The cruel crown Prince Zhao li jei

Crown prince wang Lei you must get ready for the Zhao imperial family crown prince coming out you must get dressed" an imperial maid stresses to the crown prince while packing his luggage "are you done packing is the carriage here no neither one has happen yet so until either of the 2 happen I must continue with my studies to become the best king I can be when my time come I must be the best I can for my people so they can continue to have a happy and prosperous life" crown prince wang lei says while his head never leave his book "I know being the best king is all you want son " the king was cut short by his son sudden lost of breathe "are you ok son"the king rushes to his son side both men looking like twins tall both 6"6 with long curly hair slanted emerald eyes long eyelashes and big muscular builds you would think they where people who fight exercise al day but they where kind people with bigs hearts who only want the best for there people "son are you ok " the king ask while hold his son up with a face full of worry "yes father but it feel like this is my last breathe I can't move just go without me " the crown prince says while dramatically holding his head as if he was dying while peeking up to see if his father brought it no he didn't "son I know u want to stAy here and find the missing link so that we can call a truce and get our men out of war but what we can't do is not show up to the ZHAO IMPERIAL FAMILY crown prince coming out party and offend them and make another enemy and another war" the king told his son with a face fully of worry and sincerity at the the same time "ok father you are right " the crown prince says as he take off his other clothes and let the maid change him into his crown prince attire and his crown "let's get going father the carriage is outside with our luggage already prepared" the crown prince wang lei states as getting into the carriage————————————————————————       Meanwhile at the Zhao imperial family manison "crown prince LI JEI you must get ready for your coming out party" Lieutenant bao tell the crown prince while putting his hand over his ear to cover the yelling from the torture victim of the cruel prince " haaaa please crown prince li jei I told you everything I can about my brother please haaaaaa" the prisoner was stopped mid sentence with the crown prince taking the hilt of his sword to his thumb breaking every one in his finger "now I know your lying and you know exactly where your brother is at but you see the lying isn't what pisses me off the fact that u are a dummy pisses me off the most have you seen me to think I would go thru all of this to stop your brother from marrying some girl you fool your brother just had holes I like to fuck you think I care about a lowborn peasant you are a fool for believing his lie now your here dying because he told you a foolish lie to get you to watch his cover while he run off with the only thing I do care enough to hate in his possessions my mother diamond earrings so you foolish fool I'll ask you one more time before i cut your head off where is your brother" the crown prince said while he make a slight cruel chilling smirk from his angelic face so angelic and sweet and so evil his hair so long and beautiful long eyelashes beautiful lips perfect nose great jawline everything that every women dreamed to look like and every man dreamed to be with even his body type was girly 5"10 slim and hair that touches the tip of his butt line "so beautiful to think that I believed him if only i know how angelic and beautiful you were I wouldn't been fooled but even so he's my brother and I love him dearly so I won't tell I'll just die by the cruel hands of your beautiful angelic face my " swish was the sound the sword made as the cruel crown prince cut his head from his neck without even time to finish his sentence " let's go Lieutenant bao so I can get ready for this party " the crown prince says while cleaning his sword before putting it back in the stealth and psointing to the mess signaling the troops to othe up the mess while leaving with the Lieutenant " crown prince li jie your father request to see you" Lieutenant bao says while hold the door and bowing  at the same time " I wonder what for which sibling is angry now I wonder who's my next victim " the crown prince says while giving his signature cruel smirk " I think he wants you to be prepare to keep the crown prince wang lei from yang kingdom company for the 2 days he's here" Lieutenant Bao tell the crown prince while holding his bloody clothes he just took off and hand him his party clothes usually this is a maid job but you see Lieutenant bao is in love with crown prince li jie and tell the maids he will handle it just to be close to the prince at all hours he possibly can and while the prince don't love him the same way he cares enough not to bring it up he won't never love nor have sex with Lieutenant bao but he will do other things such as. " Lieutenant bao " the crown prince says seductive with just his penis hanging out Lieutenant bao already knew what this meant and he instantly dropped the bloody clothes and with a huge smile ran over to the crown prince and dropped to his knees he slowly took the crown prince penis into his mouth he put one hand on his own penis and slowly took the crown prince penis in and out his mouth he wrapped his tongue around the crown prince penis and took it all the way to the hilt while jerking his penis at the same time he slightly gag because of the crown prince huge size since he was use to it he didn't gag as much as someone else probably would have as He is sucking and stroking the crown prince Grab his hand "Lieutenant what have I told you about using hands " the crown prince say while grabbing his head and pushing his penis all the way to the back of his throat and start fucking Lieutenant Bao face while he's fucking his face the lieutenant take his penis out and start stroking hisself to the same pace as the crown prince is fucking his face and with his other new free hand he slowly stick a finger in his right hole and slowly go in and out make sure it's wide enough before adding the second finger he he add the second finger he speed up the pace and within two minutes times the lieutenant squirt his seed all over the floor " haha you pervert how do you come before the person getting the blowjob it's so hard to phantom " the crown prince mocks as he fucks his face harder he fuck his face for 10 minutes before finally squirting his seed in the lieutenant throat while the lieutenant squirt seed at the same time he swallowed the crown prince seed while the crown prince put his clothes on he turn to the prince and before he can speak "now clean this up don't follow me being weird I'm going to go meet my father " the crown prince tell the lieutenant while fixing his clothes he just put on his body then leaving out on his way toward the king chamber he run into one of his sisters one who hates our cruel crown prince with a passion I'll say she's one of the people who turned a sweet innocent child cruel princess sungji "oh dear brother did you just do your gay thing you love to do "

