Holy shit.
A loud gunshot was heard and the creature was silenced. Chief Garrison stood there, a gun in hand. Thick red blood oozed out of the hole in the creature’s forehead and I shuddered.
"Why did you shoot it!" Maeve yelled. "We didn't even get the information we wanted!"
"Ulrick told me to" Chief replied, tucking his gun in his back pocket.
"That sound he was making was a call for help" Ulrick hurriedly said as Maeve pinned her death stare on him. "We have to leave immediately or we'll be surrounded by more shape shifters in minutes. They now know Alexa is here".
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's move!" Orion ordered.
"Wait! We need to mask our scents or they'll track us down" Ulrick said as he walked towards the dead creature and swiped some blood off his face then rubbed it on himself.
"What are you doing?" I asked, completely disgusted.
"Masking my scent you idiot! If you want to be taken, we might as well just leave you here".
Orion swiped his blade on the creature's neck, letting more blood spill. He reached out and let some of the blood pour into his large hand then pulled me to him by the collar of my shirt.
"Shit no. Yuck. Do we really have to?" I whined. He nodded. Chief Garrison and Maeve began to paint themselves with the blood. How are they doing that with straight faces? Oh Chief Garrison is a police man. He’s used to seeing such things. I mean, he’s the one who shot the man and Maeve seems like someone that’s been through such things too. Huh, so I’m the only one.
"They'll think we're like them so even if we do meet them, they'll leave us alone" he explained calmly. "Fighting with them will be a waste of time. We need to find the missing people before the Edax use them for whatever they've planned".
I sighed and nodded. Time to be a big girl. Orion began to smear the blood on my face and the horrible stench made me want to puke. I suddenly felt sick and dizzy.
"Stay with me okay. You'll be fine. Just breath".
"Breathing is the problem. I can't stand the sight or smell of blood" I said. He smeared it on my neck and went to my exposed arms.
"You're doing fine so far Xandra. Just fine".
"It's Alexandra. Why do you keep calling me that?". So lame. Can’t he think of anything cuter? Besides, I’ve never heard anyone shorten Alexandra to just Xandra. Xander is fine but not Xandra. That’s just plain weird. He smirked but said nothing else. After he was done with me, he began to apply it on himself.
"I'll pack up then we'll leave" Maeve announced. "Come help me Ulrick.
"Uh guys, I don't think that's necessary" Ulrick said, "Look".
We gazed at the direction he was pointing at and I gasped. A large group of snarling angry looking creatures which I'm pretty sure are also shape shifters were headed our way.
"Run!" Maeve screamed.
In an instant, Orion grabbed my wrist and we took off into the woods. It was dark and I couldn't really see. The only thing that assured me the others were around us was the sound of their footsteps.
"Why can't we just fight them?" I heard Chief Garrison ask. "Maybe we can get another one to give us more information".
"Yeah sure we can fight against almost a hundred shape shifters and get torn into pieces while Alexandra gets taken to the soul eaters for whatever the hell they're planning!" Orion snapped.
That shut the Chief up though.
I felt Orion's hold on me tighten, like he wanted to assure himself that I was still there.
We ran for a while but we could still hear the thundering footsteps of the shape shifters growing louder. Which means they were getting closer. I don't think there's any way we could outrun them and that made me a little bit scared.
Okay well, a lot scared but I felt somehow safe with Orion. I felt like he'd never let those creatures take me. I mean, he was saying I would be safe if I stick with them and the way he intertwined our fingers when I hid behind him from that shape shifter showed me he cared about me. Not sure why but I had this tiny feeling that it had something to do with my dream.
"We need to move faster! They're gaining on us!" Ulrick shouted. I couldn't really see him because of how dark it was. I could only make out their figures.
And go faster? There's no way I could run faster than I was doing now. I was doing this thing were I breathe through my nose and keep my lips locked. My dad told me breathing through the mouth while running makes a person breathless and then you get exhausted fast. So like, I was really trying my best here. Besides, I didn't want to disappoint Orion. As much as I like the whole 'you're safe with me' thing, I wanted to impress him by showing him I didn't need protection all the time. I'm an adult.
