
I was having second thoughts as we took the elevator down to the gym (because of course he would have that in this massive building), mostly because it had been a while since I even went to work out. I was slim, but lacked strength, and coordination.

I had no idea why I was doing this.

And then Zach was bouncing on the balls of his feet, excitedly chattering about the many techniques he was able to master. Muscles flexed, and I caught my face going red.

As the elevator finally stopped, I took a step out, marveling at the how the gym was made. I saw beams, trampolines lined up on one side of it. The length of the gym was one of a football field. I could see treadmills, dummies to punch and kick if you wanted to learn karate.

"You could train an army here." I said, glancing around.

"Well, in theory." David responded. He tapped some keys in his watch, a boxing ring rising up from the ground. My jaw slacked as a ring appeared with red and blue ropes, and Zach jumped over the them, landing in the middle.

"Come spar with me, Laney." He said, bouncing on the balls of his feet, arms swinging by his sides.

"You know that wouldn't be fair Zach. Get out of the ring, I have a training bot ready to spar with her." He replied.

"A t-training bot?" I stuttered.

"Yes. One-for now. Don't worry, there are basic levels, easy, medium, etc.." He explained, as a four foot tall bot approached. It appeared harmless; faceless, smooth metal, with wires through it's clear metal covering. Two blue orbs blinked at me, it's arms extending outward in a fighting stance.

David motioned for me to step forward. "Whenever you're ready."

My eyes drifted to the bot's hands; they were curved inward with soft padding to lessen how hard the blow was going to be if it landed. I took a shaky breath, stepping into the ring. Shaking out the nerves in my arms, I raised my fists, copying the bot's stance.

I nodded at David, letting him know I was ready.

The bot struck first, its fist wanting to land a punch on my shoulder. I blocked it with my arm, , swinging my other fist for the side of its head. The punch met its target, and I managed to cuff it on the left side of its temple. I braced myself for my knuckles to break, but surprisingly, the metal head went soft. It felt like I was punching a pillow.

The bot took my distraction, kicking my legs out from under me. I landed on my side, scrambling to get back up. The bot lunged at me, grabbing my arm, and twisting it behind my back. It yanked me to my feet, and I slammed my head back, catching it off guard. It released me, and I could feel anger build up.

My mark begins to pulse, lighting up with my sudden spike in emotion. I watch as purple light shone, going down to both palms of my hands. The light turned solid, two daggers with a purple finish in each hand.

I looked up to see Zach and David, who were both staring at me with wide eyes.

I gave them a brief smile, before turning, and slamming the point of the dagger into its stomach, going straight through. The bot twitched, and glitched before it fell on its side going haywire.

The blue orbs went out, and the bot stopped moving.

"Yeah, you would've lost hands down, Zach." David replied. "Ready for another round?"

I wiped the sweat off my brow, straightening up. "Why not?"

He had used fifteen bots against me, each on different training levels. The sixteenth one, his last one, was on level expert. I had some bruises on my face and arms, as with each level I surpassed, the bots became more difficult and metal in their structure.

My weapons that were formed by my mark would disappear as soon as each bot was defeated. This time though, I was empty-handed. I wondered what weapon it would create for me this time.

"You ready?" David asked.

"Yes." I replied, lifting up my hands to cover my face.

The bot attacked, targeting my face. I blocked, and it aimed a solid punch on my ribs. The wind was knocked out of me, and it went for a second time. I moved out of the way, trying to kick out its feet from under him. The bot dodged, yanking me by my ponytail, and slamming its metal knee into the center of my face.

Stars covered my eyesight, and I fell back, feeling warmth dribble from my nose. I vaguely could heard David and Zach shouting out my name.

I wobbled to my feet, wiping my nose. I grimaced at the bloody sight, clearing out my nostrils. I panted a bit, trying to catch my breath.

"Do you want to stop?" David asked.

I shook my head, David's face going grim. Standing up, I locked eyes on the bot. Anger rocked my core, and I felt my mark burning, hotter, and hotter. A red light emitted from it, the light swirling and-

The bot didn't wait for my weapon to be formed. It lunged out, clawed hand reaching out-

And then an arm blocked it, a familiar form taking place in front of me. The light went solid, and my eyes widened.

Its long arms with gray stretched skin was taking the blows, fangs dripping with saliva. I took a few steps back.

My last encounter had been in the recess of David's mind.

PTSD was protecting me, forcing the bot back. It screeched out, mouth lunging at the bot's shoulder, sinking its teeth in it. Moving his head back, it broke the bot's arm off easily, I watched as the bot fizzled and short circuited. Throwing it down on the ring floor, PTSD turned its body to me.

I looked up at its seven foot tall form. Adrenaline coursed through me, as my body prepped myself for my flight or fight instinct.

And then the strangest thing happened; PTSD got down one knee, bowing its head at me, before in a burst of light, it disappeared.

I don't know how long I stood there, staring at the spot where it once was, before I found myself sitting on the ring floor. I glanced at Zach, and David, both of their faces having the same expression.

"What the hell was that?!" Zach choked out.

I had no idea how to respond to his question, wiping the blood from my nose. Crossing my legs as I sat, I pinched my thighs to make sure that I was indeed awake.

The small spark of pain reminded me that I was indeed awake.