
MANOG Is The Cure

Zack was bitten by zombie and they didn’t know what to do, Yassin and Maria started searching in the books on the spaceship to see if there was a cure for a zombie bite, while Rex was driving spaceship and leaving Lodern. Yassin and Maria couldn’t find anything and they went to Zack to tell him, but then Zack said in tiredness: “It’s okay…it seems like there is no cure for zombies...that’s my end I guess…please kill me, I don’t want to run to one of these creatures.” Maria started crying, but Yassin tried not to cry to not make Zack feel sadder but he couldn’t hold it and he also started crying, then Zack lied on the bed in the room they were in and he started closing his eyes, then Yassin said: “No! Zack! No! Stay with us! Stay with me!” but then Zack stopped breathing, and he suddenly woke up again as a zombie and he wanted to eat Yassin and Maria, then Yassin pulled out his knife while crying and he stabbed him in his heart but he didn’t die then Maria shouted while saying: “Aim for the head!” Then Yassin stabbed Zack in the head, and then put him on the bed and they put a blanket on him because he had died. Yassin walked to Rex and he told him: “Take us to MANOG, we’re not gonna lose more of us.” Then Rex said in sadness: “Okay...” Yassin went to Amy to talk to her. The room they were in was made for quarantine, as there was glass all around the room so that anyone from the outside can see and talk to the person infected, Yassin told Amy while she was so tired: “We lost Zack, that’s why I’m not gonna lose you or the others, I can’t lose you, the feeling of losing someone…I haven’t felt like that in a while, I think the world is reminding us that people can die, I’m gonna save you Amy…I’m gonna save all of you.” Then Amy put her hand on the glass and she said: “I…lo...ve…you.” Then one tear came out of Yassin’s eye and he put his hand on the glass as well and said: “I love you too.” Then Yassin went to Rex and he asked him: “How long will take us to arrive?” Then Rex said: “According to the spaceship, we should be there by tomorrow morning.” Then Yassin said: “I think they can stay alive until that.” Then Rex said: “They will, the book says that someone with Urank can only last for 2 days.” Tom walked in one of the rooms and he lied on the bed and slept so fast Yassin and Maria went to sit down next to the quarantine room so that they could see their friends, but they fell asleep, Bassel walked by the room and he saw them, he brought 2 blankets and he covered them with it, Rex was watching and he smiled. Next day, Yassin and Maria went to Rex but he was sleeping on the driver seat, then Yassin woke him up and Rex woke up so fast and said: “Did we crash?!” Then Maria said: “No, we’re fine, the spaceship is fine. Where are we now?” Then Rex said: “We will be at Manog in 10 minutes.” 10 minutes later, Rex said: “Everybody, get ready for the landing!” Rex landed the spaceship, Yassin, Maria and Rex walked out of the spaceship and they started looking for the flowers that are supposed to be the cure, but once they walked out of the spaceship, they saw flowers everywhere, they couldn’t feel happier, they started grabbing the flowers and they crushed them with water and they put it as the cure in cups. Yassin, Maria and Rex walked to the quarantine room and they gave Ellen, Mike, Amy, Martha and Josh the cure, they drank it and they instantly felt good, they walked out of the quarantine room and Ellen asked: “Where is Zack?” Yassin, Maria and Rex looked at the ground then Ellen said: “Yassin, where is Zack?!” Then Yassin said: “We...he is gone.” Ellen was in shock and she couldn’t believe it and she started running to the room looking for Zack and in one of the rooms, she saw a body on the bed with a blanket on it, she walked towards it slowly and she took away the blanket, she felt so sad and she started crying, Yassin and Amy ran in the room and Ellen turned to Yassin and hugged him while crying. 1 hour later, Mike, Josh and Yassin were talking and Josh said: “So far, this place looks survivable.” Then Mike said: “You’re right, I think we should investigate it more. What do you think Yassin?” Then Yassin said: “Yeah, we won’t make to the 3rd planet on the list, so let’s investigate this planet. Yassin, Bassel, Mohamed, Amy, Mike, Josh, Martha and Maria left the spaceship and they started investigating the planet, they lived 2 days on the planet and nothing dangerous happened. They went back to the spaceship, and Tom ran to Yassin and Amy and hugged them, then Josh smiled and looked at Rex and said: “This is it, this planet is survivable!” Rex, Yassin and Amy used the communication device and they called Sarah, and Sarah said: “Any good news, our heroes!” Then Yassin said: “We lost