As we kept running, I noticed the trees were getting fewer and moon was now visible, making it possible to see somewhat better. Do the stupid shape shifters never give up? Ugh. We could still hear them and they were very close.
Okay forget that shit about impressing the beautiful hulk of a man in front of me and also the shit about me being an adult. I was now panting like a dog and he was half dragging me all the way. I was drenched in my own sweat, making my shirt cling to my slim body. My legs felt like jelly and my heart was beating erratically. Orion on the other hand seemed perfect. Though I couldn't see his face, he looked like he could run a thousand miles and not feel a single thing.
What is he exactly?
In fact, what are they? Maeve and Ulrick included. Shit. Why haven't I even thought of this?
We came into an open field. Just short grass all over but I could see some more trees far away. I groaned out loud. Do we have to get there?
Suddenly, Orion stopped running, causing everyone to halt. My question was answered when I saw another group of shape shifters emerging from the trees ahead, blocking our way.
"Fuck" I and Orion said simultaneously.
Chief Garrison knelt on the ground, panting. "All that running for this"
Orion let go of my hand and that part of me suddenly felt cold. Empty.
He pulled out his sword then turned to look at me. My heart began to pound faster. Get your shit together Alexa! He just looked at you.
"No matter what, do not leave my side".
Oh I wasn't planning to but...
"I can help" I offered but immediately felt stupid when Ulrick scoffed.
"You can't do shit. They'll break you in half before you even lift a finger".
"No they won't. They want her remember" Maeve said.
"Right so stick to Orion and don't do anything stupid" Chief Garrison warned.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Nobody tells me what to do.
Soon enough, the shape shifters that were running after us came into view, merging with the others and forming a large circle around us. I moved closer to Orion and he pulled me even closer with his free hand. I felt my already racing heart go even faster. We were in danger but I was feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.
The golden markings on Maeve's body began to glow, her eyes glowing white and I felt a fierce aura radiating off her. Suddenly, fire emerged from her palms, red hot but it wasn't burning her. Okay, with everything that has already happened, I shouldn't be surprised but I was. Could any more happen?
Ulrick raised his right hand into the air, muttering a few words. There was a rush of air then a staff appeared. It was almost as tall as him with the head of a snake at the top. The eyes were made of some kind of pink gems and to be honest, it looked super cool.
Chief Garrison pulled out his gun and now I was wishing I had something too. I really wanted to help. How strong could they even be?
The memory of the shape shifter that carried me in the train resurfaced.
Okay, fuck that. They're super strong.
One particular shape shifter walked forward and Orion raised his sword, making him halt right where he was.
He had beautiful sleek red hair that was gelled back, almost reaching his shoulders. His eyes which were a pale blue were glistening and I would have said he was absolutely stunning had he not been giving us an ugly smirk.
"We just want the girl Orion. No blood needs to be shed" he said. His voice was familiar. Have we met before?
"I'm an adult you shithead!" I shouted. The fuck. Do I look like a teenager?
"Quite a mouth you've got there Alexandra" he chuckled. "The Edax will enjoy taming you".
"You'll all have to go through me first Lucian" Orion growled, his hand tightening on the hilt of his sword.
I noticed his hand which was missing a wrist. The place was wrapped with a cloth. I gasped. He's the one that nearly abducted me on the train! The one whose hand Orion cut. He didn't die. And how the hell are they on first name basis? They possibly couldn't have asked each other on the train while they were fighting.
I gazed at Orion. His eyes had turned black and the veins on his neck and face darkened, making him look scarier than he already is.
What is this guy?
"Okay" Lucian said, his eyes never leaving mine. "Attack but don't hurt the girl!".
I gritted my teeth in anger. I know he called me that just to spite me. The shape shifters charged and the fight began.