I was suddenly dropped down like a sack of unwanted goods for the second time and fuck, it hurt. Again.
I made eye contact with the other Orion and something flashed in his eyes. I couldn't make out what it was though for it left as soon as it came. He looked livid.
Next thing I knew, sword was clashing against sword and the Orion that carried me was plummeted to the ground, receiving hard, bone crushing punches to the face. It was then I noticed that the entire compartment of the train we were in was in total disarray.
Two blue skinned girls were busy tackling each other on the floor and Chief Garrison had his hands full by trying to fight off two Ulricks who fought him as well as each other. I bet the police guarding the place were sleeping through all this commotion.
Oh shit. I shouldn't have come back in the first place. I should have just stayed at home and trusted the police to find the missing people.
But my mum...
Curse my stupid curiosity. I don't think I even want to know about Mr. dreamy green eyes anymore. Fuck. I don't even know what to do.
A large hand wrapped around my ankle, dispelling my thoughts. Before me lay an almost passed out, bloody faced Orion trying to pull me towards him.
"Don't you even dare" the other Orion growled, using his sword to cut off the hand holding me. I screamed and the Orion who owned the hand screamed. He must have screamed because of the pain while I on the other hand, screamed because of the blood that splattered everywhere and witnessing the brutal act.
"Alexa Hold on! I'm coming!" Someone yelled. I think it was the Chief but at this point, I couldn't fucking concentrate. My sight became blurry as i felt a wave of nausea hit me. Everything kept spinning and - Oh shit. I think I'm going to puke.
Twisting to the side, I emptied the contents of my stomach which was mostly water and half a sandwich I ate in the morning. I hate the sight of blood. It always made me puke. I thought puking would make me feel better but instead it made me feel way worse.
I could hear my name being called but it sounded so far away. The things around me swirled into one big messy blob and I couldn't make out anything.
Oh shit.
My head fell back and the last thing I think I could register was a sudden white ball of light flying towards me before everything went black.
The rays of the morning sunlight seeped through the thin curtains and fell on my face, immediately waking me up. I yawned and proceeded to stretch but stopped when I felt that my legs were tangled with another pair of legs. A smile formed on my lips and I opened my eyes to see the love of my life staring back at me. A wide smile on his face. His emerald colored eyes shining beautifully. His dark hair was so messy due to the pleasurable activities we did last night but he still managed to look like the sexiest man on earth and God there's nothing else in the world I could ever wish for. He was enough for me. Knowing I am his and he is mine is absolutely enough and I feel so lucky that God gave him to me. Maybe I had done something incredibly good in my past life to deserve this man.
"Good morning love" he said to me, his deep voice making my heart flutter and my stomach butterflies dance with glee. I leaned into him and he wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer and pressing his lips to mine. I could never get used to how soft but also firm his lips were.
"Good morning" I replied, when he pulled away. I'm sure I was practically glowing with happiness. He leaned in for another kiss but a knock at the door froze us both in place.
"Shit. You have to hide. The maids must not see you in my bed. Father will be pissed" I whispered. He nodded and began to scramble off the bed when the door suddenly swung open and-
I opened my eyes and found myself staring at the night sky, millions of stars scattered about, the crescent moon staring back at me. I sighed and tried to remember how in God's name I got here. I groaned as my vision blurred slightly and my head began to throb.
Shit. What kind of dream was that? How could I be sharing a bed with a man? What were those feelings? I absolutely felt every single thing. As if I was actually there.
Oh shit. Think Alexandra think. Do not panic. Just calm down and think. How exactly did you get here? I closed my eyes and tried to remember.
"You're awake"
Holy shit!
I tried to stand up but a sudden wave of dizziness hit me and I fell right back down, my head making contact with something soft. My chest rose up and down as I breathed hard. The air was a bit chilly and that was when I noticed that I was shirtless but still wearing my bra. My hands immediately flew to the lower part of my body and I sighed in relief when I felt my jeans. Good. If they weren't there, it would be another cause for a panic attack.
"Don't move too much. You'll hurt yourself". The owner of the voice came into my line of view. He had the most beautiful face I'd ever seen and God he was big. His dark wavy hair was packed into a low ponytail, revealing a scar on his forehead which began at his hairline, ran along the left side and stopped right at his left eye. His eyes were a glassy green colour. Kind of like the ones I saw in my dream.
Series of images flashed before my eyes and my head began to pound. Ugh. Richeville, stupid Mr. Pugsley, the train, the three strange people, me running away, Chief Garrison telling me he's in love with my mother, the train again, a fight, blood, vomit and lastly, white light.
"Orion" the name slipped past my lips. The corners of his thin lips pulled up a bit, revealing a very small smile. Then it hit me. The man in my dream was also Orion.
"Where are we? Why am I here? Where's Chief Garrison?" I asked.
He moved his hand and placed it on my forehead, brushing my dark brown strands away from my face. I initially wanted to swat his hand but the feeling of his rough thick fingers stopped me. It was oddly familiar. As if I've been in this same position before. With him.
I went pink as I realized I had no shirt on. Oh my God. No. I hope he wasn't the one who took it off.
"He's safe" he replied. "You're safe. No one's going to hurt you while I'm here".
I didn't trust him.
"You kidnapped me" I stated. "How can I trust you?"
He sat cross-legged beside me and his hands went straight to my head again and he began to run his fingers through my hair, occasionally massaging my scalp.
"Honestly, Xandra, you have no choice but to trust me right now".
"The name's Alexandra" I snapped. "What the hell is Xandra?
He looked surprised but said nothing. Instead he kept twirling my hair around his fingers. I have to admit that it felt good. Kind of peaceful. My eyes scanned the area and I was so confused to find us surrounded by thick long trees.
"Alexa!" A familiar deep voice called. Chief Garrison rushed to my side looking so happy and relieved. "You're finally awake. Thank God". He dropped the dry woods he was carrying on the floor then proceeded to hug me but Orion held out his hand in the form of a stop sign.
"No sudden contact. She needs rest" he warned.
"And good food. The poor thing looks paler than a vampire" a different voice said.
A vampire?