What happens now?

Several thoughts swirl through my mind, and I feel my hands ball into fists. I have no idea how to respond to the bomb that was just dropped on me. Meanwhile, David looks like he always does; a calm, cool exterior, with no dents in his mask.

I open my mouth to say something, my stomach growling instead.

David arches his eyebrow. "I forgot you were asleep for three days. You're probably famished."

"I'm fine." I lie, stomach growling again.

"Look, I know what I said seems like...a lot, but you can't just keep thinking about it. Trust me, that doesn't help." His eyes became wistful, almost lost in thought.

I didn't understand the man before me; how he was once teetering on the edge of insanity, he was now calm, cool, and collected. Was I able to help him that much?

As questions rolled through my mind, David got up, movement so sudden, I jumped a bit.

"Come on, I have some food waiting for you. What kind of host would I be if I let you starve?"

He walked towards the door, motioning for me to follow.

I got up, following right behind.

I'd forgotten how big his home was. We walked down a flight of stairs, heading for the main elevator. We stepped in, him hitting the button with a 'K' on it.

"How many floors are on this building?" I asked.

"I lost count after forty-six."

I nodded my head, amazed.

Besides the elevator music, silence overcame the both of us. I wondered if he felt weird for finally having peace. I could use my power to see for myself, but I didn't want to intrude on something like that. And if I was being honest, even sane, his mind and emotions scared me.

When we finally arrived to the kitchen floor, the smell of food wafted towards my nose. The smell of bacon, cooked ham, eggs, and sausage had my mouth watering.

"Smells good, huh?" David commented.

I nodded, walking towards the smell.

Behind a set of double doors, the smell grew stronger. I reached for the handle, scoffing at how the handle didn't turn.

"You keep your kitchen locked? Afraid someone's going to eat all your food?"

"If that were the case, Zach wouldn't be here." He replied, pressing some buttons on his watch.

There was an audible beep, and the doors opened. "Zach lives here?" I asked.

"Yeah, I took him in. I wanted to keep him safe."

"....is he like...a son you had with many of your affairs?"

He choked out a laugh, holding on to the center of his chest. "No, not my son, but he's like one. He's one of the few people I trust."

"I know there's a story behind that as well, but if you could direct me to the food, my stomach would be eternally grateful to you."

He rolled his eyes. "Take a seat at the table, I'll get your plate ready. You're not allergic to anything, right?"

"Right." I replied, sitting at the long extended mahogany table. There were twelve seats surrounding it, a fancy swan-like sculpture as the center piece. I tried to see what it was exactly, but it had an added strange formation of a triangle with what looked like a diamond in the center of it.

"You really like art, huh?" I asked, trying to form small talk.

"Not as much as Emilia; I prefer music."

"Do you play?"

"I use to play piano, and violin, but not much since I became heir to this corporation."

Silence fell upon us once more.

"I have a lot of questions David. And if you lie," I stared at him as he walked by with the plate of food. "I'll know."

"Go ahead and eat kid. I'll tell you what you need to know."

My focus went back on the food, grabbing the spoon and shoveling cooked eggs with melted cheese in my mouth. I devoured the toast, spearing the sausages, and eating it whole.

"I'm going to get you a glass of water, or juice, because the way you're eating, you're probably going to choke."

I nodded, still eating.

A couple minutes later, I sense someone else in the room. Choosing to ignore it, because I'm halfway almost done with the food and I'm considering eating another plate, when I feel the seat next to me being taken.

Finally looking up, I freeze.

It's Zach, and he's wearing a tight fitted black muscle shirt, with basketball clothes, and some running shoes. The smell of sweat, and deodorant hit my nostrils.

"You're awake!" he says happily.

I nod, finishing my food. "Yeah, I wasn't in a coma or anything, just really tired."

"David tried telling me that, but you never woke up, or like...moved. Did your power tire you out that bad?"

"A little, yes. I mean, it's never done that before, so that was an experience for me."

He tilted his head a bit, lost in thought. "What if you trained?"

I froze, surprised by his question. "Uh...what?"

"You know, trained. Really tested the limit of your powers. Have you ever trained before?"

"Well, a little, the only way I can with my power. Each client gives me a bit more experience than the one before."

"You're basically learning this as you go. But what if you knew what you were capable of? What if you were prepared before going into their minds?"

"That, is an excellent observation, Zach. I knew there was a reason I still had you around." David said, as he clapped his hands next to me.

"It's also because you think of me as your son." Zach insisted.

"I never said that." David quickly retorted, as he turned to me. "So, Laney, what do you think of his idea?"

It did sound tempting; a better understanding of what I could do, and what were my limits. I tapped my foot, noticing both of their eyes were locked onto me.

"I mean...it is worth a shot. I've never gone full out before, whatever that means."

Zach jumped, clearly excited. "We can spar, if you want."

"We both know that would be unfair to her." David scolded.

"What do you mean?" I asked, suspicion coloring my tone.

"Zach isn't normal either, Laney; he himself is gifted with his own powers."

I wanted to be surprised, but in all honesty, it just confirmed my hunch. "About time someone comes out with it."

Zach laughed as he disappeared, David shaking his head a bit.

Things were going to be interesting.

"Would you like some more, by the way Laney?" David asked.

"Since I am going to need my energy and strength to combat Zach, yes. Plus, it's really tasty. My compliments to the chef."

David walked around me, grabbing the now empty plate, chuckling a bit. "I'll let the staff know right away."

I grinned at him, sipping my juice.

Maybe this was a good thing after all.