

The team tied all the guards, and Amy asked Chirmis how could he be Tom from the future and how did he change from a cute 10 year old to an evil man that wants to destroy the universe, Chirmis said that he was not trying to destroy the universe but he was trying to make every being have a better life in HEAVEN, so that's why he was trying to end the world, for everyone to have a peaceful life in the afterlife, the team was shocked and they were feeling that it wasn't an enough reason to try ending the world. Meanwhile, Sarah discovered that the team was missing and they were not on a journey to investigate the planet, she claimed her army and went to search for them, Josh was trying to stop her by telling her that it was so dangerous to go far from the camp, but she didn't listen to him and she went to look for them, Josh decided to take Martha and go with them. Yassin told the others that they had to leave the planet as soon as possible, then suddenly one of the guards got untied and took the gun and shot on a bomb, the team run as fast as they could, but that bomb exploded and the portal opened too, they jumped into it, but Rex wasn't fast enough and he died from the bomb explosion, the portal took them on another planet and also Chirmis went with them, but his guards didn't. When they went on another planet, they found some armed people that looked like Vikings a little bit, they were pointing at them with their swords and bow and arrow, they got captured and put in cages. Meanwhile on Manog, Josh, Martha, Sarah and her army was walking at night until a portal opened and took them all away. Amy and the others tried using their powers but the kind of metal of the cage was preventing them from using their powers, suddenly the king of the Vikings came and told them that they need fighters from the team or he would kill them, Mike said that he was the best fighter, and Maria didn't want to be separated from Mike, so she said that she was the best fighter too, then the king took them and told them that there were more than one clan on the planet, and all the clans were dying from a dieses, and there was only one cure that its quantity was enough for only one clan, so the clans decided to make a huge fight, where each clan would put 2 fighters from their clan into the battle and the fighter that lived would give his clan the cure, the king also told Mike and Maria that all their strong fighters were dead from the dieses, and that Maria and Mike would represent their team and they would put a bracelet on their hands that prevented them from using their powers. Sarah, her army, Martha and josh found themselves on another planet that looked beautiful but suddenly a group of cannibals was chasing them and they were fighting using their powers while running. Meanwhile, Maria and Mike were put in the arena and the battle was about to begin, and everyone was watching from an upper place as the arena was like a football stadium, even Yassin, Amy, Tom, Ellen, Mohamed, Bassel and Chirmis were watching too, the battle begun but Maria and Mike didn't know what to do.