Chapter 6:New York

" You are the flame in which I want to burn ,and burn with out any remorse mi cheri!!"


Author's PoV:-

Standing in front of his own lavish private jet Shawn stepped through the entrance with Pearl scooped in his arms. The plane crew were flabbergasted watching their super arrogant boss carrying a young maiden in his arms. They were gawking at him yet no one dared to ask him questions. Throughout the whole journey there had been murmurs amongst the crew about the possible outcomes. It was not hard for anyone to guess that the girl was brought here without being abducted. But now the question was how come the the arrogant Shawn Kingston who never gave two fucks to any women was now carrying one with him. It was a mystery yet to be revealed.

Hours passed as they flew through the clouds finally reaching their destination. Shawn again scooped Pearl in his arms and got down of his jet.

The first sight that caught his eyes were his best friends waiting for him. He cursed under his breaths as he didn't expect them to be there. Well now he knows he would have to give answers to a lot of questions.

Lucas and Noah were two handsome men. They had a nice physique which girls would drool for. Lucas and Noah were both carefree unlike Shawn but both of them were monsters in business. That's probably what the three had in common. Lucas was man with 6 feet 3 height and a lean sculpted body. He had beautiful dirty blond hair and striking blue eyes. He had a wheatish tanned skin tone and perfect facial features.

Noah was no different when it came to looks. He had a strongly built body which would scream him as a gym freak. He had olive colored hair with olive green lenses which made him look really intriguing. He had a height of 6 feet 5 inches and a slightly tanned skin tone.

Both of the lads were waiting for their friends arrival. However what they didn't expect was their friend having a girl with him in his arms. They ere super shocked and their eyes almost popped out of their sockets. They were thinking when the hell did this happen. Firstly they were already confused that a workaholic like Shawn taking a so called vacation when work was on line and now that he returned he was having a girl in his arms. Lucas and Noah shot each other a look and looked at Shawn in anticipation to say something.

To what seemed Shawn have understood their look sighed.

"Not now guys I am already super tired and I am in no mood to give any explanation right now. Better we talk later."

Shawn got in his car with Pearl in his arms and settled her beside him, while the other two lads were frustrated with curiosity hanging in their mind. Nonetheless as if it is gonna bother their great friend, because eventually he would do what he likes.

Time skipped and they finally reached Shawn's house. The guards and maids were all lined up bowing their head to their master after his long arrival. Shawn being the arrogant one didn't even bother and continued to move upwards. The house staff had the same reaction as other, but they gulped down their questions.

Placing Pearl on his bed he covered her with the duvet and sat at the edge of the bed staring at her as if to memorize her picture. Indeed she had turned into a beautiful lady with graceful virtues but with mysteries unknown to her. Shawn had an unsettling feeling in his heart which he couldn't understand. Her innocent face which once used to be chubby was perfect without any flaws. However he wasn't going to let himself lost in her beauty. Shawn being a mafia king was anything but a womanizer. It would be a lie when I say that girls didn't throw themselves on him rather hovered above him. Consequently he just threw them away. There were multiple times when he thought he would release his frustration having a good fuck and even he also tried a couple of times but nothing happened. He just couldn't bring himself to do that. Thus he dropped the idea of sex. At that moment he found his pleasure killing and torturing which made him the world's most sadistic and dangerous mafia.

Shawn was once a very kind boy but now due to circumstances he changed. Maybe that's another reason he had blamed Pearl for his present. His gaze was fixed on her face for sometime now but a shrill voice from his phone broke his trance and he moved away to his study leaving Pearl all alone by herself.


Next day!

Pearl's PoV:-

Waking up from a deep slumber my head was pounding in pain. The sunlight peaking through the window left my eyes disturbed for a moment. I say from my sleeping posture and found my self in an unknown lavish room. I was at first confused with were I was and took in the details of the room. I was replaying the day again and again in my head when it finally clicked me that I have been kidnapped. My heartbeat raised to a strange limit which left me restless due to panic. I look around the room trying to figure out what to do. Just then my eyes fell on the door of the room and I hurriedly sprinted towards it.

