day 5 pt3
Yun slowly opened his eyes he could see sunlight seeping through the half-open window. He stayed like that for a moment and he looked around remembering the incidents of last night. Ying probably must have come to check on him after he slept he thought. He wanted to close the window before the sun completely rises because he didn't want any more light in the room. He always kept his windows open at night but will close them in the mornings now that he thinks about it he has always been like that.
He quickly tried to stand up in order to close it but only stumbled and fell right back onto the bed. How silly he thought losing his balance and falling first thing in the morning. Even so, he tried to stand up again this time more slowly but he fell again. His legs kept giving up on him it seems.
Thankfully he fell right back onto his bed. He took a deep breath and just laid there for a while..he thought about what to do now he knows his brother didn't mean any harm and that he was only doing it for his well being but that doesn't mean it hurts any less every time they have this conversation.
He misses Yang every day but he always tries to not show it much the only time he does act desperate is on the letters that's because he knows that those letters will reach him one day and he wants Yang to know how much he misses having him around.
He's stubborn he knows that, he acts like he is so strong even when all he oh so desperately needs a shoulder to lean on he knows that too, the thing is he'd rather keep all the sorrow with him than share the pain with others.
Xie Yun stretched his hands out trying to get a hold of something in the air but then his eyes showed pain as he slowly lets go of whatever he was holding onto. After a while, he stood up again this time his legs did not stumble nor shake he decided that he will talk with his brother later today, and as for now he will send out the letter.
But soon he noticed that the letter was nowhere to be found at first he panicked for some reason but then after he gave it more thought he realized that ying must have taken it and send it out already.
By this time the entire room has been filled with warmth and light after soo long his room didn't feel so cold anymore. Yun turned back to face that tiny opening of the window such a small thing has the power to warm an entire room.
He slowly walked towards the window and reached his hands out the sunlight hit his hands directly. He held his hand out for a while like that and moved closer to shut the window.
He hated the warmth perhaps it's because he is used to being cold that the warmth now feels alien to him. He then heard a knock on the door
"Good morning your highness." it was the maidservants
"Are you awake yet your highness?" they asked again as their previous question was met with silence. Yun didn't feel like answering them today maybe if he kept quiet they would just go away he thought. But then he heard a calm voice say
"He must be resting still.... let's not disturb him anymore" it was Yings voice.
Since the prince was still not awake they turned around to walk away but then they heard a small voice saying
"Come in" Ying could only laugh as they turned around to go back to the prince's quarters.
He had already sent someone to inform the emperor that Yun would like to talk with him about a few things. Fei was pleasantly surprised that his brother would want to see him after having 'the talk' but he was happy nevertheless.
That afternoon they decided to meet up near the imperial garden.
When yun arrived fei was already waiting there early as always he thought.
He noticed how fei was not looking him in the eyes he wanted to laugh but he was mad at him so he held it in.
Xie Fei had noticed it and was relieved that Yun was in a somewhat good mood
"Brother there is something of importance I want to talk with you about" fei chuckled at this and said
"Of course I could tell that much" Yun just gave him 'a look' Fei instantly straightened up and instead said
"How about we sit down and talk instead?" to which Yun nodded
The two brothers were now sitting down while playing a game of Go in the north courtyard which is filled with plum blossoms since they are the empress's favorite. They were both silent perhaps immersed in the game Yun made the final move and looked straight at Xie Fei who smiled in return.
"What do you think about Ying?" Fei just stopped and gawked for a while as if he wasn't expecting that question but then Yun asked again
"What do you think about our Ying?
"She is like a daughter to be of course I love her as my own!" Xie Yun nodded and stared at something somewhere far and said
"That's good then" Fei was definitely confused by this sudden question so he asked
"Why the sudden question?" Yun looked at Fei this time. He smiled and said
"I want you to promise me something"
"of course," said his brother just as he expected and so Yun continued
" I want you to never forget nor go back on what you just told me " Fei looked confused at first but then he realized that Yun was talking about ying. He just couldn't understand why Yun was saying this now but then something came into his mind and he looked betrayed and horrified
"You can't possibly think of me like that!!! Ying is a child I think of her as my own child!!"
It was Yun's turn to be confused this time as he stared at Fei like he just spoke in a different language
Fei quickly caught the hint that Yun didn't mean 'that' and he quickly changed the subject and said
"hmm, so I should promise you now? isn't that something I would always do regardless?"
To which Yun nodded and said "I know but I want you to do it anyway"
Fei laughed at that and said, " Yes I promise" The brothers reconciled just like that.
Now back in his quarters Yun was washing his face he kept on washing and washing but his hands are still covered in blood.
it seems no matter how much he tries they won't ever stop.