The princess ask the crown prince while laughing " and are u mad I don't have no little boy's for you to fuck you pervert how can a perverted princess who fucked her little child brother after her mother was done fucking him when he was eight every night til I got old enough to smack you off me you pervert you and our mother is the reason I hate women" the crown prince says while giving her a evil chuckle and a smirk and bump before walking away as he make it to his father the King room he hear two unfamiliar male voices "king Zhao thank you for extending this invitation we needed this my sons seem to be to invested in this war he need a bit of fresh air and sunlight"king wang tell King Zhao " I see he haven't took his head out of the book since he got here" king Zhao says as he continued his conversation with king yang " I'm sorry king Zhao I was in no way intending to insult you" crown prince wang lei said while Bowing " nonsense there nothing wrong with wanting the best for your people never apologize for that but to give your people the absolute best you must be at your best and to do that you must be happy and stress free yourself that's why just til you go home I want you to enjoy yourself and read as less as possible one of my sons will. Escort you since your a crown prince I thought it was best I had my crown prince escort you I know he haven't came out yet but you can see him ahead of time he should be here" before King Zhao could finish his sentence crown prince li jei came into the door " father you called for me hello King wang and crown prince wang lei" crown prince li jei says while bowing thinking in his head they are both identical very tall muscular handsome men very handsome probably the best  looking men he ever seen he don't count himself because he know he don't look like a man but a beautiful women but then his cruel smirk starts to show when he think that's the best part about breaking man like him and bending him over and making him kneel to him and bend to his will " hello I hope to have a great time this weekend" his train of thought was broken. By the crown prince wang lei kind and humble tone which shook him to the core a demeanor like that with a body and build like that this going to be easy crown prince li jei thought to himself came to the realization that he is to pure I can't allow myself to taint someone that pure no matter what I been thru in life I told myself i would never do to someone what was done to me and that's take their light crown prince li jei though to himself while on the other side crown prince wang lei for the first time was experience his heart throbbing for another person he felt tight in his chest and he never felt this for no one before he looked at the crown prince and blushed then turned back around quickly the first thing prince wang lei thought was so beautiful but why the first person to make my heart throb be so obviously cruel but cruel or not I'm going to follow this throbbing in my heart because I've been living for 22 years and never felt this before and it's the greatest feeling I ever felt Its the first time I ever felt alive and in that second crown prince wang lei came to term of his love him and chose to like this throbbing heart lead him


This is my second story the first is a fan fiction but this one is an Original made by my head so I hope you guys enjoy it and share it I will try to upload chapters on Fridays of Saturday's