
Chapter 7

Fuck I've never felt so useless in my entire life. Orion kept moving me around, protecting me from the creatures that wanted to take me away. His sword was drenched in blood and the horrible stench everywhere was making me sick.

I couldn't even concentrate on seeing how cool Meave and Ulrick were. She threw fire at every shape shifter she could, eliciting screams of pain and agony from them as they burnt to a crisp. The smell coupled with the blood made me sick.

Every shifter Ulrick's staff hit dropped dead. Like there was some kind of spell that caused it. Or was it the snake head?

And how isn't Chief Garrison running out of bullets? His aim was so good he shot every shape shifter in the head. Huh. I've always thought of him as lazy, uncaring and a real asshole but here he is, fighting to keep me safe and also find my mother.

And me, well, I was being twirled around like a fucking princess in the middle of a blood stained field. It's a miracle I'm not even puking though I was getting dizzy.

Fuck it. I have to do something. I stepped away from Orion for a split second and I instantly regretted it because I found myself in the arms of the enemy.


How was he that fast?

He grinned at me but I jabbed him in the gut with my elbow and guess what. Pain erupted in my said elbow and Lucian began to laugh. What are these shifters fucking made of? It was like hitting a rock.

"You can't hurt me princess" he cooed and I did the only thing I could. I kneed him right in the crotch. I smirked to myself as he bent over, groaning in pain and I turned to run but smacked into another shifter. Oh fuck. Me and my stupid stupid brain.

"Alexandra!" I heard Orion yell. My eyes instantly found his still black ones and I shuddered. He looked really mad.

Why couldn't he just call me Alexa?

He began to run towards me then he just stopped. Even Maeve, Ulrick and the Chief stopped fighting suddenly and I was confused. There were still many shifters. Why did they stop?

I gazed around me and gasped in shock. I was everywhere!

The fucking smart shape shifters. Every single one of them had transformed into me and I have to admit that it was creepy seeing many of me around.

The same thick dark brown hair, same lanky slim body, same brown eyes, same clothes, even the dry blood on my skin. Everything was exactly the same!

I looked at Orion. He was so pissed.

Shit. I've fucked up.

Real bad.

Suddenly, they began to move, bumping into me and making me move too. I see what they're doing. Orion probably knew where I was standing before so by moving, he'll be confused.

"You can't find your princess now Orion" One of me said and judging by the choice of words, I knew it was Lucian.

Orion looked livid. I bet if he's able to save me, he'd scold me so much I would never think of leaving his side ever again. I decided to make things easier.

"I'm here!" I yelled, frantically flailing my arms in the air.

Wrong move because they all started doing the same thing and switched positions again, making it even harder to find me.

Lucian began to laugh and I knew that no matter what I did, they'd do something else to make sure I'm not found.

Orion then raised his bloody sword, walking in my direction. There were a couple of other mes in front of me and we didn't even make eye contact so I doubt he even knew I was there. He swung the sword, effortlessly cutting off two shifters heads, causing blood to splash everywhere. Even on me too. A wave of nausea hit me and I began to feel dizzy. Their bodies fell to the floor, jerking, as more blood sprayed from the necks.

Oh shit.

I bent over and poured out all the contents in my stomach.

Maybe that was a 'go ahead and keep fighting' sign because Maeve and Ulrick continued to fight as if the play button was pressed.

Fuck. He just cut off their heads. What if I was the one? He's smart though. He knew I'd vomit since I can't stand blood.

I felt a hand clamp around my wrist and pull me. My face met a solid chest and I don't know how but I knew it was Orion. It was even confirmed when I caught a slight whiff of his scent but it was mixed with sweat and blood.

He dragged me back to the others while fighting off more shape shifters that tried to stop him. This time, I didn't dare leave his side.

"They're too much Orion. I'm using too much energy to burn them" Maeve said as she shot more fireballs but these ones were even weaker.

"We need to leave" Ulrick said, suddenly appearing beside us.

The circle of shifters just kept on growing. How is that even fucking possible? We were now in a very small circle.

"You won't be going anywhere. At least, not with her" Lucian said. He was just standing a few feet away from us, a smirk plastered on his face.

"You two should leave first. I have enough energy to send you to another place far away from here" Ulrick said, ignoring Lucian completely.

"We're not leaving you guys" Orion replied immediately.

"Don't be stupid! It's her they want not us. It'll be easier if we're fighting to kill alone not to also protect her".

"But you don't have enough energy for two portals. We all must leave at the same time!"

"I can get us out of here" Maeve said. "You two should just leave!"

Orion sighed. I guess he was contemplating the idea. If you ask me, I was up for it. Anything to get me away from all the blood and that stupid Lucian whose eyes haven't stopped looking at me.

"Fine" he finally grumbled.

Ulrick struck his staff to the ground and stretched his arm forward. A small circle began to appear and slowly increase in size.

"Don't let them leave! Stop them!" Lucian yelled as his eyes widened when he realized what we were about to do. The creatures rushed at us but Maeve created a ring of fire around us, stopping them from intruding.

Ulrick looked weak, as if he was drained. He was panting and straining to get the circle bigger. He must have used a lot of energy fighting. I then felt guilty. They were all fighting to protect me while I was being stupid and making it hard for them. I'll apologize to him when we meet again.

Finally, the circle was large enough for us to pass through.

"Go! I can't hold it for long!" He groaned.

"What about Chief Garrison?" I asked, looking at the man that was slowly beginning to mean something to me.

"Don't worry about me kid. Be safe" he said, flashing me a smile.

Before I could say anything more, Orion scooped me up bridal style and jumped into the portal.


I was walking down one of the many halls in the palace which led to the library. I just loved to bury my nose in books all day. Especially the romantic ones. I'm a sucker for them.

I know father would want me in the throne room by his side, listening to the subjects complaints all day and solving their every problem, planning war strategies and so on but I was never interested in things like that. I just want to live a normal life.

A large hand suddenly clasped my mouth and I was dragged to a dark corner.

I didn't even try to fight the person because I already knew who it was.

"You really should stop doing that when you want to see me" I said with a smile as I turned to see Orion staring at me, a smile on his handsome face too.

"Oh shut it. I know you love it" he chuckled, "You said it makes you feel like you're in some romantic novel".

I couldn't help but laugh. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him till our chests touched. He was dressed in a simple thin white shirt and dark brown trousers. His sword rested in its scabbard which was tied to his waist. So handsome.

“I love you Alexandra” he whispered, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind my ear. “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me”

I smiled. “I love you too Orion”