Zack…but we found a survivable planet, it’s not on the list but…” Then Sarah interrupted him while shouting and saying: “I’m sorry for Zack, but you had to go to only the places on the list.” Then Yassin felt angry and said: “Well the list that you gave us had only dangerous things, the first planet had a huge snake that trap its prey by stopping them from moving and it’s sun made us want to kill each other! And let’s not start talking about the second planet where literally everything on it is poisonous and it also has zombies on it that one of them turned Zack and I had to kill him!” Then Sarah said: “Oh…I’m sorry guys; I didn’t know you went through all of that. I’m trusting your word and we’re going to land to the planet you’re on.” Then Rex said: “I’m going to send you the planet’s location; it should take you 5 hours with large spaceship to land on here.” Then Amy said: “You’re going to land with the large spaceship?” Then Sarah said: “Yes, it was the only way we thought about to make the planet we’re going to evacuate on feel the same as if we didn’t even evacuate.” 5 hours later, the landing with the big spaceship was rough as it was so big and there were only 3 people landing it, some parts of the spaceship was destroyed but there were no deaths. Sarah announced a party to welcome the new planet. Sarah went to Amy, Martha, Maria and Ellen and she told them: “I have really good dresses that will suit the 4 of you, come with me to choose a dress.” 2 hours later, Yassin, Mike, Josh and Tom were wearing black suits and they were waiting in the hall of the party room in the large spaceship, then…they saw Martha walking down the stairs to the hall, Martha was wearing a yellow Chiffon dress that suited her brown hair and she had also painted half her hair to dark yellow, then Josh told Mike and Yassin: “Let’s get the party started! Whooo!” Then he ran to Martha and took her to dance. Then Maria appeared, she started walking downstairs and she was wearing a grey Velvet dress that suited her black hair and her light grey eyes, then Mike told Yassin: “I would want to wait to see Amy, but I can’t!” Then he walked to Maria and took her to dance. Then Amy started walking downstairs to the hall wearing a red Taffeta that suited her blonde hair and her blue eyes, Yassin walked to her and said: “You look beautiful! I love you so much.” Then Amy said: “Are you gonna keep talking, or take me to dance.” Then Yassin said: “Oh, yeah, let’s go.” Then Yassin took Amy and to the dancing area and they started dancing. Tom was standing in the hall room and he didn’t know what to do, then Sarah walked downstairs to the hall room wearing a blue Tulle dress that suited her blonde hair and her brown eyes, she only saw Tom, then she said: “Guess you’re the only one left.” Then Tom said: “Grandma, you look beautiful tonight.” Then Sarah said: “Does that mean I’m not beautiful except tonight?” Then Tom jumped and said: “Oh, no! What I meant to say is that you are more beautiful tonight.” Then Sarah said: “Do you want dance Tom?” Then Tom said: “Yes, sure!” After 10 minutes of dancing, Amy and Yassin were still dancing and Amy told Yassin: “I have to go and check on Ellen she had to be here by now.” Then Yassin said: “Okay let’s go together.” Then Amy said: “No, no, I have to go alone; I have to talk to her alone, sorry!” Then Yassin said: “Don’t be sorry, it’s okay.” Then Amy walked outside of the large spaceship because she knew where she could find Ellen, in the place that Zack died at. Meanwhile, Tom also walked outside the spaceship because he forgot to wear his tie; he was going to the small spaceship because Rex once told him that the small spaceship had a lot of clothes in it. Meanwhile, Mike and Maria were dancing the Mike said: “Maria, I’m so sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom.” Then Maria said: “Yeah, yeah, totally fine.” Then Mike ran so fast to the bathroom. When he walked out of it, he saw Maria talking to a muscular guy with nice suit on, Mike became so angry and he walked so fast to them and he said: “Go look for another lady, she’s with me.” Then the muscular guy said: “Well, she didn’t say she’s with anyone.” Then Mike became angrier and he said while roaring: “SHE’S MINE!” Then the music suddenly stopped because Mike’s sound was so loud, then the muscular guy said: “Okay, chill, bye…Maria.” And he grabbed Maria’s hands to kiss her, but then Mike punched him in the face, and the muscular guy punched him back, then Mike jumped on him and kept punching him and everyone ran to them to try to stop them from fighting. Meanwhile, the small spaceship was a little far from the large spaceship and the trees started glowing green and then a large area next to the spaceship was a green portal.