Yassin, Amy, Aura, Jordan, Logan, Bassel and Mike were trapped on planet Marlos, they didn’t know what to do, and they were all sitting together around a table, when suddenly Aura was seeing a ghost as Aura’s powers were seeing the dead people. At the same time, Ava realized what Marlos wanted from Logan and planet Yassin. The ghost that Aura was seeing told her that she knew why Marlos was doing all of this, and then the ghost started talking and Aura was saying what she was telling her to the others. At the same time, Ava was telling Maria, Rex, Ellen, Noah and Liam why Marlos was doing all this, Ava and Aura told their friends: “A long time ago, 4 mutants wanted to have elements powers, so they went to witch that granted them their wish, she gave one of them the power to control earth, the other one controlled fire, the third one controlled water and finally the fourth controlled air. Since the spell that the witch casted, every one hundred years, 4 mutants gets the same elements powers, and if one of them dies and he has a son or a daughter, the older son or daughter then they will get his powers, Marlos wants to reunite those for mutants again to cast a very dangerous spell that makes one person have all the elements powers and he becomes the avatar. Those four people are: Logan, because he controls fire, Noah, as he controls water, and I am assuming that someone on planet Yassin controls either air or earth powers, that’s why Marlos went there and Marlos also knew that we would go to planet Yassin to save everyone, so then he will get Logan and Noah”. The ghost that was talking to Aura said that they couldn’t let Marlos have the 4 mutants or else he would become the most powerful being that ever existed. Ava told the others that he would need a witch to cast the spell to make him an avatar, and the only witches in the world were Maria and Ava. Meanwhile, Jordan told the others that they had to stop Marlos; he also said that they had to find fuel to put it in their spaceship. Mike was looking for water in the warehouse and he found lots of boxes with fuel, he told the others and then they took the fuel and started putting it in the spaceship. Meanwhile on planet Yassin, Rick used a device that showed if there was anything near their planet or heading to their planet and he found out that there was over 50 spaceships going to planet Yassin, Rick warned Kella and told her to take Martha and Josh to hide someplace with their daughter, Rick arranged his army and told everyone on the planet to get ready for the fight. Meanwhile, Yassin and the others entered their spaceship and flew away from planet Marlos, Bassel used the communication device in the spaceship to call planet Yassin and warn them from Marlos, Rick answered and he said: “they’re already here”, Bassel told the others that they had to go fast. Marlos and his army landed on planet Yassin, and he created a big force shield surrounding planet Yassin. Rex was trying to enter but he couldn’t, Marlos told Rex using the communication device: “Give me Noah and Logan or there will be consequences”.