I twisted the knob of the door hoping it for opening to which I found it was lock. I tried several attempts to open the door but in vain. Hence I started shouting for help to open the door. I was angry would be a understatement but at that moment I was furious. A rush rush of adrenaline passed through my body making me growl in despair. All along these past few weeks I have suffered enough but now the limit is crossed. Normally I am not the one who gets angry easily because I am quite timid. But trust me when I say when I get angry I am no joke to take. At that moment I felt like my mom's words from last day echoing in my head before getting kidnapped, and now I was determined to not be a weakling anymore. I will burn anyone who tries to hurt me. I was my families princess and I always will be.

I tried to calm my panicked state and looked around the room to find something which would help me escape. My eyes darted to the balcony which was open and my feet moved accordingly. Reaching the balcony I looked outside to find guards in black suit spread everywhere and also that I was in the third floor of the house.

I was annoyed by looking at this guard who looked like guarding some big shot treasure. I was so frustrated that I threw everything that I had near me to calm my anger, screaming and cursing. Yep cursing which I think I hate a lot but now I was blind to even consider that. My despise for Shawn grew ten folds stronger. Just let me meet him once then I will show him who he have messed with.


Shawn's PoV:-

I was staring at the screen in front of me bewildered. I never expected her to be like this. After I left Pearl alone in the bedroom at her unconscious form I went to the study where my personal assistant kept some files which I needed to sign. I made sure to lock the door of the room where Pearl was staying and also installed a spy camera to notice her every actions. Pearl was stubborn, strong headed but timid as far as I have seen her. Nonetheless her act from the time she woke up proved me wrong. The room was a complete mess because of her. Her face was red with anger and it was a sight to see. She resembled a wounded tigress ready to pounce on her prey. Well it is going to be really interesting to tame her now. Nothing is more fun to tame a tiger. I will make sure she loses each and every attitude and happiness in her bones.

At first I will make her fall for me, trust me and then boom! Every thing will be destroyed. I will make her my doll and toy her in my most favorite way.

For now I had to confront the tigress and put some senses in her. Walking up to her room I opened the door and Pearl who seemed to be seating stood up in haste. She looked at me with a accusing glare and launched towards me.

"You stupid jerk, how dare you take me here?! Till now I did not say anything and kept quite but now you fucking crossed the limit. I hate you! Understand? And let me go this instant you sick asshole. What do you think of yourself, huh?! That you can control everything?! No you can not because I won't let you control me anymore I will kill you and get out of this hell hole."

Uh oh she looked angry. She was shouting at me holding me collar while I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me making her front flush mine. To which she was thrashing violently and I just kept quiet letting her do anything. I am sure my silence annoyed her to a great extent and I was fucking enjoy it.

"Let me go you barbaric giant, I will fucking kill you! Ughhh!! Let me go!!! You idiot say something now like the nonsense you speak always!"

"So barbaric giant I see!!" I said smirking ignoring her other words. I hardly controlled to let out a chuckle at her frustrated face.

"I have said so many things and you only get this in your pea sized brain? Are are fucking kidding me here?!"

"So you can also curse?!" I asked amused because I never heard her cuss before. However the answer she gave me was my last straw to let out my laugh.

"Of course I can curse, who do you think I am. Do I look like a kid to you?! I know many cusses!"

She huffed like a proud kid and looked cute and sexy at the same time. I didn't expect this answer from her. Here we are in a heated conversation and she was proud that she knows cusses? Okay that was really really stupid. Nevertheless my next act did stupefy her act and I smirked at my effect on her.

" No baby girl you don't look like a kid but a sexy woman when you cuss. And I loved it!!" I whispered and slightly bit her earlobe to which she shuddered. It was one heck of a thing. I moved back to look at her. She looked like a tomato with her natural blush trying to digest what I did. I let out a internal chuckle at her reaction. She looked awfully flabbergasted. I finally left her and walked towards the exit of the door not before saying."

"And babe get ready for our wedding tomorrow and becoming Pearl Miller to Pearl Shawn Kingston!"


Cliffhanger guys!! What do you think Shawn is thinking?!

To know stay and support me for a much quicker update and follow me. Vote my work and stay safe till the next update. See you soon guys!!
