First loves and first heartbreaks

"Son are you ok why are you making that face I never seen you with an expression like this" king yang ask crown prince wang lei with a full face of concern "I don't know what this is father I'm sorry to concern you it's nothing life or death I just need to take a nap can Someone show me to where I will stay"crown prince wang lei ask king Zhao "yes you will stay the crown prince li jei chamber"King Zhao states as he signals for crown prince li jei to show him  to his chamber "as you wish father but crown prince wang lei should know the coming out party starts soon so it will have to be a short nap" crown prince li jei states as he signal for crown prince wang lei to follow him as they walk and make it half way past the hall crown prince li jei state "I know why your face turned so red and advise you don't fall in love with me just based off my looks and that alone because even if I do look like a female if you get involved with me you will definitely be the female and you will most likely end up ready to leave me anyway because I'm very cruel and don't ever intend on changing for no one in this world I'm not a bad guy just not the good guy either" the crown prince lets crown prince wang lei know while walking slowly behind him and grabbing his butt in his hand to make him as uncomfortable as possible but it seems to be doing the opposite "I figured you where cruel I saw your smirk and my heart never beated like this for no one ever before and it's not based on looks the women my father tried to get me to marry were also as beautiful as you" crown prince wang lei was stopped short on his sentence as crown prince li jei cover his mouth with the hand he had he took off his butt  "no women was ever as beautiful or close to as beautiful as me so don't lie" crown prince li jei says as he slowly remove his hand off his mouth prince wang lei heart almost jumped when he looked up at prince li jei "well you look one notch better than her she was almost equal to you and my heart never beat like this for her or anyone this is the first time I ever felt this I'm truly in love with you and I thought I couldn't love and was emotionless all this time and never been with anyone before and if my first time is with you I don't care about suck trivial things like weather I'm playing the man or women I'll be happy either way "crown prince wAng lei says as he rub his butt on crown prince li jei manhood stuck surprise and shock just knowing from his kind hearted demeanor he would never act this way toward someone as sinister as me he's so pure and heavenly I can see the bright light alumina from him im cruel but not cruel enough to get involved with him and end up being his first love and first heartbreak turning this pure man sinister himself crown prince li jei think to hisself to be broken outta his train of thought with a kiss from crown prince wang lei on the lips it was clumsy and sweet but also awkward but he couldn't help himself from passionately devouring crown prince wang lei lips just as they slowly making their way to crown prince li jei chambers Lieutenant bao come around the corner much to his shock the cruel crown prince was kissing someone intimately never in all his life has he seen the crown prince kiss anyone besides his sisters and because of his childhood rape trauma by the woman he called a mother made him that way so lieutenant bao never let any of the people in his bed chamber ever night worry him so this was very worrying who is this person lieutenant bao thought to himself as he walk toward crown prince li jei "umm crown prince you need to finish making your finally preparation for the party" lieutenant bao says as he make the crown prince look up and stand crown prince wang lei up to make sure he stand straight and not fall he must look his enemy in the eye he can already tell this man felt the same way he did for our prince li jei "ohh lieutenant bao this is crown prince wang lei he will be staying her for awhile in my chambers"crown prince li jei say signaling lieutenant bao to bow before the crown prince since he let his jealousy make him forget manners lieutenant bao bow with much dismay crown prince wang lei signal him to get up with much arrogance for his enemy "I'll go take that nap you go handle your bus" crown prince wang lei was quieted before he can finish his sentence by crown prince li jei hand on his mouth and with much annoyance prince li jei spoke "see this is where you will irritate me don't speak and do as I say if you even want a chance to be near me did I tell you to go in the chambers by yourself no I did not and you lieutenant bao you know me better than anyone so you know I wasn't handling them party details nor have I ever you just came in and said that because you saw me kissing someone something i don't usually do so you were jealous because of your feelings for me and tho those feeling annoy me to my limit you are very loyal so I'll let this slide this once next time you'll be punished in in the worst way possible for you so be careful on how you behave moving forward your dismissed" crown prince li jei say in a very dark and sinister voice which made both lieutenant bao and crown prince wang lei shiver "yes your highness and I'm sorry for allowing my jealousy intervene with my job as a servant to you and the king I'll take my leave"lieutenant bao says as he turn around and leave crown prince li jei removes his hand from crown prince wang lei mouth and say "do you see why you shouldn't fall for me I need total submission I need you to do as I say and know your place when being my partner and as someone with a similar upbringing you can't handle me and most likely isn't equip to deal with my sadist ways of relationships " crown prince li jei say as he turn around and have a face full of shock to see crown prince wang lei holding his hand tightly and crying "I don't know why but you are who I want and I'm willing to submit to you I know you probably won't believe me because as you say I wasn't taught to be submissive because of my future king status but I understand what my mother meant when I was younger that when you fall in love things that wasn't taught to you can become more naturally I'm sorry for talking outta turn and please understand I'm new to this and please just give me a chance to show you I can be a good choice " wang lei says holding on for dear life trying not to let go scared if he let go he will lose his chances to be with the first person that ever made him feel this way the first person to make him want to love this deeply make him want to give up everything he ever worked for he can't understand why he feel this way but he feel if he let go of his hand right now he will lose him he must not lose this cruel man " you see i feel like I can't take this purity and kindness from you I want you to understand this world and the woman I called mother have ruin any form of that being in me kindness is something I don't think I can every show again and if choose to be with you I don't know if I can give that to you I don't know  what to do so just follow me come lay down while I go handle some business well talk later during or after the party"crown prince li jei say as he show crown prince wang lei the bed just as he about to leave out he turn around and when he did prince wang lei gave the most purest smile he ever seen not knowing how to react he turn around and quickly leave when outside the door he stop and grab his chest and whisper under his breathe "what the fuck why is my heart feeling