3 years ago, Yassin went to the portal to destroy the crystal, when Yassin was on Chirmis’ planet, he saw three other mutants fighting the guards on Chirmis’ planet, when Yassin destroyed the crystal, the 3 stranger mutants though knew he was a good person, so they wanted to save his life, they stole a small spaceship from the guards and they wanted to take Yassin with them, so when Yassin destroyed the crystal, the 3 mutants flew fast with their spaceship and took Yassin, and barley made it out, as part of the spaceship was on fire, and it was the fuel part. They decided to land on the nearest planet, when they landed, Yassin was scared from them, he thought they wanted to hurt him, but he knew that if they wanted to hurt him, they would have left him to die on Chirmis’ planet, he became friends with them and he knew their names and their powers. First was Jordan and his powers were that he could change his look into anyone else. Second was Aura which was Jordan’s older brother and her powers were that she could see the dead. Third was Logan and his powers were that he could control fire and he could do things like a fireball. Yassin lived with them for over 3 years, their source of food was animals on that planet and their water source was from lakes all over the planet, there wasn’t anyone on that planet and it wasn’t named, so they decided to name the planet and they named it (the four). Yassin and the other 3 mutants didn’t have a way to get of that planet, as their spaceship had no fuel and the portals were destroyed forever, and they couldn’t communicate with anyone, until one day, Jordan the smartest, figured a way to use their spaceship pieces to make a communication device. By using the device, they found out the names of all the planets, and they saw that there was a planet named Yassin, Yassin was sure that it was the planet that his friends were on, Yassin called them but the call lasted for only 10 seconds and the device was destroyed, Jordan said that it would take him only one day to fix the device, as the damage wasn’t that bad. After Jordan fixed the device, Yassin used it to call planet Yassin again, Yassin said his name, so that they could know him but then, the device was totally destroyed. They had no hope in calling anyone; they were so sad that they lost their only hope.