey? Why do you look so down?" My mom asked me.

"I am tired mom so I thought of coming to you!,can I please be in your embrace for sometime? I want your warmth now..." I said to my mom innocently to which she chuckled a bit and said.

"Oh so my baby is tired?huh?...ok no problem mama will heal her princes with her love! Now come to me..." I moved towards my mom's open arms and hugged her tightly feeling my peace in there but then she started speaking of something which made me want to cry. "You know sweetheart when you were born you were like a fragile flower in my arms and your dad and brothers were looking at you in concern. They were afraid if someone will hurt there innocent baby. Your dad who always acts like a tough man was crying holding you close to him and said that he would give you his whole world! You know you are our little princess who completed our world. And now from that little cupcake you have turned into a beautiful lady...and always remember honey no matter where you are we are always with you! You are our daughter and our pride,so never give up without fighting. You are the strongest and loveliest daughter of mine and I love you to the moon!" By the time she had stopped talking she had tears in her eyes, which made me break down finally.

"I love you mama." I said and hugged her more tightly. I was feeling light after letting out my emotions in front of her and now I was determined that I won't let him dominate me. I had enough and I will fight.

That night I spent my time in my mother's arms feeling my calm and found a new determination to fight my life ahead.


Author's PoV:

The next morning Pearl woke up with a new determination to fight for herself ignoring the feeling of something wrong is going to happen. As usual she got ready for the day. She wore a simple off shoulder yellow crop top which was half sleeved with a white high waist jeans and let her hair free. She had hardly done any makeup, yet she looked pretty.

After getting ready she moved downstairs and drove to her car to the university after grabbing her breakfast.

It was a normal day for her as usual. The day passed on doing classes and assignments.

As soon as the university was done Pearl moved towards the parking lot bidding goodbyes to her friends. Normally they would set off together but today the four of them had some works as the dean called them to his office.

She was searching for her car keys on her bag when she felt that someone was looking at her. She turned around to look but found the whole basement empty. She shrugged it off as she thought it was her hallucination. Once she found the keys she forwarded it to unlock the door,however before she outdated do that a hand caught her wrist and stopped her mouth preventing her screaming.

Pearl was thrashing wildly and her heartbeat fastened in panic. Nonetheless her struggles stopped hearing the familiar deep voice of a particular person.

"Stop moving baby girl!"Shawn whispered in her ears making her halt and the next thing she felt was a needle piercing her arms and a voice after that she became senseless.

"Sleep baby girl we have a long day!!"


"Captivating her was his insanity, punishing her was his madness, caging her was his desperation and taming her was his temptation...but loving her wasn't there in his options!!"


So I request that I am working hard for you guys and I need some motivation also. So please don't be a silent reader and follow me.

My humble request to all is that vote, support and share my work!!

And be ready for the next update. It will be a mega chapter. A lot of things gonna happen and moreover what do you think Shawn is gonna do?