swayed by him I'm doing this for his own good" crown prince li jei close the door thinking to himself as he walk toward his work chamber why can't I push him away why do I only wanna push him toward me then he told me he will submit to me why would a man who was taught and raise to never kneel or bow to anyone be willing to submit to another man and why do I want to lock him up and make him mines forever why is this urge coming upon me why do I want to take him up on that offer and make him mines what am I going to do I told myself I wouldn't touch him he was to pure but my urges only want to dominate and filthy that pure man up what will I do I have to make up my before tonight because if I'm not going to do it I have to sleep in another room because my urge to destroy him will be to strong what will I do crown prince li jei was struggling in his mind when he made it into his work chamber lieutenant bao was there with a glass of tea to greet him "crown prince can I please speak your highness " lieutenant says he see the crown prince signal him to talk and he continued " your highness if that man your were kissing in the hallway was crown prince wang lei I heard you father the king talking and he said that crown prince wang lei is going to marry one of your sisters so that way Zhao kingdom and yang kingdom and combine and be come one strong nation if this is true it's a great ideal and they're army is extremely strong and large in numbers and will be great power source for Zhao kingdom and that's why I your lieutenant believe you shouldn't get involved with this crown prince " lieutenant bao was cut off with a hard and strong smack from the crown prince he fell to the ground he usually never got hit but he knew he got out of line today and no matter how much prince li jei cared for him as a childhood friend he couldn't allow his servants to think they can tell the future king how to live his life so he knew he provoked and deserved everything that was coming he just didn't regret any of his words it was worth it to him the crown prince walked over to his lieutenant stood over him bend down grabbed his hair smash his head to the ground then gripped his head back " are you dumb how dare you speak to me crazy you foolish man are you not happy with living with or without the yang kingdom our nation will survive so don't make it seem like this was life or death it was jealously because you saw something you never saw me do I know why you say and do the things you say and do you are a childhood friend of mine and you usually hate the ideal of us having an alliance with another nation or was it because you didn't want me to have to marry another nation princess either way you're suggest was bias and not beneficial to our nation all this time and that was because of your love for me in a way other than your king and I told you you are not allowed to feel that way and since you can't understand let me help you to understand the crown prince pull down his pants took his penis out flipped lieutenant bao around pulled his pants down and without no preparation shoved his penis in violently while choking him hard ruff and violently pumping in and out so violently that his butt was ripping and you can see blood leaking "ahh"lieutenant bao cried out in pain in his heart he was so confused this was so painful and hurtful what was happening to his butthole but this is also the first time the crown prince has stuck his penis inside so he refused to scream nooo in pain the crown prince hated the word no even if it's cruel ruff sex he's happy to get it he really don't know why he did that but his feeling were just to heavy after he saw the crown prince kiss that man and he made the terrible mistake even after the crown prince let him stay his lieutenant even after he realized my feelings and I went and did such a foolish thing I could have lost the crown prince and been removed for opening his mouth but instead he gets to have the crown prince be his first time he was so Relief's to not be removed that he told himself he will never do it again he must find a way to control his emotion when it come to the prince usually he is so cold to everyone they call him the iceman since he don't show no emotions in his dead grey eyes he want to learn how to understand how to control his jealousy and love as he was thinking he suddenly was hit with this urge to rub his penis and the pain slowly turned to pleasure as he go deep and hit a certain spot inside him and he couldn't help but moan out in pleasure "so good " lieutenant bao said in a low moan tone the crown prince looked up and smirk thinking to himself bao really is a perv "how can you be finna come and enjoying this I literally just tore your hole apart and your bleeding so much your such a masochist it freaks me out sometimes" the crown prince says in a cruel mocking tone while thinking this should be turning me on bao is very handsome man taller than him like the crown prince like buffer as well with strong manly features and cold grey eyes everything the prince find attractive about a man to dominate bao have so why why does prince wang lei  pure smile continue to show in his mind don't get the wrong ideal prince wang lei is the crown prince li jei type as well but he more cute and soft around the edges than bao but the crown usually like his man like bao so why when he have the usual ideal man to a tee underneath him he can only thing about prince wang lei the crown prince train of thought was cut off my a loud moaning coming from the bigger man underneath him "cumming I'm so sorry my highness I'm cumming " lieutenant bao yell out in a moaning tone as he release his seed on the front of his pants the crown prince pull out ruff and fast as he get up and wipe his penis off and tell the lieutenant in a cruel voice "go clean yourself up and stay outta my business" lieutenant bao look down at the crown prince have erect member and open his mouth to say

"but you didn't finish your highness " he said while still putting his clothes on hurt by what was said next " it didn't excite me enough but the news you just told me got my excited now leave " the crown prince say as he signal toward the door for lieutenant bao to leave out of "yes your highness I'll go clean myself up then double check to make sure everything for your coming out party is prepared"lieutenant bao bow before leaving out "that damn lieutenant i know he will never betray me and I know this just made him even more happy but I also don't know what he will try to do to crown prince wang lei while he here outta jealousy i tired to make him a little happy by finally sleeping with him to soothe him I was even extra rough because I know he is a m even though him hisself doesn't seem to get it the crown prince shook his head in annoyance then he let out a relieved sight why would I worry he is a future king himself although very kind that kingdom isn't weak and the look in wang lei eyes while he was crying says that he could kill anyone who stands in his way then he shook his head in annoyance again but lieutenant bao is very good at shawdow stalking damn oh I really don't want prince wang lei to be the one to get kill but then again why do I care if he gets killed by lieutenant bao what's happening to me why do I care ughh and having sex with lieutenant bao the only person that was on my mind was wang lei I couldn't even finish with bao I need to make up my mind definitely before tonight because when I see him I'm going to destroy him if I go to that chambers alone what am I going to do